
🎼Dank Music

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2 Oct 2019
@ff777:matrix.orgFF777mokay so yeah, google and jewtube are jew garbage, especially since ADL over-sees part of it now..02:15:33
@miasuma:matrix.orgmiasmaI'll probably still upload any non-nazi music to YouTube. but i guess I'll try and find another site02:16:34
@ff777:matrix.orgFF777mthey can't just officially say "we don't like your ideaology you have" so instead they use other violation reasons and loosen their meanings until it can some how pertain to your videos in their minds02:16:43
@miasuma:matrix.orgmiasmai have a vimeo account, I'm not sure what they're like in that way02:16:57
@ff777:matrix.orgFF777m""""""hate speech"""""" and ""inciting violence""" when you weren't doing any thing like that02:17:00
@ff777:matrix.orgFF777mwell there is that bitchute site too, i know it is fairly popular i think..02:17:20
@miasuma:matrix.orgmiasmayeah I've heard of that02:17:30
@miasuma:matrix.orgmiasmathere's another one someone else showed me02:17:50
@miasuma:matrix.orgmiasmait's not as popular. but that's also a good thing02:18:03
@ff777:matrix.orgFF777moh i've never heard of it..02:23:39
5 Oct 2019
@anel_lena:matrix.org@anel_lena:matrix.orgHALO 2 THEME - MJOLNIR MIX03:01:39
@miasuma:matrix.orgmiasmai posted some music03:21:00
@anel_lena:matrix.org@anel_lena:matrix.org https://youtu.be/sCxv2daOwjQ 05:16:39
@miasuma:matrix.orgmiasmaDownload ScatBubbles-CoproHumiliation.zip20:32:49
@miasuma:matrix.orgmiasmaDownload 06 Phantom.mp320:34:03
@miasuma:matrix.orgmiasmaDownload 02_-_Orthodox_Terror.mp320:35:00
@miasuma:matrix.orgmiasmaDownload 01. Privilege.mp320:36:40
@miasuma:matrix.orgmiasmaDownload 02. Bloodline Strong.mp320:36:52
@miasuma:matrix.orgmiasmaDownload 03. Someone Else's Mess.mp320:37:02
@miasuma:matrix.orgmiasmaDownload 04. What's My Race Again.mp320:37:07
@miasuma:matrix.orgmiasmaDownload 05. Truth Overload.mp320:37:12
@miasuma:matrix.orgmiasmaDownload 06. Civil War 2.mp320:37:23
@miasuma:matrix.orgmiasmaDownload 07. 7+7.mp320:37:27
@miasuma:matrix.orgmiasmaDownload 08. Aryans From Space.mp320:37:31

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