
Ansible DevTools

128 Members
vscode extension, language server, ansible-lint, molecule, navigator and potentially other development goodies. That channel is not for general questions about using ansible.15 Servers

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2 Aug 2023
@betabox:libera.chat@betabox:libera.chat joined the room.04:21:12
@sumit_jaiswal:matrix.orgsumit_jaiswal joined the room.05:30:18
@soaking_wet:matrix.orgsoaking_wet joined the room.06:53:59
@netopsengineer_:matrix.orgnetopsengineer_ joined the room.16:28:00
@matburt96:libera.chat@matburt96:libera.chat joined the room.19:39:17
@Nukien2-:libera.chat@Nukien2-:libera.chat joined the room.21:54:11
3 Aug 2023
@spetrosi:libera.chat@spetrosi:libera.chat joined the room.05:36:40
@gwmngilfen:ansible.imGwmngilfen changed their profile picture.14:58:41
@betabox:libera.chat@betabox:libera.chat left the room.18:04:00
@wayt:matrix.orgwayt With ansible-navigator according to the logs it's appending --user=<my-uid> when running with Docker Desktop on MacOS. This of course makes the /runner/.ssh directory unreadable to the processes inside the container. I can see in the code where it checks for podman and sets --user=root likely for rootless containers with root inside. I do not see where the --user is coming in otherwise. It may be an assumption from Ansible Runner? Thoughts? 20:31:41
@wayt:matrix.orgwayt Ok, making progress. Apparently the way for Docker Desktop is https://docs.docker.com/desktop/networking/#features-for-mac-and-linux which involves mounting /run/host-services/ssh-auth.sock and setting SSH_AUTH_SOCK to where that gets mounted inside the container (if you choose to change the path). Testing this with ansible-navigator in the ansible-navigator.yml file it fails with the path does not exist. it does not exist on the macos side so the failure makes sense but it works with docker cli. Looks like I'll need to file an issue with ansible-navigator upstream on it. 21:31:13
4 Aug 2023
@samccann___:libera.chat@samccann___:libera.chat joined the room.15:26:12
5 Aug 2023
@inflatador_:libera.chat@inflatador_:libera.chat joined the room.00:03:27
@inflatador_:libera.chat@inflatador_:libera.chat left the room.00:44:49
@ewwphoria:libera.chat@ewwphoria:libera.chat joined the room.04:24:17
@appservice:libera.chat@appservice:libera.chat The libera.chat bridge will be temporarily suspended at 14:00 UTC today. Please see https://matrix.org/blog/2023/08/libera-bridge-disabled/ for more information. 11:31:05
@Guest67:libera.chat@Guest67:libera.chat joined the room.13:19:23
@Guest67:libera.chat@Guest67:libera.chat left the room.13:20:30
6 Aug 2023
@erebion:erebion.eu@erebion:erebion.eu joined the room.17:58:15

Anyone got an idea how I can take something like

  - "downloaddomain": "download.example.com"
  - "hedgedoc": "pad.example.com"
  - "dokuwiki": "wiki.example.com"
  - "wordpress_domain_radio": "blog.example.radio"
  - "wordpress_domain_eu": "blog.example.eu"
  - "nextcloud": "cloud.example.com"

and get


when templating?

I tried variables like {{ nginx_site_configs[item.value.[1]]|join(',') }}, but that does not seem right.

In reply to @erebion:erebion.eu

Anyone got an idea how I can take something like

  - "downloaddomain": "download.example.com"
  - "hedgedoc": "pad.example.com"
  - "dokuwiki": "wiki.example.com"
  - "wordpress_domain_radio": "blog.example.radio"
  - "wordpress_domain_eu": "blog.example.eu"
  - "nextcloud": "cloud.example.com"

and get


when templating?

I tried variables like {{ nginx_site_configs[item.value.[1]]|join(',') }}, but that does not seem right.

Mmm I think the items are not a dict but a string.
Usually when I wrote a dict in a list, I use {}:

list: - { akey: "avalue" }

@gimiki:matrix.org@gimiki:matrix.org* In reply to @erebion:erebion.eu Anyone got an idea how I can take something like nginx_site_configs: - "downloaddomain": "download.example.com" - "hedgedoc": "pad.example.com" - "dokuwiki": "wiki.example.com" - "wordpress_domain_radio": "blog.example.radio" - "wordpress_domain_eu": "blog.example.eu" - "nextcloud": "cloud.example.com" and get download.example.com,pad.example.com,wiki.example.com,blog.example.radio,blog.example.eu,cloud.example.com when templating? I tried variables like {{ nginx_site_configs[item.value.[1]]|join(',') }}, but that does not seem right. Mmm I think the items are not a dict but a string. Usually when I wrote a dict in a list, I use {}: list: - { akey: "avalue" } 18:53:26
@gimiki:matrix.org@gimiki:matrix.org* In reply to erebion 🏳️‍🌈♾ FrOSCon ☎️ 2142 Anyone got an idea how I can take something like nginx_site_configs: - "downloaddomain": "download.example.com" - "hedgedoc": "pad.example.com" - "dokuwiki": "wiki.example.com" - "wordpress_domain_radio": "blog.example.radio" - "wordpress_domain_eu": "blog.example.eu" - "nextcloud": "cloud.example.com" and get download.example.com,pad.example.com,wiki.example.com,blog.example.radio,blog.example.eu,cloud.example.com when templating? I tried variables like {{ nginx_site_configs[item.value.[1]]|join(',') }}, but that does not seem right. In reply to @erebion:erebion.eu Anyone got an idea how I can take something like nginx_site_configs: "downloaddomain": "download.example.com" "hedgedoc": "pad.example.com" "dokuwiki": "wiki.example.com" "wordpress_domain_radio": "blog.example.radio" "wordpress_domain_eu": "blog.example.eu" "nextcloud": "cloud.example.com" and get download.example.com,pad.example.com,wiki.example.com,blog.example.radio,blog.example.eu,cloud.example.com when templating? I tried variables like {{ nginx_site_configs[item.value.[1]]|join(',') }}, but that does not seem right. Mmm I think the items are not a dict but a string. Usually when I wrote a dict in a list, I use {}: ``` list: { akey: "avalue" } ``` 18:54:03
@gimiki:matrix.org@gimiki:matrix.org* In reply to erebion 🏳️‍🌈♾ FrOSCon ☎️ 2142 Anyone got an idea how I can take something like nginx_site_configs: - "downloaddomain": "download.example.com" - "hedgedoc": "pad.example.com" - "dokuwiki": "wiki.example.com" - "wordpress_domain_radio": "blog.example.radio" - "wordpress_domain_eu": "blog.example.eu" - "nextcloud": "cloud.example.com" and get download.example.com,pad.example.com,wiki.example.com,blog.example.radio,blog.example.eu,cloud.example.com when templating? I tried variables like {{ nginx_site_configs[item.value.[1]]|join(',') }}, but that does not seem right. In reply to erebion 🏳️‍🌈♾ FrOSCon ☎️ 2142 Anyone got an idea how I can take something like nginx_site_configs: "downloaddomain": "download.example.com" "hedgedoc": "pad.example.com" "dokuwiki": "wiki.example.com" "wordpress_domain_radio": "blog.example.radio" "wordpress_domain_eu": "blog.example.eu" "nextcloud": "cloud.example.com" and get download.example.com,pad.example.com,wiki.example.com,blog.example.radio,blog.example.eu,cloud.example.com when templating? I tried variables like {{ nginx_site_configs[item.value.[1]]|join(',') }}, but that does not seem right. In reply to @erebion:erebion.eu Anyone got an idea how I can take something like nginx_site_configs: "downloaddomain": "download.example.com" "hedgedoc": "pad.example.com" "dokuwiki": "wiki.example.com" "wordpress_domain_radio": "blog.example.radio" "wordpress_domain_eu": "blog.example.eu" "nextcloud": "cloud.example.com" and get download.example.com,pad.example.com,wiki.example.com,blog.example.radio,blog.example.eu,cloud.example.com when templating? I tried variables like {{ nginx_site_configs[item.value.[1]]|join(',') }}, but that does not seem right. Mmm I think the items are not a dict but a string. Usually when I wrote a dict in a list, I use {}: ```yamk list: - { akey: "avalue" } ``` 18:54:37

Maybe it's best to remove the minus:

  "downloaddomain": "download.example.com"
  "hedgedoc": "pad.example.com"
  "dokuwiki": "wiki.example.com"
  "wordpress_domain_radio": "blog.example.radio"
  "wordpress_domain_eu": "blog.example.eu"
  "nextcloud": "cloud.example.com"
@erebion:erebion.eu@erebion:erebion.eu But I still cannot figure out how to get download.example.com,pad.example.com,wiki.example.com,blog.example.radio,blog.example.eu,cloud.example.com from this. 20:51:34
@erebion:erebion.eu@erebion:erebion.euNow it's a real dict. But the web yields no results for simply getting a list of all values of a dict.20:52:14
@erebion:erebion.eu@erebion:erebion.eu Solved it after trying some things for three hours: {{ (nginx_site_configs|dict2items)|map(attribute='value')|join(',') }} 21:53:58
7 Aug 2023
@ganeshrn:ansible.imganeshrn Hi sumit_jaiswal meet netopsengineer_had some queries for scaffolding module based on OpenAPI spec, can you please some pointers 02:47:23
@ganeshrn:ansible.imganeshrn * Hi sumit_jaiswal, netopsengineer_had some queries for scaffolding module based on OpenAPI spec, can you please some pointers 02:47:45

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