
Ansible DevTools

128 Members
vscode extension, language server, ansible-lint, molecule, navigator and potentially other development goodies. That channel is not for general questions about using ansible.15 Servers

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7 Aug 2023
@ganeshrn:ansible.imganeshrn * Hi sumit_jaiswal, netopsengineer_had some queries for scaffolding module based on OpenAPI spec, can you please share some pointers 04:11:17

ansible-core on Python PyPI
v2.15.3rc1 2.15.3rc1


See the full changelog ( https://github.com/ansible/ansible/blob/v2.15.3rc1/changelogs/CHANGELOG-v2.15.rst ) for the changes included in this release.

Release Artifacts

* Built Distribution: ansible_core-2.15.3rc1-py3-none-any.whl ( https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/fd/ad/f2de8d3332c4746df40c1932d43ee44f5c1d376187a2e2de05156134a60d/ansible_core-2.15.3rc1-py3-none-any.whl ) - 2244252 bytes

* 9fc73653ee09ce26c20142db958acf580eb348faea9b2045eb829e5745e03aa8 (SHA256)

* Source Distribution: ansible-core-2.15.3rc1.tar.gz ( https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/b8/a2/057ae583a758a283d7795f709c7ba29e0a5eb324aa477a13796601e1f9d2/ansible-core-2.15.3rc1.tar.gz ) - 3148863 bytes

* 6e7db90f15534377862f63fcddd1220f67d9e99ae2d25a8c8f2b7da3336fe5e1 (SHA256)

release note...

v2.14.9rc1 2.14.9rc1


See the full changelog ( https://github.com/ansible/ansible/blob/v2.14.9rc1/changelogs/CHANGELOG-v2.14.rst ) for the changes included in this release.

Release Artifacts

* Built Distribution: ansible_core-2.14.9rc1-py3-none-any.whl ( https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/e5/ac/3faaa3e9b14ebec57539308314051821c8f05d5c092c9e75880e02144687/ansible_core-2.14.9rc1-py3-none-any.whl ) - 2214256 bytes

* 9061fade37d72294686c7a2cab14308b9c46beeaaa418a3efb9e669bf708b288 (SHA256)

* Source Distribution: ansible-core-2.14.9rc1.tar.gz ( https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/c3/10/1d6abd4c523aefb8b0058340d6059e1a4e8daf1929950985120195a88404/ansible-core-2.14.9rc1.tar.gz ) - 3142051 bytes

* 9734c598238b2e9f0f9294e3342b5cdac519295e905cb19204215a5066d5c820 (SHA256)

release note...

@erebion:erebion.eu@erebion:erebion.eu changed their display name from erebion 🏳️‍🌈♾ FrOSCon ☎️ 2142 to erebion 🏳️‍🌈♾.20:41:48
9 Aug 2023
@erebion:erebion.eu@erebion:erebion.eu left the room.00:25:42

pytest-ansible on Python PyPI
v4.0.0 4.0.0

Major Changes

* feature: integrate pytest-molecule plugin ( #144 ( https://github.com/ansible-community/pytest-ansible/pull/144 ) ) @Ruchip16 ( https://github.com/Ruchip16 )

Minor Changes

* Improved molecule support ( #147 ( https://github.com/ansible-community/pytest-ansible/pull/147 ) ) @cidrblock ( https://github.com/cidrblock )
* feature: integrate pytest-molecule plugin ( #144 ( https://github.com/ansible-community/pytest-ansible/pull/144 ) ) @Ruchip16 ( https://github.com/Ruchip16 )


* Avoid import error if molecule is not installed ( #157 ( https://github.com/ansible-community/pytest-ansible/pull/157 ) ) @cidrblock ( https://github.com/cidrblock )
* Update requirements ( #155 ( https://github.com/ansible-community/pytest-ansible/pull/155 ) ) @cidrblock ( https://github.com/cidrblock )
* Ignore new ruff errors ( #156 ( https://github.com/ansible-community/pytest-ansible/pull/156 ) ) @cidrblock ( https://github.com/cidrblock )

release note...

@joola:matrix.org@joola:matrix.org joined the room.12:43:34

ansible/molecule on GitHub
v6.0.0b0 pre-release

Major Changes

* Change current directory to scenario before running playbooks ( #3966 ( https://github.com/ansible/molecule/pull/3966 ) ) @ssbarnea ( https://github.com/ssbarnea )
* Revert "Temporary disable support for external drivers" ( #3974 ( https://github.com/ansible/molecule/pull/3974 ) ) @ajinkyau ( https://github.com/ajinkyau )
* Revert "Remove testinfra verifier" ( #3973 ( https://github.com/ansible/molecule/pull/3973 ) ) @ajinkyau ( https://github.com/ajinkyau )
* Remove testinfra verifier ( #3964 ( https://github.com/ansible/molecule/pull/3964 ) ) @ssbarnea ( https://github.com/ssbarnea )
* Rename delegated driver to default ( #3960 ( https://github.com/ansible/molecule/pull/3960 ) ) @ssbarnea ( https://github.com/ssbarnea )
* Temporary disable support for external drivers ( #3961 ( https://github.com/ansible/molecule/pull/3961 ) ) @ssbarnea ( https://github.com/ssbarnea )
* Reimplemented templating (init command) ( #3959 ( https://github.com/ansible/molecule/pull/3959 ) ) @ssbarnea ( https://github.com/ssbarnea )
* Remove ability to configure collections-path and roles-path for dependency ( #3956 ( https://github.com/ansible/molecule/pull/3956 ) ) @ssbarnea ( https://github.com/ssbarnea )

Minor Changes

* Allow molecule to list scenarios present under molecule directory within a collection ( #3989 ( https://github.com/ansible/molecule/pull/3989 ) ) @ajinkyau ( https://github.com/ajinkyau )
* Avoid skipping create and destroy steps on delegated ( #3949 ( https://github.com/ansible/molecule/pull/3949 ) ) @ssbarnea ( https://github.com/ssbarnea )


* Update documentation ( #3985 ( https://github.com/ansible/molecule/pull/3985 ) ) @ajinkyau ( https://github.com/ajinkyau )
* Add example of integration with kubevirt ( #3972 ( https://github.com/ansible/molecule/pull/3972 ) ) @jangel97 ( https://github.com/jangel97 )
* Make pytest-testinfra as an optional dependency ( #3982 ( https://github.com/ansible/molecule/pull/3982 ) ) @ajinkyau ( https://github.com/ajinkyau )
* Dependency installation directory is changed ( #3980 ( https://github.com/ansible/molecule/pull/3980 ) ) @zhan9san ( https://github.com/zhan9san )
* Avoid reinstalling dependencies ( #3979 ( https://github.com/ansible/molecule/pull/3979 ) ) @zhan9san ( https://github.com/zhan9san )
* Remove constraints requirement files ( #3981 ( https://github.com/ansible/molecule/pull/3981 ) ) @zhan9san ( https://github.com/zhan9san )
* Add example of using docker collection using default driver ( #3978 ( https://github.com/ansible/molecule/pull/3978 ) ) @zhan9san ( https://github.com/zhan9san )
* Update documentation ( #3975 ( https://github.com/ansible/molecule/pull/3975 ) ) @ajinkyau ( https://github.com/ajinkyau )
* Fix connection plugin name setting ( #3957 ( https://github.com/ansible/molecule/pull/3957 ) ) @apatard ( https://github.com/apatard )
* Disable isolation from ansible-compat Runtime ( #3962 ( https://github.com/ansible/molecule/pull/3962 ) ) @ssbarnea ( https://github.com/ssbarnea )
* Add example of using podman collection using default driver ( #3947 ( https://github.com/ansible/molecule/pull/3947 ) ) @ssbarnea ( https://github.com/ssbarnea )
* Improve how executed commands are logged ( #3948 ( https://github.com/ansible/molecule/pull/3948 ) ) @ssbarnea ( https://github.com/ssbarnea )
* Make driver optional in molecule.yml file ( #3946 ( https://github.com/ansible/molecule/pull/3946 ) ) @ssbarnea ( https://github.com/ssbarnea )

release note...

@xq1xq1xq1:matrix.orgxq1xq1xq1 joined the room.13:50:40
@xq1xq1xq1:matrix.orgxq1xq1xq1I am trying to specify an inventory file in the ansible extension on Visual Studio Code, is this the correct place to ask the question and if not any idea how to find out?13:52:05
@jtanner:matrix.orgJames Tanner joined the room.14:09:24
10 Aug 2023
@michel:one.ems.hostMichel Lind 🍥 UTC-5 changed their display name from Michel Alexandre Salim to Michel Alexandre Salim 🏖️ on vacation until 8/21.03:44:39

Hello folks!

Some background: https://github.com/ansible-community/molecule-hetznercloud/issues/43

I am currently evaluating taking over the maintenance of the hetznercloud molecule driver. It seems the molecule project changed a lot since 2021, and I didn't find any documentation on the how to develop a driver for molecule.

  • Could someone educate me on what the first steps would be to revive the project?
  • Can the hetznercloud driver be developed outside the molecule project, or do I also need to move it inside the https://github.com/ansible-community/molecule-plugins project?
  • Having https://github.com/ansible/molecule/issues/3919 (and the coming molecule v6) in mind, how much extra work is required to revive the driver?

Thanks for your help!

13 Aug 2023

ansible/molecule on GitHub
v6.0.0-rc pre-release

Major Changes

* Change current directory to scenario before running playbooks ( #3966 ( https://github.com/ansible/molecule/pull/3966 ) ) @ssbarnea ( https://github.com/ssbarnea )
* Rename delegated driver to default ( #3960 ( https://github.com/ansible/molecule/pull/3960 ) ) @ssbarnea ( https://github.com/ssbarnea )
* Reimplemented templating (init command) ( #3959 ( https://github.com/ansible/molecule/pull/3959 ) ) @ssbarnea ( https://github.com/ssbarnea )
* Remove ability to configure collections-path and roles-path for dependency ( #3956 ( https://github.com/ansible/molecule/pull/3956 ) ) @ssbarnea ( https://github.com/ssbarnea )

Minor Changes

* Allow molecule to list scenarios present under molecule directory within a collection ( #3989 ( https://github.com/ansible/molecule/pull/3989 ) ) @ajinkyau ( https://github.com/ajinkyau )
* Avoid skipping create and destroy steps on delegated ( #3949 ( https://github.com/ansible/molecule/pull/3949 ) ) @ssbarnea ( https://github.com/ssbarnea )


* Ignore scenarios in virtual envrionments ( #3996 ( https://github.com/ansible/molecule/pull/3996 ) ) @ajinkyau ( https://github.com/ajinkyau )
* Scaffold future docs structure ( #3997 ( https://github.com/ansible/molecule/pull/3997 ) ) @cidrblock ( https://github.com/cidrblock )
* Update documentation ( #3985 ( https://github.com/ansible/molecule/pull/3985 ) ) @ajinkyau ( https://github.com/ajinkyau )
* Add example of integration with kubevirt ( #3972 ( https://github.com/ansible/molecule/pull/3972 ) ) @jangel97 ( https://github.com/jangel97 )
* Make pytest-testinfra as an optional dependency ( #3982 ( https://github.com/ansible/molecule/pull/3982 ) ) @ajinkyau ( https://github.com/ajinkyau )
* Dependency installation directory is changed ( #3980 ( https://github.com/ansible/molecule/pull/3980 ) ) @zhan9san ( https://github.com/zhan9san )
* Avoid reinstalling dependencies ( #3979 ( https://github.com/ansible/molecule/pull/3979 ) ) @zhan9san ( https://github.com/zhan9san )
* Remove constraints requirement files ( #3981 ( https://github.com/ansible/molecule/pull/3981 ) ) @zhan9san ( https://github.com/zhan9san )
* Add example of using docker collection using default driver ( #3978 ( https://github.com/ansible/molecule/pull/3978 ) ) @zhan9san ( https://github.com/zhan9san )
* Update documentation ( #3975 ( https://github.com/ansible/molecule/pull/3975 ) ) @ajinkyau ( https://github.com/ajinkyau )
* Fix connection plugin name setting ( #3957 ( https://github.com/ansible/molecule/pull/3957 ) ) @apatard ( https://github.com/apatard )
* Disable isolation from ansible-compat Runtime ( #3962 ( https://github.com/ansible/molecule/pull/3962 ) ) @ssbarnea ( https://github.com/ssbarnea )
* Add example of using podman collection using default driver ( #3947 ( https://github.com/ansible/molecule/pull/3947 ) ) @ssbarnea ( https://github.com/ssbarnea )
* Improve how executed commands are logged ( #3948 ( https://github.com/ansible/molecule/pull/3948 ) ) @ssbarnea ( https://github.com/ssbarnea )
* Make driver optional in molecule.yml file ( #3946 ( https://github.com/ansible/molecule/pull/3946 ) ) @ssbarnea ( https://github.com/ssbarnea )

release note...

14 Aug 2023

ansible/molecule on GitHub

Major Changes

* Change current directory to scenario before running playbooks ( #3966 ( https://github.com/ansible/molecule/pull/3966 ) ) @ssbarnea ( https://github.com/ssbarnea )
* Temporary disable support for external drivers ( #3961 ( https://github.com/ansible/molecule/pull/3961 ) ) @ssbarnea ( https://github.com/ssbarnea )
* Reimplemented templating (init command) ( #3959 ( https://github.com/ansible/molecule/pull/3959 ) ) @ssbarnea ( https://github.com/ssbarnea )
* Remove ability to configure collections-path and roles-path for dependency ( #3956 ( https://github.com/ansible/molecule/pull/3956 ) ) @ssbarnea ( https://github.com/ssbarnea )

Minor Changes

* Allow molecule to list scenarios present under molecule directory within a collection ( #3989 ( https://github.com/ansible/molecule/pull/3989 ) ) @ajinkyau ( https://github.com/ajinkyau )
* Avoid skipping create and destroy steps on delegated ( #3949 ( https://github.com/ansible/molecule/pull/3949 ) ) @ssbarnea ( https://github.com/ssbarnea )


* Ignore scenarios in virtual envrionments ( #3996 ( https://github.com/ansible/molecule/pull/3996 ) ) @ajinkyau ( https://github.com/ajinkyau )
* Scaffold future docs structure ( #3997 ( https://github.com/ansible/molecule/pull/3997 ) ) @cidrblock ( https://github.com/cidrblock )
* Update documentation ( #3985 ( https://github.com/ansible/molecule/pull/3985 ) ) @ajinkyau ( https://github.com/ajinkyau )
* Add example of integration with kubevirt ( #3972 ( https://github.com/ansible/molecule/pull/3972 ) ) @jangel97 ( https://github.com/jangel97 )
* Make pytest-testinfra as an optional dependency ( #3982 ( https://github.com/ansible/molecule/pull/3982 ) ) @ajinkyau ( https://github.com/ajinkyau )
* Dependency installation directory is changed ( #3980 ( https://github.com/ansible/molecule/pull/3980 ) ) @zhan9san ( https://github.com/zhan9san )
* Avoid reinstalling dependencies ( #3979 ( https://github.com/ansible/molecule/pull/3979 ) ) @zhan9san ( https://github.com/zhan9san )
* Remove constraints requirement files ( #3981 ( https://github.com/ansible/molecule/pull/3981 ) ) @zhan9san ( https://github.com/zhan9san )
* Add example of using docker collection using default driver ( #3978 ( https://github.com/ansible/molecule/pull/3978 ) ) @zhan9san ( https://github.com/zhan9san )
* Update documentation ( #3975 ( https://github.com/ansible/molecule/pull/3975 ) ) @ajinkyau ( https://github.com/ajinkyau )
* Fix connection plugin name setting ( #3957 ( https://github.com/ansible/molecule/pull/3957 ) ) @apatard ( https://github.com/apatard )
* Disable isolation from ansible-compat Runtime ( #3962 ( https://github.com/ansible/molecule/pull/3962 ) ) @ssbarnea ( https://github.com/ssbarnea )
* Add example of using podman collection using default driver ( #3947 ( https://github.com/ansible/molecule/pull/3947 ) ) @ssbarnea ( https://github.com/ssbarnea )
* Improve how executed commands are logged ( #3948 ( https://github.com/ansible/molecule/pull/3948 ) ) @ssbarnea ( https://github.com/ssbarnea )
* Make driver optional in molecule.yml file ( #3946 ( https://github.com/ansible/molecule/pull/3946 ) ) @ssbarnea ( https://github.com/ssbarnea )

release note...

@cidrblock:matrix.orgcidrblock joined the room.19:28:53

ansible-core on Python PyPI
v2.15.3 2.15.3


See the full changelog ( https://github.com/ansible/ansible/blob/v2.15.3/changelogs/CHANGELOG-v2.15.rst ) for the changes included in this release.

Release Artifacts

* Built Distribution: ansible_core-2.15.3-py3-none-any.whl ( https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/8a/0e/0b2767cb0a5c8772520927b003a71683b133b4726888a023ba2236fd14fb/ansible_core-2.15.3-py3-none-any.whl ) - 2244199 bytes

* bc2f5ab74e1c81609aaa9bc8f7f92d939d8e1c847923290301231bdf4dadc812 (SHA256)

* Source Distribution: ansible-core-2.15.3.tar.gz ( https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/3c/4d/892b2c2211af9bea68e79b9899921cf96f370361bdd3355d1d84801d40bb/ansible-core-2.15.3.tar.gz ) - 3144403 bytes

* 261bc01a15274fc5a6950d5b92b9aa1b7d7c6e8f7543c914505e5bfd9744793a (SHA256)

release note...


ansible-core on Python PyPI
v2.14.9 2.14.9


See the full changelog ( https://github.com/ansible/ansible/blob/v2.14.9/changelogs/CHANGELOG-v2.14.rst ) for the changes included in this release.

Release Artifacts

* Built Distribution: ansible_core-2.14.9-py3-none-any.whl ( https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/fa/a9/5f271e52527b19989d0f1d5e1f34724f99ba509c3b49e804a897db1c15fc/ansible_core-2.14.9-py3-none-any.whl ) - 2214207 ( https://github.com/ansible/ansible/commit/2214207cf2553bdfb17cf2d255fcfb39f855f320 ) bytes

* 5e0988c40aff775c086b3557d3a28c91326c02ecab70229ac6cab7da757fb212 (SHA256)

* Source Distribution: ansible-core-2.14.9.tar.gz ( https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/15/75/080b926e400284f2834aa33e3a699b052f197caf7c8eeded80dc1cb110f5/ansible-core-2.14.9.tar.gz ) - 3137084 bytes

* 911354fe9f6b4c58c9546b3eca7c5244ea39007fa590096f7419fb9c019f9a05 (SHA256)

release note...

16 Aug 2023

ansible/molecule on GitHub


* Pass environment in testinfra ( #4014 ( https://github.com/ansible/molecule/pull/4014 ) ) @zhan9san ( https://github.com/zhan9san )
* fix: remove role from init help info ( #4010 ( https://github.com/ansible/molecule/pull/4010 ) ) @chenrui333 ( https://github.com/chenrui333 )

release note...

@ankit142:matrix.orgAnkit Guria joined the room.13:37:03
@ankit142:matrix.orgAnkit GuriaHi team, need some assistance- I am not able to login to Ansible using the Visual Studio Code. 13:37:19
@ankit142:matrix.orgAnkit Guriaimage.png
Download image.png
@ankit142:matrix.orgAnkit Guriaimage.png
Download image.png
@ankit142:matrix.orgAnkit GuriaThough i am logged in on browser- 13:37:51
@ankit142:matrix.orgAnkit Gurianeed some assistance13:38:21

ansible-compat on Python PyPI
v4.1.6 4.1.6


* Fix logic on prepare environment ( #310 ( https://github.com/ansible/ansible-compat/pull/310 ) ) @ssbarnea ( https://github.com/ssbarnea )
* Add smoke testing with ansible-lint ( #312 ( https://github.com/ansible/ansible-compat/pull/312 ) ) @ssbarnea ( https://github.com/ssbarnea )
* Adapt collection install test to pass with ansible-core 2.15.3 changes ( #313 ( https://github.com/ansible/ansible-compat/pull/313 ) ) @ssbarnea ( https://github.com/ssbarnea )
* Support meta main yaml extension ( #304 ( https://github.com/ansible/ansible-compat/pull/304 ) ) @zhan9san ( https://github.com/zhan9san )

release note...

17 Aug 2023
@barrip:matrix.orgbarrip joined the room.12:13:57
@barrip:matrix.orgbarripQuery on Molecule best practices regarding what the scope of a single scenario should be. I posted a discussion item at https://github.com/ansible/molecule/discussions/4012. Appreciate any feedback. Thanks13:43:44
18 Aug 2023
@ziegenberg:matrix.orgziegenbergQuick pointer: https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/playbook_guide/playbooks_reuse_roles.html#specification-format08:10:41
@barrip:matrix.orgbarripThis is great thank you. This is much more powerful. My original question would still be what would be the best way to test role argument validation ensuring expected conditions are met when invalid or missing inputs are supplied. Thanks10:03:26
@cidrblock:matrix.orgcidrblockSome commentary in the discussion, TLDR, I like many small scenarios vs. monolithic12:28:20

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