
Ansible DevTools

128 Members
vscode extension, language server, ansible-lint, molecule, navigator and potentially other development goodies. That channel is not for general questions about using ansible.15 Servers

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18 Aug 2023

ansible/vscode-ansible on GitHub

* Fix broken Ansible Lint docs link ( #959 ( https://github.com/ansible/vscode-ansible/pull/959 ) ) @ElijahLynn ( https://github.com/ElijahLynn )

Minor Changes

* Categorise extension settings and fix ansible language configurations ( #961 ( https://github.com/ansible/vscode-ansible/pull/961 ) ) @priyamsahoo ( https://github.com/priyamsahoo )


* Unchange insertText to snippetstring ( #962 ( https://github.com/ansible/vscode-ansible/pull/962 ) ) @priyamsahoo ( https://github.com/priyamsahoo )
* Categorise extension settings and fix ansible language configurations ( #961 ( https://github.com/ansible/vscode-ansible/pull/961 ) ) @priyamsahoo ( https://github.com/priyamsahoo )

release note...

@andersson007_:matrix.org@andersson007_:matrix.org changed their profile picture.13:52:41
@barrip:matrix.orgbarrip Thanks cidrblock I've replied just to confirm my understanding. 14:06:50
@ajdesaii:matrix.orgajdesaii joined the room.16:15:20
21 Aug 2023
@frod01:matrix.orgfrod01 joined the room.02:59:41
@kmf:matrix.orgkmf joined the room.08:06:40
In reply to @ankit142:matrix.org
Hi team, need some assistance- I am not able to login to Ansible using the Visual Studio Code.
https://matrix.to/#/#lightspeed:ansible.com is the right channel to ask the question for lightspeed

ansible-compat on Python PyPI
v4.1.7 4.1.7


* Add sys.path to collection paths ( #318 ( https://github.com/ansible/ansible-compat/pull/318 ) ) @cidrblock ( https://github.com/cidrblock )

release note...

@michel:one.ems.hostMichel Lind 🍥 UTC-5 changed their display name from Michel Alexandre Salim 🏖️ on vacation until 8/21 to Michel Alexandre Salim.16:23:59
22 Aug 2023
@maxamillion:one.ems.hostmaxamillion cidrblock: ansible-cdk is basically my new favorite thing, it saves me so much typing when creating virtualenvs! :) 14:16:43
24 Aug 2023
@yoal:matrix.orgCarlangas joined the room.23:29:52
25 Aug 2023
@2hotab2:matrix.orgSergey K joined the room.04:25:11
@trjh:matrix.orgtrjh joined the room.10:53:13
@trjh:matrix.orgtrjh Hi folks, I thought I posted this in irc last night, but it isn't showing up here -- apologies if it crossposts. I'm having trouble on macOS 13.4 / Homebrew 4.1.6 / python 3.11.4 / ansible [core 2.15.3] / molecule 6.0.1 using python 3.11 -- running molecule test in a virtual environment fails because molecule spawns a subshell without the appropriate paths 🧵 10:56:57
@trjh:matrix.orgtrjhRedacted or Malformed Event11:01:48

ansible & the associated tools are not installed in my mac default paths -- just in the virtual environment. unfortunately it seems that something in my run of molecule test is invoking a shell without the virtual environment:

% . test/.env/bin/activate &&  molecule test
WARNING  Driver containers does not provide a schema.
INFO     default scenario test matrix: dependency, cleanup, destroy, syntax, create, prepare, converge, idempotence, side_effect, verify, cleanup, destroy
INFO     Performing prerun with role_name_check=0...
INFO     Running default > dependency
zsh:1: command not found: ansible-galaxy
WARNING  Retrying dependency ... 1/3 time(s)
WARNING  Sleeping for 3 seconds before retrying ...
zsh:1: command not found: ansible-galaxy
WARNING  Retrying dependency ... 2/3 time(s)
WARNING  Sleeping for 6 seconds before retrying ...
zsh:1: command not found: ansible-galaxy
WARNING  Retrying dependency ... 3/3 time(s)
WARNING  Sleeping for 9 seconds before retrying ...
zsh:1: command not found: ansible-galaxy
ERROR    Command '['ansible-galaxy', 'install', '--role-file', 'test/requirements.yml']' returned non-zero exit status 127.
WARNING  An error occurred during the test sequence action: 'dependency'.  Cleaning up.
INFO     Running default > cleanup
WARNING  Skipping, cleanup playbook not configured.
INFO     Running default > destroy
INFO     Sanity checks: 'containers'
zsh:1: command not found: ansible-playbook
CRITICAL Ansible return code was 127, command was: ansible-playbook --inventory /Users/timh/.cache/molecule/oci/default/inventory --skip-tags molecule-notest,notest /Users/timh/src/oci/test/.env/lib/python3.11/site-packages/molecule_plugins/podman/playbooks/destroy.yml
@michel:one.ems.hostMichel Lind 🍥 UTC-5 changed their display name from Michel Alexandre Salim to Michel Alexandre Lind (né Salim).19:29:38
@michel:one.ems.hostMichel Lind 🍥 UTC-5 changed their display name from Michel Alexandre Lind (né Salim) to Michel Lind (né Salim).21:21:13
29 Aug 2023
@orandon:ansible.imOranod changed their display name from Don Naro to Oranod.09:44:10

ansible-compat on Python PyPI
v4.1.8 4.1.8


* Revise site packages collection search test ( #325 ( https://github.com/ansible/ansible-compat/pull/325 ) ) @cidrblock ( https://github.com/cidrblock )
* Add only those sys.paths which contain an ansible_collections directory path ( #322 ( https://github.com/ansible/ansible-compat/pull/322 ) ) @ajinkyau ( https://github.com/ajinkyau )
* Allow git dependencies in galaxy.yml files ( #321 ( https://github.com/ansible/ansible-compat/pull/321 ) ) @ssbarnea ( https://github.com/ssbarnea )

release note...

30 Aug 2023

ansible/molecule on GitHub


* Update the getting started guide ( #4023 ( https://github.com/ansible/molecule/pull/4023 ) ) @ajinkyau ( https://github.com/ajinkyau )
* Update ansible-compat to v4.1.7 ( #4022 ( https://github.com/ansible/molecule/pull/4022 ) ) @ajinkyau ( https://github.com/ajinkyau )

release note...

@enjoyjocel:matrix.orgenjoyjocel joined the room.16:39:56
1 Sep 2023
@satkk:matrix.orgKirill joined the room.12:37:00
2 Sep 2023
@ollylu:matrix.orgollylu joined the room.13:33:37
@ollylu:matrix.orgollylu changed their display name from 陆鹏成 to ollylu.13:33:58
4 Sep 2023
@mib:kanp.aimib joined the room.08:55:07
5 Sep 2023
@lukedrussell:matrix.orgLuke joined the room.07:52:43

ansible-compat on Python PyPI
v4.1.9 4.1.9


* Automatically add --pre when installing collections from git repositories ( #327 ( https://github.com/ansible/ansible-compat/pull/327 ) ) @ssbarnea ( https://github.com/ssbarnea )

release note...


ansible-core on Python PyPI
v2.15.4rc1 2.15.4rc1


See the full changelog ( https://github.com/ansible/ansible/blob/v2.15.4rc1/changelogs/CHANGELOG-v2.15.rst ) for the changes included in this release.

Release Artifacts

* Built Distribution: ansible_core-2.15.4rc1-py3-none-any.whl ( https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/a3/82/12481a8d312d273e92f1c2660995d0fad045b4dbaefb255485ffa1a37112/ansible_core-2.15.4rc1-py3-none-any.whl ) - 2245575 bytes

* 7e19d1cf11f67655b5227b7c154804824b0499f26f4cb7ccb4513e7006532653 (SHA256)

* Source Distribution: ansible-core-2.15.4rc1.tar.gz ( https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/9f/a2/6dd747fb0e35ef2ce184171c05356fc0a1746968f68e0e4f08d8f9a9f917/ansible-core-2.15.4rc1.tar.gz ) - 3154028 bytes

* 03907ee54ba0be6a7bf214c69eb88e769aba08abc894ea5bcd30f28d72a2685e (SHA256)

release note...


ansible-core on Python PyPI
v2.13.12rc1 2.13.12rc1


See the full changelog ( https://github.com/ansible/ansible/blob/v2.13.12rc1/changelogs/CHANGELOG-v2.13.rst ) for the changes included in this release.

Release Artifacts

* Built Distribution: ansible_core-2.13.12rc1-py3-none-any.whl ( https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/68/bd/dfb5c5270f7d523d3c211b0c59956f83c8f647e72d8acca783736ddcced4/ansible_core-2.13.12rc1-py3-none-any.whl ) - 2115355 ( https://github.com/ansible/ansible/commit/21153556776155636721d4cb88d01390f96f6941 ) bytes

* e5da7023f78f6b2d73ad5b257411d4e8e67ce1e2a9dd6bea4741c7b1c5c91569 (SHA256)

* Source Distribution: ansible-core-2.13.12rc1.tar.gz ( https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/3d/f5/5a27c7ae678d61a0119875bc751b696d165f4995685da4838cb0c10a94f6/ansible-core-2.13.12rc1.tar.gz ) - 3148741 bytes

* c446671dcb9c6da40825e699cde66e5d84f6fa9f5021502d3c37b9777f58cead (SHA256)

release note...

v2.14.10rc1 2.14.10rc1


See the full changelog ( https://github.com/ansible/ansible/blob/v2.14.10rc1/changelogs/CHANGELOG-v2.14.rst ) for the changes included in this release.

Release Artifacts

* Built Distribution: ansible_core-2.14.10rc1-py3-none-any.whl ( https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/e3/e9/057ea82d274f3a6b818393c07820c607095eab5a612b8db95a523cff32b8/ansible_core-2.14.10rc1-py3-none-any.whl ) - 2215036 bytes

* 5598c2e6549734dd0ae3dd4d61dc9edfa56e36a6ef826b5b86eaeee845f5c43b (SHA256)

* Source Distribution: ansible-core-2.14.10rc1.tar.gz ( https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/f7/f1/200d51489a0805412d833db7333ad7eaf3494ae4d91a83a45840e21c1fbb/ansible-core-2.14.10rc1.tar.gz ) - 3145685 bytes

* 3f6414dc451009073bce6abe9973e4dfefc7f19f7baaed50aa234246b1a1c935 (SHA256)

release note...


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