
Ansible DevTools

128 Members
vscode extension, language server, ansible-lint, molecule, navigator and potentially other development goodies. That channel is not for general questions about using ansible.15 Servers

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9 Nov 2023
In reply to @maxamillion:one.ems.host
maybe you could see how they're dealing with swap for inspiration then :)
Oh yeah, sure. That actually makes sense, why did I not think of this? :D
10 Nov 2023
@maxamillion:one.ems.hostmaxamillionI notice that ansible-creator isn't listed in the devtools docs ... is it not part of devtools? not yet part of devtools? other?14:25:37
11 Nov 2023
@janik0:matrix.org@janik0:matrix.org joined the room.14:05:02
13 Nov 2023
@ziegenberg:matrix.orgziegenberg Can we re-open https://github.com/ansible/ansible-lint/issues/3607 ? I can also reproduce this with 6.22 14:40:35
@ziegenberg:matrix.orgziegenbergAnd I do not know what's causing this14:40:56
14 Nov 2023
@devnix-5475e20bdb8155e6700d8572:gitter.imdevnix (Dev_NIX) joined the room.10:39:52
@wmudge:matrix.orgwmudge set a profile picture.11:30:55
16 Nov 2023
@jkaraba:matrix.orgjkaraba joined the room.00:08:08
@briantist:matrix.orgbriantist joined the room.13:37:13
@briantist:matrix.orgbriantist set a profile picture.13:46:20
17 Nov 2023
@mtangour:matrix.orgMohamed tangour joined the room.08:05:49
@matburt:matrix.orgmatburt joined the room.16:19:34
19 Nov 2023
@konstruktoid:matrix.orgkonstruktoid changed their profile picture.13:48:53
20 Nov 2023
@kees.dejong:surf.nlKees de Jong joined the room.10:11:53
@orichalcum:matrix.org@orichalcum:matrix.org joined the room.11:33:11
@orichalcum:matrix.org@orichalcum:matrix.orgWhen I `molecule init scenario` in `create.yml` and `destroy.yml` appears a almost no documented `server` and `instance_conf_dict` variables that I'm not sure what to do with it. Any known documentation?11:41:36
@orichalcum:matrix.org@orichalcum:matrix.org * When I molecule init scenario in create.yml and destroy.yml appears a almost no documented server and instance_conf_dict variables that I'm not sure what to do with it.
Any known documentation?
@orichalcum:matrix.org@orichalcum:matrix.orghttps://ansible.readthedocs.io/projects/molecule/configuration/#delegated seems to be it12:32:45
21 Nov 2023
@aine:etke.cc@aine:etke.cc left the room.09:16:28
22 Nov 2023
@systemovich:matrix.orgGeoffrey van Wyk joined the room.02:54:12
23 Nov 2023

ansible/vscode-ansible on GitHub

Major Changes

* Add lightspeed indications for tech preview and license users ( #1014 ( https://github.com/ansible/vscode-ansible/pull/1014 ) )
@ganeshrn ( https://github.com/ganeshrn )
* Add user action to track suggestion ignore scenarios ( #1004 ( https://github.com/ansible/vscode-ansible/pull/1004 ) ) @ganeshrn ( https://github.com/ganeshrn )
* Ansible-creator integration with extension ( #1000 ( https://github.com/ansible/vscode-ansible/pull/1000 ) ) @priyamsahoo ( https://github.com/priyamsahoo )

Minor Changes

* Improve task setup phase ( #1010 ( https://github.com/ansible/vscode-ansible/pull/1010 ) ) @ssbarnea ( https://github.com/ssbarnea )
* Lightspeed service status code 403 from CloudFlare mistaken as invalid Model
ID ( #1005 ( https://github.com/ansible/vscode-ansible/pull/1005 ) ) @manstis ( https://github.com/manstis )


* [ansible-creator] Fix file opening issue in Linux environments ( #1009 ( https://github.com/ansible/vscode-ansible/pull/1009 ) )
@priyamsahoo ( https://github.com/priyamsahoo )

release note...

24 Nov 2023
@hykim:matrix.orgheeyoon kim joined the room.00:53:34
@ericsysmin:libera.chat@ericsysmin:libera.chat left the room.13:08:22
@bhundven:libera.chat@bhundven:libera.chat left the room.13:08:22
@nochi:libera.chat@nochi:libera.chat left the room.13:08:22
@mamercad:libera.chat@mamercad:libera.chat left the room.13:08:22
@noonedeadpunk:libera.chat@noonedeadpunk:libera.chat left the room.13:08:23
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@samccann___:libera.chat@samccann___:libera.chat left the room.13:08:23
@appservice:libera.chat@appservice:libera.chat left the room.13:08:23

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