
Ansible DevTools

128 Members
vscode extension, language server, ansible-lint, molecule, navigator and potentially other development goodies. That channel is not for general questions about using ansible.15 Servers

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12 Jan 2024
@kees.dejong:surf.nlKees de Jong changed their display name from Kees de Jong (on holiday until January 15th) to Kees de Jong.12:54:47
16 Jan 2024
@timanz:matrix.orgTim A joined the room.00:30:02
@timanz:matrix.orgTim Ais it possible to run the ansible extension from windows with linter etc, is there a guide on how to do so?00:30:22
@timanz:matrix.orgTim A * is it possible to run the vscode ansible extension from windows with linter etc, is there a guide on how to do so?00:31:26
@agowa:matrix.orgKlaus Frank
In reply to @timanz:matrix.org
is it possible to run the vscode ansible extension from windows with linter etc, is there a guide on how to do so?
In short, it's possible, but almost all ways have some limitations. The simplest way is to just run it from Linux.
But wsl/docker/ssh using the remote plugin technically work. As does running it directly on windows.
But it isn't always a smooth experience.
@hille721:matrix.org@hille721:matrix.orgI using it in my WSL and it works very smooth 🙂15:35:33
@agowa:matrix.orgKlaus Frank
In reply to @hille721:matrix.org
I using it in my WSL and it works very smooth 🙂
Until want to use your ssh key within and without it;
need to connect to remote windows systems and notice that powershell remoting outside of wsl works, but ansible within it fails;
Notice issues with ansible vaults password file, because you placed the ansible playbook outside of wsl and all files on thr host have 777 permissions from the wsl view and therefore ansible wants to execute your .vpass file;
Notice that python venv uses different paths and file names for the activation script depending on it being initialized from windows or linux;
@hille721:matrix.org@hille721:matrix.orgwell these are general issue and not related to the VSCode Ansible Extension16:50:24
@hille721:matrix.org@hille721:matrix.org* well these are general issues and not related to the VSCode Ansible Extension16:50:35
17 Jan 2024
@blui___:matrix.orgblui___It would be great if it just disabled all the stuff that doesn't work without running Ansible on Windows, instead of showing a ton of errors (older versions) or stealing focus regularly (latest versions)04:33:17
18 Jan 2024

pytest-ansible on Python PyPI
v24.1.2 24.1.2


* Adjust molecule command from cmdline ( #254 ( https://github.com/ansible/pytest-ansible/pull/254 ) ) @cristianonicolai ( https://github.com/cristianonicolai )

release note...


ansible-navigator on Python PyPI
v3.6.0 3.6.0

Minor Changes

* Update creator-ee to 0.21.0 ( #1650 ( https://github.com/ansible/ansible-navigator/pull/1650 ) ) @shatakshiiii ( https://github.com/shatakshiiii )


* Address DTZ rule ( #1626 ( https://github.com/ansible/ansible-navigator/pull/1626 ) ) @shatakshiiii ( https://github.com/shatakshiiii )
* Enable testing with python 3.12 ( #1622 ( https://github.com/ansible/ansible-navigator/pull/1622 ) ) @shatakshiiii ( https://github.com/shatakshiiii )

release note...

21 Jan 2024

ansible/creator-ee on Quay

22 Jan 2024

ansible/vscode-ansible on GitHub

Major Changes

* Show the license section of content matches only for licensed users ( #1019 ( https://github.com/ansible/vscode-ansible/pull/1019 ) ) @TamiTakamiya ( https://github.com/TamiTakamiya )

Minor Changes

* Show model ID to be used in statusbar tooltip ( #1046 ( https://github.com/ansible/vscode-ansible/pull/1046 ) ) @TamiTakamiya ( https://github.com/TamiTakamiya )
* Rename files and vars to use camel case inline with the naming conven… ( #1048 ( https://github.com/ansible/vscode-ansible/pull/1048 ) ) @ganeshrn ( https://github.com/ganeshrn )
* unit-test coverage for contentMatchesWebview ( #1041 ( https://github.com/ansible/vscode-ansible/pull/1041 ) ) @goneri ( https://github.com/goneri )
* AAP-18228: Handle user's trial expiry ( #1037 ( https://github.com/ansible/vscode-ansible/pull/1037 ) ) @hasys ( https://github.com/hasys )
* GitHub Codespaces/code-server support ( #1012 ( https://github.com/ansible/vscode-ansible/pull/1012 ) ) @TamiTakamiya ( https://github.com/TamiTakamiya )
* unit-tests: move from Jest to Mocha ( #1031 ( https://github.com/ansible/vscode-ansible/pull/1031 ) ) @goneri ( https://github.com/goneri )
* lightspeed: a unit-test for the error handling ( #1028 ( https://github.com/ansible/vscode-ansible/pull/1028 ) ) @goneri ( https://github.com/goneri )
* lightspeed: use the code value from the 403 ( #1024 ( https://github.com/ansible/vscode-ansible/pull/1024 ) ) @goneri ( https://github.com/goneri )


* Do not send duplicated inline suggestion feedback ( #1050 ( https://github.com/ansible/vscode-ansible/pull/1050 ) ) @TamiTakamiya ( https://github.com/TamiTakamiya )
* fix check for no seat assigned ( #1040 ( https://github.com/ansible/vscode-ansible/pull/1040 ) ) @robinbobbitt ( https://github.com/robinbobbitt )
* Handle spaces in file path ( #1032 ( https://github.com/ansible/vscode-ansible/pull/1032 ) ) @ajinkyau ( https://github.com/ajinkyau )

release note...


ansible-core on Python PyPI
v2.16.3rc1 2.16.3rc1


See the full changelog ( https://github.com/ansible/ansible/blob/v2.16.3rc1/changelogs/CHANGELOG-v2.16.rst ) for the changes included in this release.

Release Artifacts

* Built Distribution: ansible_core-2.16.3rc1-py3-none-any.whl ( https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/f3/1a/287aa78525550098a977b93361a2c136778208c929c638f5d090ea3e4e7b/ansible_core-2.16.3rc1-py3-none-any.whl ) - 2250371 ( https://github.com/ansible/ansible/commit/22503712f4732a9759954f6f45478e30811a889f ) bytes

* c9d6702235eb708023105f4f4a5f9f2620503684cdc3115ed3e6e0b9b6930780 (SHA256)

* Source Distribution: ansible-core-2.16.3rc1.tar.gz ( https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/d3/f1/9ad5c3d444e00bd3e5596a8334f51a3f85f9f368201515402ba65ac74d84/ansible-core-2.16.3rc1.tar.gz ) - 3172729 ( https://github.com/ansible/ansible/commit/3172729b0e0a04c2d4efe74f998c7b0efa0b270d ) bytes

* 0c4326d487dae339d0a991e89ff85117afb6507f79b45744e3c3451b6faef5f4 (SHA256)

release note...

v2.15.9rc1 2.15.9rc1


See the full changelog ( https://github.com/ansible/ansible/blob/v2.15.9rc1/changelogs/CHANGELOG-v2.15.rst ) for the changes included in this release.

Release Artifacts

* Built Distribution: ansible_core-2.15.9rc1-py3-none-any.whl ( https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/8b/2e/032959f21434fa4353cdeb62bda1a7cf0d2a903ba292c13ecc93437836c5/ansible_core-2.15.9rc1-py3-none-any.whl ) - 2249706 bytes

* 1af80689ddc1c201480b9115e2b3aed49fcb6c67093e5ed2cb8f87ebc92afe11 (SHA256)

* Source Distribution: ansible-core-2.15.9rc1.tar.gz ( https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/25/9c/85fa98447ab0656ac7f3492d5bda6f82e907dfd3c7ec11beac182c26ab85/ansible-core-2.15.9rc1.tar.gz ) - 3169553 bytes

* 6ec7be160cc65f0e0c0f3e899282de7d19041af5df3f880e1155f544110f7a5c (SHA256)

release note...

v2.14.14rc1 2.14.14rc1


See the full changelog ( https://github.com/ansible/ansible/blob/v2.14.14rc1/changelogs/CHANGELOG-v2.14.rst ) for the changes included in this release.

Release Artifacts

* Built Distribution: ansible_core-2.14.14rc1-py3-none-any.whl ( https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/3c/77/6f82b1e33dfdb276e1d0470b8cfbb6ef3f4b8e46a9ba2f351af2a943818c/ansible_core-2.14.14rc1-py3-none-any.whl ) - 2218393 bytes

* d5f1352c89934d5573243c6b4478d701ab07872deb0f2d69540044f9228c6b9b (SHA256)

* Source Distribution: ansible-core-2.14.14rc1.tar.gz ( https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/2a/dd/d4d2f855512b212ed66a97d862fd4057c22d94d7bcfecc813a5d860a1e93/ansible-core-2.14.14rc1.tar.gz ) - 3150712 ( https://github.com/ansible/ansible/commit/3150712183ce7b26afccf8a5ac9c3214a4ea89f6 ) bytes

* b3fcd9a2e5881fc65307350fd0c0e1f850a5c53b5347a12f1456d7e06c1a1eeb (SHA256)

release note...

23 Jan 2024
@blui___:matrix.orgblui___mmhhh #82363, the neverending handler problems getting some much-needed fixes11:41:30
@abdelhou:matrix.orgAbdellatif Housni joined the room.15:30:55
@erebion:erebion.eu@erebion:erebion.eu joined the room.16:14:52


      - "ssh-ed25519 AAAA..."
      - "ssh-ed25519 AAAA..."
    shell: "/usr/bin/zsh"
      - "ssh-ed25519 AAAA..."
    shell: "/bin/bash"
      - "ssh-ed25519 AAAA..."
      - "ssh-ed25519 AAAA..."
    shell: "/bin/bash"
      - "ssh-ed25519 AAAA..."
    shell: "/bin/bash"
      - "ssh-ed25519 AAAA..."
    shell: "/bin/bash"

Any ideas how I could get every value for ssh_pub_keys into one list?

I need a way to get them all seperately as well as all at once. 🤔

@erebion:erebion.eu@erebion:erebion.euThe dict is very simple, it is just a list of users and each one has to have a list with at least one key.16:28:48
@ziegenberg:matrix.orgziegenberg Hi erebion 🏳️‍🌈♾ , this is not the right place to ask this kind of question. You might wanna have a look in #ansible_ansible:gitter.im 16:49:58
@qalthos:ansible.imQalthos Hey, everyone!

The devtools projects will soon be switching from SemVer to CalVer for new releases.
There's a bit to go into, so you can read more about what that means and when it will happen at this discussion on the forums.
26 Jan 2024
@raoulaime:matrix.orgRaoul-Aimé KENGNE joined the room.14:33:18
27 Jan 2024

Something like this might work for you:


    - name: Create a List variable and print it
        my_keys: []

    - name: Set Fact
        my_keys: "{{ my_keys + [item.value['ssh_pub_keys']] }}"
      with_dict: "{{ users }}"

    - name: Debug
        msg: "{{ my_keys | flatten }}"
@eric_hoog:matrix.orgeric_hoog *

Something like this might work for you:


    - name: Create a List variable and print it
        my_keys: []

    - name: Set Fact
        my_keys: "{{ my_keys + [item.value['ssh_pub_keys']] }}"
      with_dict: "{{ users }}"

    - name: Debug
        msg: "{{ my_keys | flatten }}"

There are probably more elegant ways to do it though.


In the end I solved it with this, after trying out different things for several hours:

{% for item in (users|dict2items)%}{% for key in item.value.ssh_pub_keys %}{{ key }}\n{% endfor %}{% endfor %}

@hjsp:matrix.orgHarm Jan Stam joined the room.21:15:10
29 Jan 2024
@gionn:matrix.orggionn changed their profile picture.13:33:15

ansible-core on Python PyPI
v2.14.14 2.14.14


See the full changelog ( https://github.com/ansible/ansible/blob/v2.14.14/changelogs/CHANGELOG-v2.14.rst ) for the changes included in this release.

Release Artifacts

* Built Distribution: ansible_core-2.14.14-py3-none-any.whl ( https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/e3/32/43baf6188500e1fb00e6ba10f5b1c9d4d8879802823a11b22874d95b8a2e/ansible_core-2.14.14-py3-none-any.whl ) - 2218342 bytes

* d1d282b71b9d8fdd515ae045e5909cfa393cfa0e9fecaae2dbbb4d326ab58681 (SHA256)

* Source Distribution: ansible-core-2.14.14.tar.gz ( https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/37/a3/4a184ecfb8f24eb3a6b3405e058908d5ecc01e46a8422775e3804cb55c60/ansible-core-2.14.14.tar.gz ) - 3146733 bytes

* f06a94a88a372d4db4b3973e465022fbe3545602580864115d21a280accb7ca3 (SHA256)

release note...


ansible-core on Python PyPI
v2.16.3 2.16.3


See the full changelog ( https://github.com/ansible/ansible/blob/v2.16.3/changelogs/CHANGELOG-v2.16.rst ) for the changes included in this release.

Release Artifacts

* Built Distribution: ansible_core-2.16.3-py3-none-any.whl ( https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/b0/ec/6b5eed80eac9e3234fc9a9e61356ec2999b70cc23f83453f57e9a0fd3574/ansible_core-2.16.3-py3-none-any.whl ) - 2250322 bytes

* 50c9f33a5b2ee645470a77f4bf99cf35d1ffdefef60388910020b0c58534bec1 (SHA256)

* Source Distribution: ansible-core-2.16.3.tar.gz ( https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/00/b9/7d2229459038cdfe84b6e4db76f97acae35cb46917a0d9a7e61d3e300637/ansible-core-2.16.3.tar.gz ) - 3168893 bytes

* 76a8765a8586064ef073a299562e308fa2c180a75b5f7569bbd0f61d4171cdb3 (SHA256)

release note...

v2.15.9 2.15.9


See the full changelog ( https://github.com/ansible/ansible/blob/v2.15.9/changelogs/CHANGELOG-v2.15.rst ) for the changes included in this release.

Release Artifacts

* Built Distribution: ansible_core-2.15.9-py3-none-any.whl ( https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/c8/b1/45b9ea50b0cbd0baea64de72de00055a3c9ca3f424ff4be88736f885710f/ansible_core-2.15.9-py3-none-any.whl ) - 2249652 bytes

* 5b6a4b12aa5358f60933e79d86763e3558862282fb1dc563a29b9999e5849fc3 (SHA256)

* Source Distribution: ansible-core-2.15.9.tar.gz ( https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/47/0b/5e46aeee6c72adc3507d9909e57fa1e9a66b3f4929c463bdbe102441a062/ansible-core-2.15.9.tar.gz ) - 3163839 ( https://github.com/ansible/ansible/commit/31638392b52dbd04d1cd34b6538116cd5b611849 ) bytes

* 25f9b1b5a5af3c0986bd3928ed086eaddb867527fb5c83afef1a03cfad34f345 (SHA256)

release note...


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