
Ansible DevTools

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vscode extension, language server, ansible-lint, molecule, navigator and potentially other development goodies. That channel is not for general questions about using ansible.13 Servers

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2 Feb 2024
@sypher01:nerdsin.spacesypher01Because when I run an exec ansible --version, I get this:00:16:45
@sypher01:nerdsin.spacesypher01 * docker: open /tmp/ansible-navigator_s3vy5ztp/artifacts/aea30421-44f2-42c8-b6fb-6f659ddec970/env.list: no such file or directory 00:17:03
@sypher01:nerdsin.spacesypher01 * `docker: open /tmp/ansible-navigator_s3vy5ztp/artifacts/aea30421-44f2-42c8-b6fb-6f659ddec970/env.list: no such file or directory00:17:10
@sypher01:nerdsin.spacesypher01 *
See 'docker run --help'.
@sypher01:nerdsin.spacesypher01 *
docker: open /tmp/ansible-navigator_s3vy5ztp/artifacts/aea30421-44f2-42c8-b6fb-6f659ddec970/env.list: no such file or directory
See 'docker run --help'.
@sypher01:nerdsin.spacesypher01 * Because when I run an ansible-navigator exec 'ansible --version', I get this: 00:18:17

Hello sypher01 , yes this is the right space. You can also try with forum.ansible.com which would allow for better async replies/interaction.

You might want to share a few details on how you installed ansible-navigator, what your workstation is running (linux, osx?) and if you have an ansible-navigator.yml (or json) file

In reply to @leo:ansible.im

Hello sypher01 , yes this is the right space. You can also try with forum.ansible.com which would allow for better async replies/interaction.

You might want to share a few details on how you installed ansible-navigator, what your workstation is running (linux, osx?) and if you have an ansible-navigator.yml (or json) file

Hey Leo! Currently running ansible-navigator on a Ubuntu 22.04 LTS utility machine in our VM farm
@sypher01:nerdsin.spacesypher01I installed navigator through pip as no Ubuntu package seems to exist for it17:39:34
@sypher01:nerdsin.spacesypher01Aaaaand I have the file, but it's fairly close to stock.17:39:58
In reply to @sypher01:nerdsin.space
Hey Leo! Currently running ansible-navigator on a Ubuntu 22.04 LTS utility machine in our VM farm
Did you try using ansible-navigator TUI and listing images? Are you using execution environments or did you install the ansible community package locally?
@leo:ansible.imLeo what does ansible-navigator images show, basically. That should allow you to review the ansible version for each EE if you are using them 20:08:53
@sypher01:nerdsin.spacesypher01So I made my own image with ansible-builder21:06:10
@sypher01:nerdsin.spacesypher01as I need it to include the Fortinet.fortios collection.21:06:21
5 Feb 2024

ansible-navigator on Python PyPI
v24.2.0 24.2.0

Minor Changes

* Update creator-ee to 0.22.0 ( #1656 ( https://github.com/ansible/ansible-navigator/pull/1656 ) ) @shatakshiiii ( https://github.com/shatakshiiii )


* Update cmdline description ( #1657 ( https://github.com/ansible/ansible-navigator/pull/1657 ) ) @shatakshiiii ( https://github.com/shatakshiiii )

release note...


mkdocs-ansible on Python PyPI
v24.2.0 24.2.0

Minor Changes

* Update Ansible theme to match brand color ( #99 ( https://github.com/ansible/mkdocs-ansible/pull/99 ) ) @cristianonicolai ( https://github.com/cristianonicolai )
* Upgrade minimum Python to 3.10 ( #92 ( https://github.com/ansible/mkdocs-ansible/pull/92 ) ) @cristianonicolai ( https://github.com/cristianonicolai )

release note...

6 Feb 2024
@michel:one.ems.hostMichel Lind 🍥 changed their profile picture.08:32:42
7 Feb 2024

ruamel.yaml on Python PyPI


mkdocs-ansible on Python PyPI
v24.2.1 24.2.1

What's Changed

* chore: pre-commit autoupdate by @pre-commit-ci ( https://github.com/pre-commit-ci ) in #103 ( https://github.com/ansible/mkdocs-ansible/pull/103 )
* Update links color by @cristianonicolai ( https://github.com/cristianonicolai ) in #104 ( https://github.com/ansible/mkdocs-ansible/pull/104 )
* Fix asset reference to custom css by @cristianonicolai ( https://github.com/cristianonicolai ) in #106 ( https://github.com/ansible/mkdocs-ansible/pull/106 )
* Drop test guide by @cristianonicolai ( https://github.com/cristianonicolai ) in #107 ( https://github.com/ansible/mkdocs-ansible/pull/107 )
* Update dependencies by @cristianonicolai ( https://github.com/cristianonicolai ) in #108 ( https://github.com/ansible/mkdocs-ansible/pull/108 )

*Full Changelog* : v24.2.0...v24.2.1 ( https://github.com/ansible/mkdocs-ansible/compare/v24.2.0...v24.2.1 )

release note...

@hille721:matrix.orghille721 Hi, first of all amazing great work what you did the last months. Developing & Testing Ansible are just getting amazing. The VSCode extension works so great, tox-ansible and pytest-ansible are doing now what I expect to do and also molecule is since version 6 useable (for all the hate you got ssbarnea, I love it! ;)). But now you are starting to drop the support for Python 3.9 in all the tool what really challenges me. Just a couple of weeks ago I celebrated that all my clients are now using Python 3.9 instead of 3.8 or older. A newer Python version is not possible as they still have Rhel 8 where Python 3.8 is the max afaik. Thus I really encourage please think about dropping 3.9 again 🙏 22:18:00
@hille721:matrix.orghille721Redacted or Malformed Event22:18:52
8 Feb 2024
@blui___:matrix.orgblui___good luck with that. it's the nature of python, you are in a constant loop of updating python due to applications and libraries needing new versions09:54:28
@blui___:matrix.orgblui___if you do not wish to participate then look elsewhere e.g. ruby, native binaries09:55:08
@blui___:matrix.orgblui___if it's not 3.9 now, it's 3.10 in 6 months and so on.09:56:00
@konstruktoid:matrix.orgkonstruktoidPersonally I don't understand how rhel is going to keep up with the changes since rhel 8 is eol 2029 I believe 11:59:41

ansible/creator-ee on Quay


ansible/molecule on GitHub

9 Feb 2024
@michel:one.ems.hostMichel Lind 🍥 changed their profile picture.07:42:14
10 Feb 2024
@jan.christian:gruenhage.xyz@jan.christian:gruenhage.xyz left the room.12:46:09

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