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14 Feb 2022
@telegram_1164266638:t2bot.ioDevilArkzOver-ratted mf23:58:41
@telegram_1164266638:t2bot.ioDevilArkzthis kid literally has so much fans lol and he using them for free fames and money donations23:59:07
15 Feb 2022
In reply to DevilArkz
this kid literally has so much fans lol

and he using them for free fames and money donations
@telegram_1026321625:t2bot.ioRabidReal retarded shit00:00:27
@d1ippvaszeizow:matrix.orgd1ippvaszeizowthat kid is awesome00:00:58
@telegram_1164266638:t2bot.ioDevilArkzwdym he awesome00:01:10
@d1ippvaszeizow:matrix.orgd1ippvaszeizowhe is rrallu cool00:01:18
@d1ippvaszeizow:matrix.orgd1ippvaszeizowi want to mail him tge weed i grew last year that nobody is buying00:01:34
In reply to DevilArkz
@d1ippvaszeizow:matrix.orgd1ippvaszeizowthis is a picture of my weed growing00:01:43
Download IMG_20211013_115937.jpg
@d1ippvaszeizow:matrix.orgd1ippvaszeizowthis is a video of my weed that i pulled for a channel off here thats all scammers00:02:24
@telegram_1164266638:t2bot.ioDevilArkzi don't see any weed00:02:38
@telegram_1026321625:t2bot.ioRabidOr video00:02:49
@d1ippvaszeizow:matrix.orgd1ippvaszeizowDownload VID_20220125_124554.mp400:02:59
@d1ippvaszeizow:matrix.orgd1ippvaszeizowthat kid makes more money than me and all he did was use his parents house and a computer they bought him00:03:17
@d1ippvaszeizow:matrix.orgd1ippvaszeizowhe started his own business on jewtube00:03:33
@telegram_1164266638:t2bot.ioDevilArkzhis own business was using his fans for free donations lmao00:03:59
@telegram_1164266638:t2bot.ioDevilArkzlettin you know 1 small thing. that mf RATTED his own fans in his discord00:04:25
@d1ippvaszeizow:matrix.orgd1ippvaszeizowwow i wish my fans donated to me all tbey do is steal from me00:04:29
@d1ippvaszeizow:matrix.orgd1ippvaszeizowwhat do you mean00:04:39
@telegram_364663405:t2bot.ioL’enfant Sauvage
In reply to @telegram:t2bot.io
sent an image
In reply to @d1ippvaszeizow:matrix.org
what do you mean
last time i went in his discord server , they were doing a giveaway for free books . when the winner showin the screenshot of the books he got

with my eyes , i saw the fuckin .ink file exploit in there
@d1ippvaszeizow:matrix.orgd1ippvaszeizowwhere is a good place to sell my weed00:05:49
@telegram_1164266638:t2bot.ioDevilArkzlater a few days the winner guy account got deleted for spamming nitro links lmao00:06:15
@d1ippvaszeizow:matrix.orgd1ippvaszeizowwhat do you think of my tent00:06:16
@d1ippvaszeizow:matrix.orgd1ippvaszeizowi dont know what any of that is and ive never used discord00:06:34
@d1ippvaszeizow:matrix.orgd1ippvaszeizowthis guy is just a kid00:06:43

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