

2312 Members
This is the official chat for the DRIP token and all related platforms.4 Servers

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20 May 2022
@telegram:t2bot.ioTelegram Bridge joined the room.18:17:36
@telegram:t2bot.ioTelegram Bridge

Hello, I'm a Telegram bridge.

Use !tg help for help.

@smokeanon223:matrix.orgSmokeAlt!tg bridge -100125876445218:19:36
@telegram:t2bot.ioTelegram Bridge

That Telegram chat has no existing portal. To confirm bridging the chat to this room, use !tg continue

@smokeanon223:matrix.orgSmokeAlt!tg continue18:19:51
@telegram:t2bot.ioTelegram Bridge

Bridging complete. Portal synchronization should begin momentarily.

@telegram_5186128352:t2bot.ioSmoke Anon joined the room.18:19:54
@telegram_840349003:t2bot.ioWesternStar joined the room.18:19:55
@telegram_1176341466:t2bot.ioBrandon Brown joined the room.18:19:55
@telegram_1027779120:t2bot.ioBabaji Forex Shark Sifu joined the room.18:19:55
@telegram_1291683922:t2bot.ioosh in joined the room.18:19:56
@telegram_2128146381:t2bot.ioTHE WOLF WONT DM U joined the room.18:19:56
@telegram_1690764780:t2bot.ioBrian | CVM joined the room.18:19:57
@telegram_2109738682:t2bot.ioCryptoDaenerys joined the room.18:19:57
@telegram_405476047:t2bot.ioRATICAL99 joined the room.18:19:57
@telegram_771096498:t2bot.ioShieldy joined the room.18:19:57
@smokeanon223:matrix.orgSmokeAlt!tg help18:28:27
@telegram:t2bot.ioTelegram Bridge

This is a portal room: you must always prefix commands with !tg. Management commands will not be bridged.


cancel - Cancel an ongoing action.
version - Get the bridge version.
help - Show this help message.


ping-bot - Get the info of the message relay Telegram bot.

Creating portals

bridge [id] - Bridge the current Matrix room to the Telegram chat with the given ID. The ID must be the prefixed version that you get with the /id command of the Telegram-side bot.

Portal management

delete-portal - Remove all users from the current portal room and forget the portal. Only works for group chats; to delete a private chat portal, simply leave the room.
unbridge - Remove puppets from the current portal room and forget the portal.


sync-state - Fetch Matrix room state to ensure the bridge has up-to-date info.
id - Get the ID of the Telegram chat where this room is bridged.

@smokeanon223:matrix.orgSmokeAlt!tg ping-bot18:28:56
@telegram:t2bot.ioTelegram Bridge

Telegram message relay bot is active: Matrix Telegram Bridge (ID 420415423)

To use the bot, simply invite it to a portal room.

@smokeanon223:matrix.orgSmokeAlt!tg id18:29:32
@telegram:t2bot.ioTelegram Bridge

This room is bridged to Telegram chat ID -1001258764452.

@smokeanon223:matrix.orgSmokeAlt!tg sync-state18:34:50
@telegram:t2bot.ioTelegram Bridge

Synchronization complete

@_discord_778452015021293578:t2bot.iomystmaker33 joined the room.18:53:55
@_discord_580913043903479834:t2bot.iochiroks joined the room.18:55:24
@smokeanon223:matrix.orgSmokeAlt!tg unbridge18:57:04
@telegram:t2bot.ioTelegram Bridge

Please confirm unbridging chat "DRIP" from room #telegram_DRIPtoken_Chat:t2bot.io by typing !tg confirm-unbridge

@smokeanon223:matrix.orgSmokeAlt!tg confirm-unbridge18:57:12

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