
Wolfram Physics Project

42 Members
Fundamental Theory of Physics https://www.wolframphysics.org/7 Servers

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28 Apr 2021
@jehaverlack:matrix.orgjehaverlackIf we had to trace each and every molecule the the process of understanding the system would be computationally irreducible.17:55:17
@jehaverlack:matrix.orgjehaverlackIn the case of Black Holes, our best computationally reducible theories fail at the event horizon and can no longer explain the physics beyond that threshold. But Wolfram's model is a bottom up theory which allows us to calculate activity inside a theoretical black hole, and what they find is that all information in side the event horizon is causally disconnected from the outside universe. I think it is also true that inside this boundary the physics is computational irreducible, while outside the black hole it's reducable.17:59:12
29 Apr 2021
@whistler73:matrix.orgwhistler73I really need to read more on his work...damn that's got some serious potential.02:56:40
@roger:rogersmatrix.spdns.derogerHow can one say something about the inside of a black hole if one says that its inside and outside are disconnected? That is like talking about tachyons.13:40:32
In reply to @roger:rogersmatrix.spdns.de
How can one say something about the inside of a black hole if one says that its inside and outside are disconnected? That is like talking about tachyons.
Hey Roger, The
In reply to @roger:rogersmatrix.spdns.de
How can one say something about the inside of a black hole if one says that its inside and outside are disconnected? That is like talking about tachyons.
* Hey Roger, You raise a good point. I would not say with certainty that the Wolfram Model speaks to what is happening "inside" a black hole with certainty. But it is the first model that I know of which proposes how to model the physics of black holes including "inside" the event horizon. The reason this is possible is because the concepts of space and time are not axiomatic to the Wolfram Model in the same way they are to Quantum Field Theory and General Relativity. Rather the concepts of space and time, and the notion of "inside" or "outside" a region of space, are emergent properties of a more detailed computational model.
@jehaverlack:matrix.orgjehaverlackSo the Wolfram Model can plausibly speak to the physics inside a black hole because it predicts the precise emergent phenomenon of event horizons. The Wolfram model is a bottom up model, not a top down model. QFT, GR, and Thermodynamics are all top down theories, which have followed the historical trend of unifying many areas of physics into a few simple ideas. They are successful because they agree with experiments. String Theory, Loop Quantum Gravity, and the Wolfram Model are attempts to start at the bottom and work you way up to predict the top down physics that models the universe we perceive.19:29:13
@jehaverlack:matrix.orgjehaverlackAt the end of the day the Wolfram model will only succeed if it can predict new physics that can be experimentally confirmed. This is where String Theory and Loop Quantum Gravity have not yet succeeded. 19:30:32
@jehaverlack:matrix.orgjehaverlackIMO, I see many similarities between LQG and the Wolfram Model. I suspect that the Wolfram Model will eventually find many aspects of LQG and String Theory,. The Wolfram Model has already made many connections in Category Theory, the Standard Model and many other areas of topology, and computational physics.19:33:12
@jehaverlack:matrix.orgjehaverlack * IMO, I see many similarities between LQG and the Wolfram Model. I suspect that the Wolfram Model will eventually find many aspects of LQG and String Theory,. The Wolfram Model has already made many connections in Category Theory, the Standard Model and many other areas of topology, and computational physics. So I think diligence is needed but the incredible amount of success the Wolfram Model has had in the last year certainly merits further consideration.19:34:41
@jehaverlack:matrix.orgjehaverlack roger: Another thing to understand is that traditional ways of doing physics assume a human constrained perception of time approach. Which is why the physics of black holes confuses us. The Wolfram Model works outside of time. And thus does not have the same constraints. It's remarkable that our theories can think outside of time. This was not expected, but is something that the Wolfram model has been able to treat with more computational precision than any other theory I've worked in. 23:47:06
@jehaverlack:matrix.orgjehaverlack * roger: Another thing to understand is that traditional ways of doing physics assume a human constrained perception of time approach. Which is why the physics of black holes confuses us. The Wolfram Model works outside of time. And thus does not have the same constraints. It's remarkable that our theories let us "think outside of time". This was not expected, but is something that the Wolfram model has been able to treat with more computational precision than any other theory I've worked in. 23:47:41
2 May 2021
@whistler73:matrix.orgwhistler73Sorry...was a busy weekend. I'm exhausted....did you get any downtime at all?23:32:35
13 May 2021
@slvrsrfrr:matrix.orgslvrsrfrr joined the room.02:40:52
21 May 2021
@sapient_cogbag:tchncs.de⏣sapient_cogbag⏣[ⒶH⁺⚧★][they/them|ze/zem|xe/xem] (Old) changed their display name from ⏣sapient_cogbag⏣[ⒶH⁺⚧★][they/them|ze/zem|xe/xem] to ⏣sapient_cogbag⏣[ⒶH⁺⚧★][they/them|ze/zem|xe/xem] (Old).12:06:03
@sapient_cogbag:artemislena.eu⏣sapient_cogbag⏣[ⒶH⁺⚧★][they/them|ze/zem|xe/xem] joined the room.13:35:18
28 May 2021
@miloofcroton:matrix.orgmiloofcroton joined the room.11:12:15
27 Sep 2021
@saad:matrix.orgSaad left the room.19:48:55
28 Sep 2021
@rbren:matrix.orgrbren joined the room.12:07:53
30 Sep 2021
@sudoreboot:matrix.orgHrafn Blóðbók joined the room.09:26:30
@psydroid:matrix.orgpsydroid joined the room.09:56:24
4 Oct 2021
@khinchin:matrix.orgKhinchin joined the room.06:05:27
10 Oct 2021
@server_stats:nordgedanken.devServer Stats Discoverer (traveler bot) joined the room.10:59:51
2 Nov 2021
@sudoreboot:matrix.orgHrafn Blóðbók changed their profile picture.06:11:22
15 Nov 2021
@bb-ml:matrix.orgbb-ml joined the room.14:59:01
23 Nov 2021
@server_stats:nordgedanken.devServer Stats Discoverer (traveler bot) left the room.02:52:50
27 Nov 2021
@3o14pfj1hlc3ljmsx3s5:matrix.org@3o14pfj1hlc3ljmsx3s5:matrix.org joined the room.17:28:05
@3o14pfj1hlc3ljmsx3s5:matrix.org@3o14pfj1hlc3ljmsx3s5:matrix.org joined the room.18:59:23
30 Nov 2021
@3o14pfj1hlc3ljmsx3s5:matrix.org@3o14pfj1hlc3ljmsx3s5:matrix.org joined the room.15:07:09
@3o14pfj1hlc3ljmsx3s5:matrix.org@3o14pfj1hlc3ljmsx3s5:matrix.org joined the room.18:57:37

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