
Wolfram Physics Project

41 Members
Fundamental Theory of Physics https://www.wolframphysics.org/7 Servers

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4 Oct 2020
@jehaverlack:matrix.orgjehaverlackBusy as hell with work too but it's also my passion in life so i'll make time.00:01:11
@whistler73:matrix.orgwhistler73Watching Apocalypto...how's the deck?01:18:27
@whistler73:matrix.orgwhistler73Interest yes...time...ha, maybe :)01:18:42
5 Oct 2020
@whistler73:matrix.orgwhistler73What's the cheapest (e.g. free) and fastest way to get relatively up to speed on this? YouTube vids???16:11:15
@jehaverlack:matrix.orgjehaverlackyeah. Search for Wolfram Physics.17:10:00
@jehaverlack:matrix.orgjehaverlackThis is a great intro. Though it goes very fast. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BV3a0PzNNqE17:10:45
@jehaverlack:matrix.orgjehaverlackI advise just whatching it and then going back to it.17:10:57
@jehaverlack:matrix.orgjehaverlackAlso I'm starting to go through the hands on work: https://wolframphysics.org/technical-introduction/ Download Wolfram Player https://www.wolfram.com/player/ and get started on the homework. https://www.wolframcloud.com/obj/wolframphysics/Tools/hands-on-introduction-to-the-wolfram-physics-project.nb17:13:45
@jehaverlack:matrix.orgjehaverlackAt it's heart wolfram physics is a graph network where by the rules for connected graph nodes evolves based on rule sets. By applying these rules iteratively many times a fractal i generated which represents a complex information network from which relativistics space and time as well as quantum mechanics and gravity emerge.17:16:21
@whistler73:matrix.orgwhistler73I downloaded the player and the .nb. Will review later!19:08:06
@whistler73:matrix.orgwhistler73 set a profile picture.20:14:26
@bonvoyage:ungleich.chbonvoyage joined the room.22:29:48
@voyager:t2bot.ioMatrix Traveler (bot) joined the room.22:31:29
@jehaverlack:matrix.orgjehaverlackWould be awesome to have a Wolfram Alpha integration for Matrix.23:07:05
@saad:matrix.org@saad:matrix.org joined the room.23:08:59
@jehaverlack:matrix.orgjehaverlackLooks like https://matrix.org/docs/projects/bot/hello-matrix-bot already integrates with Wolfram Alpha23:12:31
@jehaverlack:matrix.orgjehaverlackBut I don't see it as an option to add to this channel.23:12:56
@jehaverlack:matrix.orgjehaverlack invited @hello-matrix:matrix.org@hello-matrix:matrix.org.23:26:53
@jehaverlack:matrix.orgjehaverlackFound instructions but the invitation has not been accepted: https://gitlab.com/argit/hello-matrix-bot#usage-instructions23:34:05
@whistler73:matrix.orgwhistler73What's it do...haven't looked at it yet23:34:32
@jehaverlack:matrix.orgjehaverlackThe matrix bot integrates with Wolfram Alpha. Which with any luck would let us run notebooks directly in this matrix.org channel.23:36:49
@whistler73:matrix.orgwhistler73Fingers crossed. I will be lucky to even begin to catch up on the material!23:39:23
@whistler73:matrix.orgwhistler73Needing help?23:42:16
@jehaverlack:matrix.orgjehaverlackYea that should have triggered the hello-matrix-bot23:43:15
@jehaverlack:matrix.orgjehaverlackI sent a not to the bot support channel in hopes they might be able to help.23:46:32
6 Oct 2020
@theedencrazy:matrix.orgsapient_cogbag [new account @sapient_cogbag:tchncs.de] joined the room.14:03:39
@whistler73:matrix.orgwhistler73 jehaverlack: have you found any other good groups on matrix? All I am finding is a bunch of ineffective childish arguments. 15:05:27

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