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TRUE ICONS ONLY - https://old.reddit.com/r/ProjectMDiedForThis1 Servers

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19 Jul 2018
@atrueicon:matrix.orgBeiowolf justfuckenlul: here we plan how to bomb wavedash 18:55:51
@justfuckenlul:matrix.orgjustfuckenlulWhats with the red text18:56:25
@justfuckenlul:matrix.orgjustfuckenlulThis app sucks18:56:31
@atrueicon:matrix.orgBeiowolfred text?18:58:59
@atrueicon:matrix.orgBeiowolfalso it's just discord but not run by sjw glow in the dark fags18:59:07
@justfuckenlul:matrix.orgjustfuckenlul Idgi, why can't we use discord, even if it is run by SJ's 19:04:12
@atrueicon:matrix.orgBeiowolfbecause it's shitty in every way19:17:00
@atrueicon:matrix.orgBeiowolfyou are literally a fucking retard if you like that trash19:17:05
@atrueicon:matrix.orgBeiowolfno offense19:17:08
@atrueicon:matrix.orgBeiowolfeven on a purely utilitarian basis it is garbage19:17:12
@justfuckenlul:matrix.orgjustfuckenlulBut like why19:17:25
@atrueicon:matrix.orgBeiowolfslow, clunky, horrible UI19:17:29
@justfuckenlul:matrix.orgjustfuckenlul I mean it's popular, there's one advantage 19:17:32
@justfuckenlul:matrix.orgjustfuckenlulThis is faster admittedly19:17:40
@atrueicon:matrix.orgBeiowolfit's faster because it's not bloated by 5000 random icons and dumb bullshit bouncing around due to hipster apple babby design principles and 5000 scripts designed to kike your shit in every way possible19:21:58
@atrueicon:matrix.orgBeiowolfit also will never make you give them a phone number and you can even avoid recaptcha by registering with a different server19:22:20
@atrueicon:matrix.orgBeiowolfit also has actual encryption if we ever feel like enabling it19:22:30
@atrueicon:matrix.orgBeiowolfit's open source, decentralized, and federated19:22:36
@atrueicon:matrix.orgBeiowolfand even the privacy policy of this specific server is 500x better than discord's19:22:45
@atrueicon:matrix.orgBeiowolfand if it stops being so, then we can move to a new server, which you can't do with discord19:22:59
@justfuckenlul:matrix.orgjustfuckenlul Regardless I feel like the server might get more members on discord, nonetheless I'm gonna stick around in case more people join 19:23:04
@atrueicon:matrix.orgBeiowolfan actual server that is19:23:14
@justfuckenlul:matrix.orgjustfuckenlulThere has to be somewhere to discuss the Texas clique that has ruined PM19:23:14
@atrueicon:matrix.orgBeiowolfnot a "discord" server which is their fancy way of saying a chatroom19:23:21
@atrueicon:matrix.orgBeiowolfwith this, you can use whatever actual physical server run by whomever you want19:23:36
@atrueicon:matrix.orgBeiowolfsince this isn't kike bullshit it takes 2 seconds to register for it19:25:31
@atrueicon:matrix.orgBeiowolfyou don't even need to give them an e-mail19:25:39
@atrueicon:matrix.orgBeiowolfin fact I think you can use it without registering at all because I enabled guests using this room19:25:58

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