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13 Jan 2024
@_discord_467627785016311829:t2bot.ioCrime Master Gogo you get used to it 17:49:31
@_discord_467627785016311829:t2bot.ioCrime Master Gogo aap logo ke paas option hota hai? 17:52:39
@_discord_981157763646369873:t2bot.iowanderer5015 i ate McDonald’s today, angus beef burger with twisted fries and milk tea boba 17:52:43
@_discord_981157763646369873:t2bot.iowanderer5015 Yesh mai khud deti houn 17:53:03
@_discord_467627785016311829:t2bot.ioCrime Master Gogo yummy yummy in my tummy 17:53:22
@_discord_467627785016311829:t2bot.ioCrime Master Gogo nah nah 17:53:29
@_discord_467627785016311829:t2bot.ioCrime Master Gogo sone ka option 17:53:33
@_discord_981157763646369873:t2bot.iowanderer5015 Yesh 17:54:22
@_discord_981157763646369873:t2bot.iowanderer5015 Me going to sleep 17:54:27
@_discord_981157763646369873:t2bot.iowanderer5015 Lunar new year edition 17:54:37
@_discord_981157763646369873:t2bot.iowanderer5015 17:54:40
@_discord_467627785016311829:t2bot.ioCrime Master Gogo China follows the lunar calendar? 17:55:01
@_discord_981157763646369873:t2bot.iowanderer5015 Lunar new year is a basic tradition 17:56:37
@_discord_981157763646369873:t2bot.iowanderer5015 Doesn’t matter if you follow it or nah 17:56:44
@_discord_981157763646369873:t2bot.iowanderer5015 But yes we do 17:56:46
@_discord_981157763646369873:t2bot.iowanderer5015 Along with the Christian calendar 17:56:55
@_discord_467627785016311829:t2bot.ioCrime Master Gogo TIL East Asia uses the lunar calendar 17:57:19
@_discord_467627785016311829:t2bot.ioCrime Master Gogo I used to think it was solar 17:57:24
@_discord_981157763646369873:t2bot.iowanderer5015 Nah 17:58:00
@_discord_467627785016311829:t2bot.ioCrime Master Gogo Arab countries use the lunar calendar becausee they don't have seasons 17:59:48
@_discord_467627785016311829:t2bot.ioCrime Master Gogo so the moon is easier to keep track of 17:59:57
@_discord_467627785016311829:t2bot.ioCrime Master Gogo China kyu? 18:00:00
@_discord_467627785016311829:t2bot.ioCrime Master Gogo * Arab countries use the lunar calendar because they don't have seasons 18:15:12
24 Jan 2024
@tobin6579:matrix.orgtobin6579 joined the room.15:08:57
6 Feb 2024
@jojo404:matrix.org@jojo404:matrix.org joined the room.15:07:23
@jojo404:matrix.org@jojo404:matrix.org left the room.19:35:57
7 Feb 2024
@ajodo50:matrix.orgajodo50 joined the room.20:51:06
8 Feb 2024
@ajodo50:matrix.orgajodo50"I'll help anyone interested on how to earn 100k in just 24hours from the crypto market. But you will have to pay me my commission! when you receive your profit! if interested click on the group link and send me a direct message by asking me HOW https://t.me/EDWARDJAMES_002:51:17
22 Feb 2024
@+tommy_plug:matrix.org@+tommy_plug:matrix.org joined the room.00:20:34
@+tommy_plug:matrix.org@+tommy_plug:matrix.org left the room.12:19:27

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