
BIDS Derivatives Meeting 2018

65 Members
https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Wwc4A6Mow4ZPPszDIWfCUCRNstn7d_zzaWPcfcHmgI4/edit#heading=h.4h5l26tsg17b21 Servers

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22 Aug 2018
@melanieganz:matrix.orgmelanieganzYes, adamthomas!13:15:41
@akhanf:matrix.orgakhanf joined the room.13:26:10
@xxxxx123456:matrix.orgxxxxx123456 joined the room.13:35:20
@edickie:matrix.orgedickie joined the room.14:16:19
@62442katieb:matrix.orgKatie Bottenhorn joined the room.14:16:22
@62442katieb:matrix.orgKatie Bottenhorn changed their display name from 62442katieb to Katie Bottenhorn.14:16:58
@62442katieb:matrix.orgKatie Bottenhorn set a profile picture.14:17:37
@62442katieb:matrix.orgKatie Bottenhorn changed their profile picture.14:20:29
@62442katieb:matrix.orgKatie Bottenhorn changed their profile picture.14:21:51
@62442katieb:matrix.orgKatie Bottenhorn changed their profile picture.14:24:45
@edickie:matrix.orgedickie set a profile picture.14:25:45
@maartenmennes:matrix.orgMaarten Mennes joined the room.14:44:03
@maartenmennes:matrix.orgMaarten Mennes changed their display name from maartenmennes to Maarten.14:49:32
@maartenmennes:matrix.orgMaarten Mennes set a profile picture.14:49:57
@maartenmennes:matrix.orgMaarten Menneshello all - being on the right-hand tale of the age distribution, what happened to slack, is that not cool anymore?14:51:11
@filo:matrix.orgChris Gorgolewski
In reply to @maartenmennes:matrix.org
hello all - being on the right-hand tale of the age distribution, what happened to slack, is that not cool anymore?
We are experimenting with this platform as it provides a more cost conscious alternative.
@mainakjas:matrix.orgmainakjasHey guys! We’re waiting at the shuttle at the Stanford guest house. Is anyone else joining?15:15:41

<@maartenmennes:matrix.org> hello all - being on the right-hand tale of the age distribution, what happened to slack, is that not cool anymore?

We are experimenting with this platform as it provides a more cost conscious alternative.

And as much historical messages as you want to keep, and bridges to IRC/gitter/... yo let people decide what they want to use

@delavega4:matrix.orgdelavega4 joined the room.15:18:01
@anibalsolon:matrix.organibalsolon joined the room.15:27:31
@andrewhoopes:matrix.organdrewhoopesRedacted or Malformed Event15:34:53
@rastko:matrix.orgrastko joined the room.16:03:17
@dnielson:matrix.orgdylan joined the room.16:10:51
@dnielson:matrix.orgdylan changed their display name from dnielson to dylan.16:12:50
@dorahermes:matrix.orgdorahermes joined the room.16:27:26
@adamthomas:matrix.orgadamthomas set a profile picture.16:33:45
@teonbrooks:matrix.org@teonbrooks:matrix.org joined the room.16:51:26
@kchawla-pi:matrix.orgkchawla-pi joined the room.16:57:07
@markiewicz:matrix.org@markiewicz:matrix.orgFor reference: Rooms 105, 253, 299 and 335 are available.17:05:46
@markiewicz:matrix.org@markiewicz:matrix.orgApparently pinning doesn't exist. :-/17:06:05

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