
Actually Autistic

66 Members
A space for neuroatypicals, especially autistic or autistic-adjacent people, that centers our needs. Allistics must understand their place here. Self-dx is valid! No bigots, no fascists (no TERFs, no SWERFs). Message @zuggtmoy:matrix.org for an invite!33 Servers

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18 Jan 2021
@jez:petrichor.meJez (he/him)😻16:33:14
@jez:petrichor.meJez (he/him)ours doesn't sound like that though, mostly just a gentle rhythmic sighing16:33:34
@jez:petrichor.meJez (he/him)quite relaxing really16:33:48
@djkhalis:matrix.orgdjkhalisShe doesn't do this often, but she managed to wake me up worried thinking that someone very angry is moving furniture downstairs 🤦‍♀️16:40:56
@jez:petrichor.meJez (he/him)cut!16:48:28
@jez:petrichor.meJez (he/him) * cute!16:48:31
@jez:petrichor.meJez (he/him)and annoying!16:48:37
@djkhalis:matrix.orgdjkhalisOh I could never be annoyed by that little lazy mentor of mine 😌 she's as needy as I need her heh16:52:30
21 Jan 2021
@jez:petrichor.meJez (he/him)Last few weeks bee rewatching Buffy the Vampire Slayer (the TV series) and wow Cordelia is definitely autistic! 07:59:22
@jez:petrichor.meJez (he/him)* Last few weeks been rewatching Buffy the Vampire Slayer (the TV series) and wow Cordelia is definitely autistic! 07:59:38
@djkhalis:matrix.orgdjkhalisOh I never knew! I'll look into it, made me curious:) 10:31:40
@jez:petrichor.meJez (he/him) changed their display name from Jez (he/him) 🐍🦀 to Jez (he/him).11:22:28
22 Jan 2021
@djkhalis:matrix.orgdjkhalis changed their profile picture.10:53:29
@djkhalis:matrix.orgdjkhalis changed their profile picture.10:54:13
23 Jan 2021
@iamhazel:matrix.org@iamhazel:matrix.org joined the room.22:54:39
In reply to @djkhalis:matrix.org
sent an image.
Good god they're beautiful 😭 I need a cat so bad!
24 Jan 2021
@djkhalis:matrix.orgdjkhalisOwh, I wish every person had a cat, honestly. No exaggeration but I owe my life to that snoring little bread loaf, love her with all my heart. Sometimes I wish I could just explain to her what she did for me, I know she feels my love but ahhh17:05:27
25 Jan 2021
@ij:kahakai.de@ij:kahakai.de I'm feeling so tired and exhausted... sigh Winter Blues Time... 07:37:38
26 Jan 2021
@jez:petrichor.meJez (he/him)As a change from cats, enjoy this live feed of peregrine falcons on London Metropolitan University https://hml.londonmet.ac.uk/Live/3411:20:38
@djkhalis:matrix.orgdjkhalisOh he's cuuute11:35:31
28 Jan 2021
@DatseMultimedia:matrix.org@DatseMultimedia:matrix.orgI have a dog. And silly me, I'm not a fan of cats. I get the appeal, but I think a big thing is I like to breathe, and I can't take anti-histamines... (apparently I should just take anti-histamines and be super twitchy and not complain about people who are exposing me to stuff I know I'm allergic to).07:04:11
@jez:petrichor.meJez (he/him) Dogs are cute too, and being able to breath is important. 12:52:37
@bughuntercat:matrix.org@bughuntercat:matrix.org joined the room.12:56:27
@jez:petrichor.meJez (he/him)I hope this isn't a weird overshare, but I'm interested if others have a similar experience... I'm attending a conference for work, fully online because pandemic and attendees cameras are disabled so no-one can see or hear me. I've found I'm much calmer and more focused sitting under a blanket watching and sucking my thumb, which I haven't done since about age 12.13:50:24
@jez:petrichor.meJez (he/him) But at the same time, even though I'm completely alone I have a big feeling of shame about doing something that is so stereotypically childish and immature. 13:51:05
@jez:petrichor.meJez (he/him)Like here I am, a grown-up adult human person in my 30s doing the thing that I got shamed into stopping doing as I grew up and that caused me loads of orthodontic problems in my teens.13:52:22
@djkhalis:matrix.orgdjkhalisI'm happy you found the strength to share :) I suppose it's just your stim, as far as I understand, they come and go in waves. My mum used to threaten to slap me for my stims when I was younger, so I'd suppose if I started doing the same ones I did back then, I'd relive those awkward and frustrating memories. And I find it so hard to refrain from chewing and sucking on basically anything I write with, people get grossed out, I get it, but at the same time, I get me as well. 14:15:20
@djkhalis:matrix.orgdjkhalisAnd I'm at my job at the moment (dementia care home, imagine all the noise..) I get passive anxiety just from being here. And the thought of hiding in a blanket and sucking my freaking thumb made me soo calm hahah. 14:16:43
@djkhalis:matrix.orgdjkhalisI sleep like a fetus, like, my knees almost touch my face. And I love it. I wanna go back to that period, why wouldn't I? 14:17:57
@amiya:beerfactory.org@amiya:beerfactory.orgI completely understand14:57:57

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