
STK Soccer Tournament - General

218 Members
General chat for SuperTuxKart and in particular the soccer tournament.11 Servers

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14 Apr 2024
@_discord_1071871420025553006:t2bot.ionomagno stπŸ–• 16:19:19
@_discord_1071871420025553006:t2bot.ionomagno New FOSS game 16:19:37
@_discord_1071871420025553006:t2bot.ionomagno https://tenor.com/view/bye-goodbye-penguin-leave-leaving-gif-6808996864334553370 16:19:57
@_discord_623800359869218837:t2bot.iokimden fuss game 16:22:55
16 Apr 2024
@_discord_999459359526494339:t2bot.iospongycake Ok I'm glad you here you are still considering it. You could also do a shorter version as probably discussed one hundred times before. But ya know, it might be what you need 00:36:13
@_discord_999459359526494339:t2bot.iospongycake * Ok! I'm glad you are still considering it. You could also do a shorter version as probably discussed one hundred times before. But ya know, it might be what you need 00:36:31
@_discord_623800359869218837:t2bot.iokimden I mean I still have to be involved, probably as much as for 'long' version 00:39:05
@_discord_1094038847869956116:t2bot.ioraceme 😭 01:25:22
@spongycake:matrix.orgspongycake Did you ever speak of a weekend league? 03:48:27
@_discord_623800359869218837:t2bot.iokimden not sure but as I'm already doing grand prix biweekly I could consider many options including this 04:29:05
@_discord_1094038847869956116:t2bot.ioraceme this feels like a haiku 04:30:13
@_discord_623800359869218837:t2bot.iokimden yes 04:30:47
@_discord_1094038847869956116:t2bot.ioraceme agreed 04:31:00
@_discord_623800359869218837:t2bot.iokimden But to be honest I don't think it can work right now, I'll try to explain why 04:37:25
@_discord_1094038847869956116:t2bot.ioraceme okay 04:37:38
@_discord_623800359869218837:t2bot.iokimden For a competition, you either go with registration (to know who will surely play, find when to play, etc), or without it.

With registration:
+ someone plays for sure
+ you can plan multiple game days
+ you can play round robin or anything else with fixed number of games because you can schedule everything
– you have to wait 2 weeks until all of them register, and annoying people can annoy you for the whole month

Without registration:
+ no need to process all that registration data, go and have fun
– maybe no one joins, or maybe too many people join
– you cannot plan for more than a few hours
– either half of people join for half of competition and get nothing, or you need a complicated thing called "Good Rating" to do something so that they get some good place
@_discord_623800359869218837:t2bot.iokimden I hosted both, and tbh both are pain have clear drawbacks in communities like these

For soccer, it is harder to host short events (w/o reg) because grand prix screen just doesn't work (I tried)
At the same time I saw way too many soccer players joining racing GPs for games 6–9 of 11 (leaving in the middle obviously) because they were unable to organize themselves to pick a soccer server, imagine racers doing the thing vice versa
@_discord_623800359869218837:t2bot.iokimden But happily it was easier to make longer tournaments for soccer than racing, maybe because teams can make any set of players not boring 04:59:51
@_discord_623800359869218837:t2bot.iokimden Some kind of short competitions like GPs for racing could be good but a) I'd have to show standings on the server better b) it's not clear to me how to make enough games + not too long in total + different and somehow not too op team composition. I was thinking about it, I had some ideas, less successful or more, but currently it is more likely that I host a typical one month tournament than finish it all soon 05:05:30
@_discord_623800359869218837:t2bot.iokimden And there is no "Good Rating", they all claimed to have it for ages but none even come close (few games or awful results). #maybein2025 05:09:42
@_discord_623800359869218837:t2bot.iokimden * And there is no "Good Rating", they all claimed to have it for ages but none even came close (few games or awful results). #maybein2025 05:10:01
@_discord_623800359869218837:t2bot.iokimden I hope what I said is understandable and not sleepy unreadable nightmare, off to sleep 05:11:00
@_discord_1094038847869956116:t2bot.ioraceme it mostly makes sense 05:11:25
@_discord_1094038847869956116:t2bot.ioraceme all of it really 05:11:39
@_discord_623800359869218837:t2bot.iokimden https://tenor.com/view/kimi-raikkonen-kimi-raikkonen-well-done-praise-gif-13051740 05:13:13
@_discord_623800359869218837:t2bot.iokimden * And there is no "Good Rating" for soccer yet, they all claimed to have it for ages but none even came close (few games or awful results). #maybein2025 05:17:23
@_discord_623800359869218837:t2bot.iokimden Considering there are some changes in current code for 2.0 version regarding reverse turn radius, I'd like to ask you how much you use reverse. Discorders can use the [poll](https://discord.com/channels/696661995449221200/697921400035606548/1229798376447414293). 14:22:03
@_discord_662709276132900897:t2bot.ioLLS(flying winger) often 😭 14:34:22
18 Apr 2024
@_discord_1094038847869956116:t2bot.ioraceme ME AND HIMUSAMA JUST BEAT REMIHB IN ISLAND SOCCER 15:47:38
@_discord_623800359869218837:t2bot.iokimden incredible 15:48:37

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