10 Aug 2023 |
| Black Phoenix 🪽 changed their display name from Sanikava to Black Phoenix 🪽. | 14:12:15 |
| Black Phoenix 🪽 changed their profile picture. | 14:29:52 |
| lyoko changed their profile picture. | 15:07:37 |
11 Aug 2023 |
| lyoko changed their profile picture. | 07:24:55 |
15 Aug 2023 |
| @marcc0:matrix.org joined the room. | 17:10:37 |
| @marcc0:matrix.org left the room. | 17:11:16 |
17 Aug 2023 |
| teteu284 joined the room. | 01:51:09 |
19 Aug 2023 |
| king-of-the-light joined the room. | 18:35:15 |
| king-of-the-light set a profile picture. | 18:38:18 |
20 Aug 2023 |
| king-of-the-light left the room. | 19:06:36 |
21 Aug 2023 |
| @sergiomassa:sibnsk.net joined the room. | 00:44:27 |
23 Aug 2023 |
| king-of-the-light joined the room. | 20:42:04 |
24 Aug 2023 |
| @qwle:matrix.org joined the room. | 05:22:57 |
| @qwle:matrix.org joined the room. | 05:22:58 |
| @qwle:matrix.org left the room. | 05:22:59 |
25 Aug 2023 |
| Adnan Zaman joined the room. | 14:01:06 |
Adnan Zaman | Someone have any clue how to get the font icons to work on sway's default bar? | 14:03:10 |
Adnan Zaman | The font seem to change.. but the icons stay the same no matter what. It displays F6A8 | 14:08:14 |
Adnan Zaman | Download image.png | 14:08:15 |
Adnan Zaman | Using this config
bar {
position top
font pango:Nerd Font 10
status_command i3blocks -c $HOME/.config/i3blocks/i3blocks.conf
colors {
statusline #ffffff
background $color0
active_workspace $color1 $color1 $color0
focused_workspace $color1 $color1 $color0
inactive_workspace $color0 $color0 $color8
urgent_workspace $color3 $color3 $color0
| 14:09:54 |
maksim | In reply to @aadniz:knaben.org
Using this config
bar {
position top
font pango:Nerd Font 10
status_command i3blocks -c $HOME/.config/i3blocks/i3blocks.conf
colors {
statusline #ffffff
background $color0
active_workspace $color1 $color1 $color0
focused_workspace $color1 $color1 $color0
inactive_workspace $color0 $color0 $color8
urgent_workspace $color3 $color3 $color0
what is Nerd Font 10? | 14:14:48 |
maksim | are you sure a font called "Nerd Font" is installed on your system? Use fc-list | 14:15:01 |
Adnan Zaman | A lot | 14:15:48 |
Adnan Zaman | Download image.png | 14:15:50 |
Adnan Zaman | Oh actually, now something happened | 14:18:12 |
Adnan Zaman | When I set font pango:Font Awesome 6 Free Solid,sans-serif Medium 10 | 14:18:23 |
Adnan Zaman | I guess the naming just have to be exactly right? | 14:18:34 |
Adnan Zaman | Yep, got it. Thanks for the hint Maksim | 14:23:21 |
maksim | In reply to @aadniz:knaben.org Yep, got it. Thanks for the hint Maksim yeah | 14:23:37 |
maksim | basically you just didn't enter the full name | 14:23:47 |