

73 Members
Channel for upcoming releases of Project Alice projects. [part of +projectalice:matrix.org community]30 Servers

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5 Oct 2020
@_discord_167430563383214080:t2bot.io@_discord_167430563383214080:t2bot.io changed their display name from Okarin to Big Boss#9537.16:02:57
@_discord_167430563383214080:t2bot.io@_discord_167430563383214080:t2bot.io changed their display name from Big Boss#9537 to Okarin.16:02:57
@_discord_167430563383214080:t2bot.io@_discord_167430563383214080:t2bot.io changed their display name from Okarin to Big Boss#9537.18:34:29
@_discord_167430563383214080:t2bot.io@_discord_167430563383214080:t2bot.io changed their display name from Big Boss#9537 to Okarin.18:34:35
@ana:matrix.valenciawireless.organa joined the room.20:20:44
6 Oct 2020
@_discord_156324425673736192:t2bot.ioMy Angle Alice changed their display name from My Angle Alice to Ayane#4989.09:33:48
@_discord_156324425673736192:t2bot.ioMy Angle Alice changed their display name from Ayane#4989 to My Angle Alice.09:33:49
@_discord_156324425673736192:t2bot.ioMy Angle Alice changed their display name from My Angle Alice to Ayane#4989.11:46:31
@_discord_156324425673736192:t2bot.ioMy Angle Alice changed their display name from Ayane#4989 to My Angle Alice.11:46:31
@_discord_156324425673736192:t2bot.ioMy Angle Alice changed their display name from My Angle Alice to Ayane#4989.16:53:16
@_discord_156324425673736192:t2bot.ioMy Angle Alice changed their display name from Ayane#4989 to My Angle Alice.16:53:23
7 Oct 2020
@_discord_156324425673736192:t2bot.ioMy Angle Alice changed their display name from My Angle Alice to Ayane#4989.01:46:17
@_discord_156324425673736192:t2bot.ioMy Angle Alice changed their display name from Ayane#4989 to My Angle Alice.01:46:17
9 Oct 2020
@_discord_318375962834239489:t2bot.iojunebert changed their display name from junebert to junebert#9945.03:18:27
@_discord_318375962834239489:t2bot.iojunebert changed their display name from junebert#9945 to junebert.03:18:28
12 Oct 2020
@_discord_156324425673736192:t2bot.ioMy Angle Alice changed their display name from My Angle Alice to Ayane#4989.02:39:52
@_discord_156324425673736192:t2bot.ioMy Angle Alice changed their display name from Ayane#4989 to My Angle Alice.02:39:53
@_discord_248315888988585994:t2bot.ioDusk Ealain changed their profile picture.06:33:01
@_discord_248315888988585994:t2bot.ioDusk Ealain changed their display name from Dusk Ealain#5943 to Dusk Ealain.06:33:01
13 Oct 2020
@_discord_266580190275043329:t2bot.ioCPG Yuri - reckonusm#1435 changed their profile picture.00:31:42
@_discord_266580190275043329:t2bot.ioCPG Yuri - reckonusm#1435 changed their display name from CPG Yuri - reckonusm#1435 to CPG Yuri - reckonusm.00:32:49
@_discord_272486073756549121:t2bot.io@_discord_272486073756549121:t2bot.io left the room.01:24:15
14 Oct 2020
@vanessa:bau-ha.us@vanessa:bau-ha.us left the room.19:52:42
15 Oct 2020
@_discord_304605408796868609:t2bot.iomarquiskurt#0 changed their display name from AliceOS.kt to alicerunsonfedora.chr#1948.17:42:17
@_discord_304605408796868609:t2bot.iomarquiskurt#0 changed their display name from alicerunsonfedora.chr#1948 to AliceOS.kt.17:42:19
17 Oct 2020
@_discord_167430563383214080:t2bot.io@_discord_167430563383214080:t2bot.io changed their display name from Okarin to Big Boss#9537.02:14:04
@_discord_167430563383214080:t2bot.io@_discord_167430563383214080:t2bot.io changed their display name from Big Boss#9537 to Okarin.02:14:05
@_discord_167430563383214080:t2bot.io@_discord_167430563383214080:t2bot.io left the room.02:35:09
18 Oct 2020
@_discord_266580190275043329:t2bot.ioCPG Yuri - reckonusm#1435 changed their display name from CPG Yuri - reckonusm to CPG Yuri - reckonusm#1435.03:02:14
@_discord_266580190275043329:t2bot.ioCPG Yuri - reckonusm#1435 changed their display name from CPG Yuri - reckonusm#1435 to CPG Yuri - reckonusm.03:03:02

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