
Kdenlive (old_room)

51 Members
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26 Dec 2019
@julia:ggc-project.de@julia:ggc-project.de joined the room.13:45:57
3 Jan 2020
@rbckman:matrix.tarina.org@rbckman:matrix.tarina.orghey! I've made a filmcamera that categorizes your film into scenes, shots and takes. I'm wondering how to make a script that could make a kdenlive project file with everything ready on the timeline?14:54:47
@rbckman:matrix.tarina.org@rbckman:matrix.tarina.orgor perhaps I could use a part of kdenlive that writes the project file?14:57:45
@konstantin:kde.orgkonstantin joined the room.23:50:51
4 Jan 2020
@chameleonscales:matrix.org@chameleonscales:matrix.org left the room.13:22:31
5 Jan 2020
@eickmeyer:matrix.org@eickmeyer:matrix.org changed their display name from Eickmeyer to eickmeyer (@eickmeyer:matrix.org).05:09:29
@eickmeyer:matrix.org@eickmeyer:matrix.org changed their display name from eickmeyer (@eickmeyer:matrix.org) to Eickmeyer[m[.05:16:45
@eickmeyer:matrix.org@eickmeyer:matrix.org changed their display name from Eickmeyer[m[ to Eickmeyer[m].05:17:04
@eickmeyer:matrix.org@eickmeyer:matrix.org changed their display name from Eickmeyer[m] to Eickmeyer.06:29:38
@eickmeyer:matrix.org@eickmeyer:matrix.org left the room.06:50:30
@eickmeyer:matrix.org@eickmeyer:matrix.org joined the room.18:04:13
6 Jan 2020
@pedro:chat.weho.stpedro joined the room.22:50:37
7 Jan 2020
@diniyar:sibnsk.netdiniyar joined the room.11:42:36
8 Jan 2020
@fritz:tchncs.defritz joined the room.23:32:36
9 Jan 2020
@acrouthamel:matrix.org@acrouthamel:matrix.org left the room.22:17:11
10 Jan 2020
@_neb_rssbot_=40frd=3amatrix.org:matrix.orgRSS Bot [@frd:matrix.org] (deprecated) Kdenlive:
Kdenlive 19.12.1 is out
@neptune_tty_42:matrix.org@neptune_tty_42:matrix.org changed their profile picture.11:55:23
13 Jan 2020
@rbckman:matrix.tarina.org@rbckman:matrix.tarina.orgjust tried the new version. looking good! 14:30:21
@rbckman:matrix.tarina.org@rbckman:matrix.tarina.orgI've been a big kdenlive user back in the 0.9.10 days, used it for many projects, both professional editing and my own silly projects. Then I got enough with filmmaking and began baking bread and building myself a film camera from the most open and cheapest parts I could find on the market. Still been lurking around once in a while to see whats up with development. Congratz! I'm impressed with what I see so far! :)14:41:22
@rbckman:matrix.tarina.org@rbckman:matrix.tarina.organyways if anyone's interested in the camera here's a link https://tarina.org/ and if some of you have any ideas how to write a script to import a bunch of selected clips to a kdenlive timeline I would be very happy about that. 15:26:09
@afarid:kde.orgfrdbr joined the room.21:27:26
14 Jan 2020
In reply to @rbckman:matrix.tarina.org
I've been a big kdenlive user back in the 0.9.10 days, used it for many projects, both professional editing and my own silly projects. Then I got enough with filmmaking and began baking bread and building myself a film camera from the most open and cheapest parts I could find on the market. Still been lurking around once in a while to see whats up with development. Congratz! I'm impressed with what I see so far! :)
hey, i have had an itch to bake bread as well. ;)
@frd:matrix.orgfrdbrjust realized that this channel is not bridged with irc and telegram17:40:25
@frd:matrix.orgfrdbrwill try to fget this fixed17:40:38
@rbckman:matrix.tarina.org@rbckman:matrix.tarina.orgye, I kinda thought that this is the case... it's like thumbleweeds invading the beach dunes in here :)18:39:03
In reply to @frd:matrix.org
just realized that this channel is not bridged with irc and telegram
tell me if u need help with bridgin, I'm a somewhat techsavy sourdough rye bread baker
@frd:matrix.orgfrdbrchanged room power levels.20:53:44
@frd:matrix.orgfrdbrwell it seems it stopped working20:55:56
@frd:matrix.orgfrdbri have to see with the kde sysadmins why20:56:09
@frd:matrix.orgfrdbrand what we can do to fix it20:56:16

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