
Emacs Matrix Client

216 Members
Being obsoleted by new client, Ement.el: https://github.com/alphapapa/ement.el (#ement.el:matrix.org)62 Servers

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2 Sep 2022
@atmarama:matrix.org@atmarama:matrix.org left the room.12:16:20
@mrtn:hackeruniverse.dkMrtn Dk
In reply to @atmarama:matrix.org
hello, i'm trying to install the package as per docs on my debian machine, but it get: (error "Package ‘ement-’ is unavailable") ?
This room is about the obsolete Emacs client for Matrix. I hope you benefit from joining #ement.el:matrix.org .
@atmarama:matrix.org@atmarama:matrix.org joined the room.16:48:16
@atmarama:matrix.org@atmarama:matrix.org left the room.16:48:36
4 Sep 2022
@Elephant454:matrix.org@Elephant454:matrix.org left the room.06:32:51
6 Sep 2022
@shane:sveller.social@shane:sveller.social left the room.20:47:52
8 Sep 2022
@smach:matrix.orgsav joined the room.12:02:25
@smach:matrix.orgsav changed their profile picture.15:20:16
14 Sep 2022
@smach:matrix.orgsav changed their profile picture.11:23:18
15 Sep 2022
@smach:matrix.orgsav changed their display name from sav to Savio S. Machado.01:03:02
@smach:matrix.orgsav changed their display name from Savio S. Machado to sav.01:03:10
17 Sep 2022
@flyingketh:matrix.org@flyingketh:matrix.org set a profile picture.15:06:26
20 Sep 2022
@m_algery:leohoo.xyz@m_algery:leohoo.xyz joined the room.03:55:22
@m_algery:leohoo.xyz@m_algery:leohoo.xyz left the room.03:55:29
21 Sep 2022
@estherbtc:matrix.org@estherbtc:matrix.org joined the room.13:07:25
23 Sep 2022
@u.j.:matrix.org@u.j.:matrix.org joined the room.13:54:30
@u.j.:matrix.org@u.j.:matrix.org left the room.19:17:53
30 Sep 2022
@cyphix:systemli.org@cyphix:systemli.org joined the room.17:13:44
@cyphix:systemli.org@cyphix:systemli.org left the room.17:17:07
2 Oct 2022
@flyingketh:matrix.org@flyingketh:matrix.org changed their display name from flyingketh to Joanna.13:09:58
5 Oct 2022
@estherbtc:matrix.org@estherbtc:matrix.org left the room.14:36:00
@skunkygreat:matrix.orgskunkygreat joined the room.17:07:42
16 Oct 2022
@mmonga:matrix.org@mmonga:matrix.org left the room.10:33:48
18 Oct 2022
@seb.lemaguer:matrix.org@seb.lemaguer:matrix.org left the room.08:24:28
28 Oct 2022
@amontero:matrix.org@amontero:matrix.org joined the room.09:53:36
@amontero:matrix.org@amontero:matrix.org left the room.09:54:27
12 Nov 2022
@kahredici:matrix.orgkahredici joined the room.21:57:17
19 Nov 2022
@divansantana:matrix.orgsw changed their display name from Divan Santana to sw.18:01:52
22 Nov 2022
@defaultxr:struct.ws@defaultxr:struct.ws left the room.04:14:28
27 Nov 2022
@e17i:matrix.org@e17i:matrix.org joined the room.18:18:22

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