
Emacs Matrix Client

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Being obsoleted by new client, Ement.el: https://github.com/alphapapa/ement.el (#ement.el:matrix.org)62 Servers

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1 Jun 2021
@gardvik:matrix.orggardvik joined the room.08:44:03
@gi-yt:matrix.org@gi-yt:matrix.org left the room.14:51:44
@jez:petrichor.meJez (he/him) joined the room.21:04:16
4 Jun 2021
@masterr3c0rd:recordbroke.pwMasterR3C0RD joined the room.00:25:38
6 Jun 2021
@spacestesting420:monero.socialspacestesting420 joined the room.01:57:07
@spacestesting420:monero.socialspacestesting420 left the room.02:49:17
7 Jun 2021
@timotheosh:matrix.orgtimotheosh joined the room.23:53:10
8 Jun 2021
@jez:petrichor.meJez (he/him) changed their profile picture.08:51:14
@jez:petrichor.meJez (he/him) changed their profile picture.09:41:33
10 Jun 2021
@eben.moss:matrix.orgeben-moss joined the room.01:17:09
@eben.moss:matrix.orgeben-moss changed their display name from eben.moss to eben-moss.01:36:33
@lain_os:kom.intkos.link@lain_os:kom.intkos.link changed their profile picture.13:25:50
11 Jun 2021
@jumari:matrix.orgjumari joined the room.00:13:49
14 Jun 2021
@rdrg109:matrix.orgrdrg109 joined the room.16:21:49
@turtle221:matrix.org@turtle221:matrix.org left the room.16:31:57
15 Jun 2021
@sepanko:matrix.org@sepanko:matrix.org left the room.06:48:11
@lain_os:kom.intkos.link@lain_os:kom.intkos.link changed their profile picture.22:25:59
16 Jun 2021
@kenbolton:matrix.org@kenbolton:matrix.org joined the room.13:26:38
@tendousubaru:matrix.orgsubaru joined the room.23:11:50

Hello I am so confuse right now, because I just installed the emacs-matrix-client using guix install and login with matrix-client-frame without verify and I cannot found the way to verify. first time it stuck in jacked in message, second time just login without verify. I try to verify in my ios app but always show error try again later massage and there is no notification show in the web version. are there specific way to verify in emacs?

17 Jun 2021
@jez:petrichor.meJez (he/him) I don't think it supports E2E encryption, which verification is a part of. You may need to use https://github.com/matrix-org/pantalaimon to do that part 08:04:34
@mrtn:hackeruniverse.dkMrtn Dk
In reply to @jez:petrichor.me
I don't think it supports E2E encryption, which verification is a part of. You may need to use https://github.com/matrix-org/pantalaimon to do that part
You are correct.
@tendousubaru:matrix.orgsubaruthank you.09:41:43
@tendousubaru:matrix.orgsubaruis first time use somthing have E2E encryption, normally just jump in to irc. since I feel like serveybody is talking about matrix so I want to try it.10:24:50
@mrtn:hackeruniverse.dkMrtn Dk
In reply to @tendousubaru:matrix.org
is first time use somthing have E2E encryption, normally just jump in to irc. since I feel like serveybody is talking about matrix so I want to try it.
@jez:petrichor.meJez (he/him) It's perfectly functional without the e2ee, and most public rooms are unencrypted anyway because there would be no point. 10:32:05
@tendousubaru:matrix.orgsubaruyes, this is what i’m confuse about it. I have no verify but I have no problem in all my existing room too10:33:10
@gergely:polonkai.eu@gergely:polonkai.euIf you need E2EE, like for some private convos, you might want to give Pantalaimon a try 10:35:03
@jez:petrichor.meJez (he/him)If you want to chat with e2ee to someone who needs to be able to trust that they're really talking to you, that's when verification really matters, and you can always use element for that or choose to set up pantalaimon at that point 10:35:08
@jez:petrichor.meJez (he/him)I like matrix because it has all those capabilities when I need them, but I don't use all of them all the time 10:36:31

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