
Emacs Matrix Client

216 Members
Being obsoleted by new client, Ement.el: https://github.com/alphapapa/ement.el (#ement.el:matrix.org)62 Servers

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17 Jun 2021
@jez:petrichor.meJez (he/him)Verification between people is tricky anyway because you have to have some other trusted way of confirming with them10:38:04
18 Jun 2021
@tendousubaru:matrix.orgsubaru changed their display name from tendousubaru to subaru.15:19:49
20 Jun 2021
@thefreim:matrix.orgTheFreim joined the room.02:48:15
@thefreim:matrix.orgTheFreim changed their display name from thefreim to Jackson.02:58:56
@thefreim:matrix.orgTheFreim changed their display name from Jackson to TheFreim.02:59:33
@teknikal_domain:matrix.tdstoragebay.comTeknikal_Domain joined the room.05:11:33
21 Jun 2021
@lgj:matrix.org°© changed their display name from °•™ to fantasy.04:50:49
@lgj:matrix.org°© changed their display name from fantasy to °©.05:06:51
@lgj:matrix.org°© changed their display name from °© to °•™.05:07:15
@lgj:matrix.org°© changed their display name from °•™ to °©.05:07:52
@eliasy:matrix.orgeliasy joined the room.17:29:50
@eliasy:matrix.orgeliasyHi all, how are you?17:30:55
@eliasy:matrix.orgeliasyI just installed matrix-client using straight directly from github17:31:11
@eliasy:matrix.orgeliasyAnd I am receiving the following error:17:31:29
@eliasy:matrix.orgeliasyerror in process filter: Symbol’s value as variable is void: topic17:31:32
@eliasy:matrix.orgeliasywould anyone know if this is a bug or what maybe I did wrong? 17:32:06
@eliasy:matrix.orgeliasySearches on this room returned nothing17:32:15
@tywyllwch:matrix.orgtywyllwchTis a good question17:49:59
@eliasy:matrix.orgeliasysome context: my straight installation is just this17:56:07
@eliasy:matrix.orgeliasy(use-package matrix-client :after evil :straight (matrix-client :type git :flavor melpa :host github :repo "alphapapa/matrix-client.el") ) 17:56:11
@alphapapa:matrix.orgalphapapa Please search the issue tracker on github. That's a frequent config problem. 22:28:53
22 Jun 2021
@ieure:yak.atomized.orgieure left the room.03:16:36
@esac:matrix.org@esac:matrix.org joined the room.10:58:43
23 Jun 2021
@ycy:ycy.meYù Chāngyuǎn set a profile picture.03:41:07
@ycy:ycy.meYù Chāngyuǎn changed their profile picture.03:52:34
25 Jun 2021
@ycy:ycy.meYù Chāngyuǎn changed their display name from ycy to Yù Chāngyuǎn.06:30:53
@peasofmind:matrix.orgpeasofmind joined the room.21:55:23
28 Jun 2021
@ericsfraga:matrix.orgéric joined the room.11:43:04
@ericsfraga:matrix.orgéric set a profile picture.15:26:39
30 Jun 2021
@condaatje:matrix.org@condaatje:matrix.org joined the room.19:18:18

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