
Emacs Matrix Client

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Being obsoleted by new client, Ement.el: https://github.com/alphapapa/ement.el (#ement.el:matrix.org)62 Servers

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10 Jul 2021

Is the newer version even worth it?


Of emacs-matrix-client.el

@mrtn:hackeruniverse.dkMrtn Dk
In reply to @bowuigi---now-more-based:kde.org

Is the newer version even worth it?

Depends if you like it, but I would say it is certainly worth trying.

It couldn’t even show images


Because the version that I have doesn’t have ImageMagick support

@mrtn:hackeruniverse.dkMrtn DkNo-one can tell you what you prefer, so only you can know if you like it.16:22:34


@tywyllwch:matrix.orgtywyllwchI found the upgrade worth it and I used doom emacs, the problem with it tho, like with all emacs apps is the lack of parralellism16:25:23

How do I detect if emacs has imagemagick support?


I can view images in eww

@mrtn:hackeruniverse.dkMrtn Dk invited @mrtn:feneas.org@mrtn:feneas.org.17:24:53
@mrtn:hackeruniverse.dkMrtn Dk invited @mrtnmrtn:matrix.orgMrtn.17:24:53
@mrtnmrtn:matrix.orgMrtn joined the room.17:25:12
In reply to @bowuigi---now-more-based:kde.org

How do I detect if emacs has imagemagick support?

Maybe that question is better asked in #emacs:libera.chat ?
11 Jul 2021
@wrinkle_hut:matrix.orgKitty OwO joined the room.08:55:08
@hubert:uhoreg.ca@hubert:uhoreg.ca changed their display name from uhoreg to uhoreg💉💉.18:22:56
@bluye:matrix.orgbluye joined the room.21:32:52

I think i'm the wrong matrix server. I don't suppose this would be a good spot to ask a general emacs init.el config question unrelated to the matrix client.

@bowuigi---now-more-based:kde.org@bowuigi---now-more-based:kde.org #emacs:matrix.org 21:35:21
@bluye:matrix.orgbluyeThank you!21:35:31
@thesmallteaboi:matrix.org@thesmallteaboi:matrix.org joined the room.23:12:31
@thesmallteaboi:matrix.org@thesmallteaboi:matrix.org left the room.23:12:44
15 Jul 2021
@hubert:uhoreg.ca@hubert:uhoreg.ca changed their display name from uhoreg💉💉 to uhoreg (away).03:21:53
@conphiz:matrix.orgconphiz joined the room.17:20:49
@ember:the-apothecary.clubEmber joined the room.18:00:21
16 Jul 2021
In reply to @jez:petrichor.me
Time to take another look at https://github.com/plexus/chemacs2
I recommend this script for running different Emacs configs, it's much simpler: https://github.com/alphapapa/emacs-sandbox.sh
In reply to @mrtnmrtn:matrix.org
Maybe that question is better asked in #emacs:libera.chat ?
Or #emacs:matrix.org ? :)

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