
Emacs Matrix Client

216 Members
Being obsoleted by new client, Ement.el: https://github.com/alphapapa/ement.el (#ement.el:matrix.org)62 Servers

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27 Nov 2021
@danielsousaio:matrix.orgdanielsousaio left the room.00:41:53
@danielsousaio:matrix.orgdanielsousaio joined the room.00:42:32
28 Nov 2021
@behaghel:matrix.org@behaghel:matrix.org left the room.18:01:22
1 Dec 2021
@bungduke:matrix.org@bungduke:matrix.org joined the room.15:34:37
@bungduke:matrix.org@bungduke:matrix.org left the room.16:00:00
6 Dec 2021
@shcv:matrix.org@shcv:matrix.org left the room.15:31:29
13 Dec 2021
@ebeem:matrix.orgebeem-sama joined the room.15:18:58
14 Dec 2021
@alb:arus.oneSeven-ALB joined the room.08:37:57
29 Dec 2021
@test_matrix_greencar_client:matrix.orgtest_matrix_greencar_client joined the room.11:55:17
12 Jan 2022
@lorenzocabrini:matrix.orgLorenzo Cabrini changed their display name from lorenzocabrini to Lorenzo Cabrini.17:58:51
16 Jan 2022
@valentin_lechner:matrix.org@valentin_lechner:matrix.org left the room.11:29:47
26 Jan 2022
@branjam:matrix.org@branjam:matrix.org left the room.03:47:57
27 Jan 2022
@rchar01:matrix.org@rchar01:matrix.org changed their display name from rchar01 to Robert.09:46:08
@rchar01:matrix.org@rchar01:matrix.org changed their display name from Robert to rchar01.09:56:16
28 Jan 2022
@ynakao:matrix.org@ynakao:matrix.org left the room.23:44:00
3 Feb 2022
@qeii:matrix.orgqeii joined the room.08:31:09
11 Feb 2022
@antithosos:matrix.organtithosos joined the room.09:26:41
19 Feb 2022
@satellite111487:matrix.orgSatellite joined the room.20:08:53
25 Feb 2022
@pareto-optimal-dev:matrix.org@pareto-optimal-dev:matrix.org joined the room.21:59:01
1 Mar 2022
@rubricae:matrix.org@rubricae:matrix.org left the room.01:38:06
8 Mar 2022
@renzix:matrix.orgRenzix (matrix) changed their profile picture.01:14:11
@renzix:matrix.orgRenzix (matrix) changed their display name from Renzix to Renzix (matrix).01:20:01
10 Mar 2022
@i:linj.eu.org@i:linj.eu.org joined the room.02:48:53
@i:linj.eu.org@i:linj.eu.org left the room.02:50:38
11 Mar 2022
@uhuru0013:matrix.orgUhuru joined the room.06:29:05
18 Mar 2022
@indigostar:matrix.orgindi joined the room.17:40:03
20 Mar 2022
@hnb:matrix.fedibird.com@hnb:matrix.fedibird.com left the room.16:50:09
@librejared:matrix.org@librejared:matrix.org joined the room.21:28:21
22 Mar 2022
@librejared:matrix.org@librejared:matrix.org changed their profile picture.07:14:04
25 Mar 2022
@diy_fuego:matrix.org@diy_fuego:matrix.org left the room.17:34:53

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