
Emacs Matrix Client

218 Members
An attempt to Resurrect matrix-client.el | https://github.com/jgkamat/matrix-client-legacy-el | [RFC] https://github.com/jgkamat/matrix-client-legacy-el/issues/362 Servers

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15 Nov 2017
@jgkamat:matrix.org@jgkamat:matrix.org changed the history visibility to "world_readable" from "shared".06:06:02
@jgkamat:matrix.org@jgkamat:matrix.org changed the join rule to "public" from "invite".06:06:02
@jgkamat:matrix.org@jgkamat:matrix.org set the room topic to "An attempt to Resurrect matrix-client.el | https://github.com/jgkamat/matrix-client-legacy-el | https://github.com/jgkamat/matrix-client-legacy-el/issues/3".06:07:11
@jgkamat:matrix.org@jgkamat:matrix.org changed the room topic to "An attempt to Resurrect matrix-client.el | https://github.com/jgkamat/matrix-client-legacy-el | [RFC] https://github.com/jgkamat/matrix-client-legacy-el/issues/3" from "An attempt to Resurrect matrix-client.el | https://github.com/jgkamat/matrix-client-legacy-el | https://github.com/jgkamat/matrix-client-legacy-el/issues/3".06:09:28
@alphapapa:matrix.orgalphapapa joined the room.06:27:31
@jgkamat:matrix.org@jgkamat:matrix.org alphapapa: hi! :D  06:28:42
@alphapapa:matrix.orgalphapapaAh, it works!06:28:44
@alphapapa:matrix.orgalphapapaAh, cool, some new things... I see that your message came as HTML, and my username is linked...06:29:17
@jgkamat:matrix.org@jgkamat:matrix.orgyes, I'm actually using the web client right now, I've been restarting the emacs client a couple times for testing :P 06:30:14
@alphapapa:matrix.orgalphapapahaha you're not the only one! I keep nheko running too, good to have another client to use at the same time06:30:33
@jgkamat:matrix.org@jgkamat:matrix.orgyup, I actually worked on the android client as well, but I'm really happy that you're spending time on the emacs client, I haven't had enough time to block out to actually make progress recently... I'll see if I can spend some time on it over the break :D 06:31:53
@alphapapa:matrix.orgalphapapaoh wow, that's really cool, you worked on Riot for Android?06:32:07
@jgkamat:matrix.org@jgkamat:matrix.orgyes, I actually contributed the theming engine and the dark theme :D. I really dislike light themes myself :) 06:32:55
@alphapapa:matrix.orgalphapapawow, that's awesome! And thanks for that, I really can't stand the light themes either. My phone is still on KitKat, and everything's dark by default, and I like it that way. saves OLED battery too :)06:33:26
@alphapapa:matrix.orgalphapapaI am NOT a Java programmer, it doesn't really appeal to me... but I'm glad that guys like you do it so I can enjoy Android apps :)06:33:50
@jgkamat:matrix.org@jgkamat:matrix.org(if you find any issues with the theme let me know, It probably would be faster than waiting for yannik, he's way too busy) :P 06:34:03
@alphapapa:matrix.orgalphapapacool, so far it's working great!06:34:11
@jgkamat:matrix.org@jgkamat:matrix.orgalso, I'm planning on heading off to bed soon, I'll try and figure out why #12 is lagging tomorrow, fwiw, it might just be some temporary lag in the matrix server06:35:10
@alphapapa:matrix.orgalphapapaYep, bed for me soon too. Yeah, I did notice the main homeserver being really slow for a few minutes earlier tonight, was getting 503 errors.06:35:43
@alphapapa:matrix.orgalphapapaThanks for all your help and patience with my PRs06:36:00
@jgkamat:matrix.org@jgkamat:matrix.orgnight! no problem, I'm just really happy you're working on this, I would really hope to use matrix all from emacs eventually :D 06:36:31
@alphapapa:matrix.orgalphapapame too! I think we can get there, definitely.06:36:43
@jgkamat:matrix.org@jgkamat:matrix.org(it probably was the #1 reason I started using it, to get all my comms inside emacs)06:36:49
@jgkamat:matrix.org@jgkamat:matrix.orgchanged room power levels.06:39:08
Room Avatar Renderer.06:47:21
@alphapapa:matrix.orgalphapapaJust pushed a change to master that uses the room alias when there is one, so this room is now named #emacs-matrix-client rather than "jgkamat" for me. :)20:45:38
@jgkamat:matrix.org@jgkamat:matrix.orgOoh, yup, that's a good idea. I also named the room so that name might show up in the future22:51:46

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