
You Apps

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A suite of modern, privacy-first Android apps. Website: https://you-apps.net26 Servers

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8 May 2024
@chat_me42:matrix.orgInfinity ∆ joined the room.00:40:36
@daaric:archoslinux.czdaaric joined the room.00:54:35
@roughplay:matrix.org@roughplay:matrix.org left the room.22:28:32
10 May 2024
@lendbro2:matrix.im@lendbro2:matrix.im joined the room.19:25:05
@lendbro2:matrix.im@lendbro2:matrix.imIn the wall you app. How do I make the pictures which I browse a bit smaller? I want to see multiple pictures when I scroll. Instead I am getting huge pictures.19:27:37
@lendbro2:matrix.im@lendbro2:matrix.im* In the wall you app. How do I make the pictures which I browse a bit smaller? I want to see multiple pictures when I scroll. Instead I am getting huge 1 picture on the screen.19:28:53
Download 1-home.png
@lendbro2:matrix.im@lendbro2:matrix.imI want the pictures like that19:40:09
@lendbro2:matrix.im@lendbro2:matrix.imBut instead I am getting it like this 👇19:40:34
Download IMG_20240511_003935.jpg
@lendbro2:matrix.im@lendbro2:matrix.im* I want the pictures arranged like that19:41:22
11 May 2024
@suhas_d:matrix.orgSuhas Dissanayake
In reply to @lendbro2:matrix.im
sent an image.
It's using an adaptive size. On smaller phones it will show as one column.
@solide_schlange:matrix.orgsolide_schlange joined the room.22:48:50
13 May 2024
@lendbro2:matrix.im@lendbro2:matrix.im left the room.01:15:06
@igna:xmr.mx@igna:xmr.mx joined the room.20:52:40
14 May 2024
@igna:xmr.mx@igna:xmr.mx left the room.22:49:56
15 May 2024
@n4ta:matrix.orgn4ta joined the room.09:13:45
@n4ta:matrix.orgn4taHey, I've been using VibeYou for a while now and I've been enjoying it, but I wanted to ask: Since it uses the piped API, is it possible to retrieve Piped Playlists? (Not youtube ones)09:15:48
@shivam_hobbyist:matrix.org@shivam_hobbyist:matrix.org left the room.09:54:12
In reply to @n4ta:matrix.org
Hey, I've been using VibeYou for a while now and I've been enjoying it, but I wanted to ask: Since it uses the piped API, is it possible to retrieve Piped Playlists? (Not youtube ones)
Piped playlists without Piped account?
In reply to @n4ta:matrix.org
Hey, I've been using VibeYou for a while now and I've been enjoying it, but I wanted to ask: Since it uses the piped API, is it possible to retrieve Piped Playlists? (Not youtube ones)
* Piped playlists without Piped account support?
@n4ta:matrix.orgn4taDidn't think that through... Alright thanks!12:59:12
@troythedestroyer:matrix.org@troythedestroyer:matrix.org left the room.14:18:08
16 May 2024
@averageindividual:matrix.fedibird.com@averageindividual:matrix.fedibird.com left the room.07:12:23
@edgar.vincent:matrix.org@edgar.vincent:matrix.org joined the room.08:56:46
@edgar.vincent:matrix.org@edgar.vincent:matrix.orgHi! Thanks for this beautiful app. When I open a Piped song, it doesn't seem to play when I select an arbitrary time (i.e seeking). Is that expected? Thanks a lot.08:59:08
@suhas_d:matrix.orgSuhas Dissanayake Seeking is currently broken 09:07:02
In reply to @suhas_d:matrix.org
Seeking is currently broken
Lack of Dash?
In reply to @suhas_d:matrix.org
Seeking is currently broken
@suhas_d:matrix.orgSuhas Dissanayakepreviously we were loading 512KB pieces of the song as it's playing. Recently, the piped servers started rate limiting the app causing the playback to stop after few minutes. So instead of loading the song piecewise, now we're loading the whole song at once.13:10:23

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