
You Apps

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A suite of modern, privacy-first Android apps. Website: https://you-apps.net26 Servers

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17 Jun 2024
@suhas_d:matrix.orgSuhas Dissanayake The main goal of the screen recorder is to reliably record the screen without any frame drops or stutter. No matter what codec you use, the resulting video file may not be optimized for use in websites and it's size will be bigger than an average video file of the same length.
Therefore, you'll probably need to re-encode that video using an external tool to adjust the frame rate and bitrate. So, I don't see the point of adding these codec support in RecordYou.
19 Jun 2024
@reszkojr:matrix.orgReszko joined the room.11:45:49
@reszkojr:matrix.orgReszko changed their display name from Fabio Jr. to Reszko.11:46:33
@reszkojr:matrix.orgReszko * Hey!11:46:47
@reszkojr:matrix.orgReszkoI am a big fan of You apps, but I've noticed recently that some translations were missing/weird for my language, so, I decided to translate them properly on Weblate. After I did this, do I have to do something else to push my changes to the project?11:48:20
In reply to @reszkojr:matrix.org
I am a big fan of You apps, but I've noticed recently that some translations were missing/weird for my language, so, I decided to translate them properly on Weblate. After I did this, do I have to do something else to push my changes to the project?
No, Weblate does that automatically
@reszkojr:matrix.orgReszkoReally? That's awesome! Thanks12:00:44
@reszkojr:matrix.orgReszkoOh, one more question: what can I do if a translation is the same as the original word? I've searched on Weblate documentation, but it seems that flags are only configurable through the project's configuration, not on the translator's side. What can be done about this? I can't make the project 100% translated because of it.12:36:09
In reply to@reszkojr:matrix.org
Oh, one more question: what can I do if a translation is the same as the original word? I've searched on Weblate documentation, but it seems that flags are only configurable through the project's configuration, not on the translator's side. What can be done about this? I can't make the project 100% translated because of it.
'Naruto' is a japanese word expressed in english. I have never used weblate (I18N is hard) but I think you can use same technique here, writing the english word expressed in the translated language.
@nce:matrix.org@nce:matrix.org* 'Naruto' is a japanese word expressed in english. I have never used weblate (I18N is hard) but I think you can use same technique here, expressing the english word in the translated language.13:11:46
21 Jun 2024
In reply to @suhas_d:matrix.org
The main goal of the screen recorder is to reliably record the screen without any frame drops or stutter. No matter what codec you use, the resulting video file may not be optimized for use in websites and it's size will be bigger than an average video file of the same length.
Therefore, you'll probably need to re-encode that video using an external tool to adjust the frame rate and bitrate. So, I don't see the point of adding these codec support in RecordYou.
i will ignore app on permenanent basis, obviously our goals are opposite and i tend to use compatible mediawiki software my 1st priority. using other app for re-encoding is useless from my pov. anyhow, thanks for creating app.
@jindam:catgirl.cloud@jindam:catgirl.cloud left the room.14:26:24
23 Jun 2024
@tom.sh:matrix.orgtom.sh set a profile picture.14:11:55
24 Jun 2024
@shuvashish76:matrix.org§ set a profile picture.21:41:05
@shuvashish76:matrix.org§ changed their profile picture.21:41:34
@shuvashish76:matrix.org§ removed their profile picture.21:42:10
26 Jun 2024
@chat_me42:matrix.orgInfinity ∆ changed their display name from Infinity ∆ to Infinity ∆ (lord/god).15:18:36
30 Jun 2024
@unordinary:matrix.orgIzumi Sena SoraIs there any roadmap you guys have?05:59:27
@unordinary:matrix.orgIzumi Sena Sora
In reply to Izumi Sena Sora
Is there any roadmap you guys have?
Like when you guys working on which features! or when you guys trying to create a new app
@bnyro:matrix.orgBnyroNo new apps planned, the roadmap is to maintain the existing apps.17:13:50
2 Jul 2024
@mekama:matrix.orgm joined the room.21:49:03
3 Jul 2024
@random-default:matrix.orgrandom-default joined the room.12:26:05
In reply to @fakhx:matrix.org
https://github.com/you-apps/ConnectYou/issues/399 :)
i'm still having the same problem , Bnyro closed the issue without it being solved
@bnyro:matrix.orgBnyroCheck the time the last release was created and when I fixed it ...20:48:16
In reply to @bnyro:matrix.org
Check the time the last release was created and when I fixed it ...
sorry i'm not following , latest stable release (9.0) was released on Jan 31 , i created the issue on May 29 , you closed it on June 1 with a debug release which didn't fix all the problems (only manual export) , and was a buggier/laggier than stable release , i'm not trying to be rude i'm just asking for the issue to be reopened until it's fixed ,either by you or anyone else :)
In reply to @bnyro:matrix.org
Check the time the last release was created and when I fixed it ...
* sorry i'm not following , latest stable release (9.0) was released on Jan 31 , i created the issue on May 29 , you closed it on June 1 with a debug release which didn't fix all the problems (only manual export) , and was buggier/laggier than stable release , i'm not trying to be rude i'm just asking for the issue to be reopened until it's fixed ,either by you or anyone else :)
@bnyro:matrix.orgBnyroIt's laggier than a release build because it's a debug build, that's because debug builds just don't include the same performance optimizations as release builds.21:27:30
@bnyro:matrix.orgBnyro* It's laggier than a release build because it's a debug build, what you're experiencing is because debug builds just don't include the same performance optimizations as release builds.21:28:25
In reply to @fakhx:matrix.org
sorry i'm not following , latest stable release (9.0) was released on Jan 31 , i created the issue on May 29 , you closed it on June 1 with a debug release which didn't fix all the problems (only manual export) , and was buggier/laggier than stable release , i'm not trying to be rude i'm just asking for the issue to be reopened until it's fixed ,either by you or anyone else :)
Issues are usually closed with a commit. They are not kept open until a release. That could cause situations, where you don't know if something was fixed or not and would have to check the whole commit history. Either way, you'll have to wait for the next release.

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