
ModGrad (wk2)

36 Members
Modality and Gradability (Vera Hohaus)1 Servers

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2 Aug 2021
@mh4553:matrix.orgmh4553But other rooms don't work10:26:42
@miriam_rey:matrix.orgmiriam_rey joined the room.10:27:28
In reply to @mh4553:matrix.org
But other rooms don't work
which other rooms are you searching for? There should be the modality room (which works), the Intro to Syntax room (the same link as last week), and then the phonology classes have a different room this week. I will search for the link ...
@erdbeerita:matrix.orgerdbeeritaRedacted or Malformed Event10:38:56
@erdbeerita:matrix.orgerdbeeritaRedacted or Malformed Event10:38:57
@mh4553:matrix.orgmh4553Actually none of them worked, I had to use VPN to join, I don't know why10:43:27
In reply to @mh4553:matrix.org
Actually none of them worked, I had to use VPN to join, I don't know why
ok, then it might be a problem with your connection. I am glad you could solve it.
In reply to @erdbeerita:matrix.org
ok, then it might be a problem with your connection. I am glad you could solve it.
Thanks so much
@s1673754:matrix.org@s1673754:matrix.org joined the room.12:52:18
@ramona7:matrix.orgramona7 joined the room.13:11:15
@chucklin:matrix.orgchucklin joined the room.13:25:17
@ikazos:matrix.orgSatoru Ozaki (he/him) joined the room.14:49:25
3 Aug 2021
@ikazos:matrix.orgSatoru Ozaki (he/him)I'm trying to understand why the naive characterization of the accessibility relation doesn't work for the driveway example we talked about in class today. The naive characterization basically says w' is accessible from w iff the same events happen in w and w' up to now and w' conforms with what the law in w demands. Given the context of the driveway example, this is bad because according to this characterization, no worlds are accessible for quantification from a world where someone has broken some law at some point in time. Is this correct?12:57:53
@vhohaus:matrix.orgvhohausYes, that's correct. (And in this case, we already know that John broke the law by blocking a driveway.)13:00:37
@vhohaus:matrix.orgvhohaus * Yes, that's correct. (And in this case, we already know that John broke the law by blocking a driveway, so the actual world is already not a world that conforms with the law.)13:05:34
@ikazos:matrix.orgSatoru Ozaki (he/him)Thank you! This makes a lot of sense now.13:06:27
@ikazos:matrix.orgSatoru Ozaki (he/him)Also, is there an example of an epistemic modal that would have an non-trivial ordering source? If I remember correctly the other examples we looked at in class today all have defunct ordering sources.13:08:24
@vhohaus:matrix.orgvhohausOh, good question. Let me think!13:11:40
@vhohaus:matrix.orgvhohausKratzer (1991: p. 650) suggests that German WIRD and DÜRFTE lexically require an epistemic modal base with a belief-based and stereotypical ordering source. An example from the literature is JOHN SHOULD HAVE REACHED ATHENS BY NOW, where we not only consider the propositions we know but also assume that John's trip proceeded as normal (so, nothing abnormal occurred). 13:25:11
@vhohaus:matrix.orgvhohausYou may also find the discussion on this handout of Seth Cable's useful, in particular pages 19-20: http://people.umass.edu/scable/LING620-SP18/Handouts/11.Modals3.pdf13:26:08
@vhohaus:matrix.orgvhohausScreen Shot 2021-08-03 at 15.26.32 PM.png
Download Screen Shot 2021-08-03 at 15.26.32 PM.png
@vhohaus:matrix.orgvhohaus(I agree.)13:27:09
@ikazos:matrix.orgSatoru Ozaki (he/him)Thank you! I will check out the handout as well.14:03:40
4 Aug 2021
@s1673754:matrix.org@s1673754:matrix.org removed their display name s1673754.08:45:55
@s1673754:matrix.org@s1673754:matrix.org 08:46:05
@sara.amido:matrix.orgsara.amido joined the room.09:32:20
@vhohaus:matrix.orgvhohausHere is a GoogleDocs for the data you contributed today, feel free to keep adding: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Y7LwiRdT9Huc2k82SsJvfpIeuVaoXX4K179n_7l89Yo/edit?usp=sharing11:30:52
@vhohaus:matrix.orgvhohausYou can download all course materials for this class from here: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/539h1vjmi49eqpkmw514y/Gradability-and-Modality.paper?dl=0&rlkey=recnxx1cpdt44e5uxsx6mvjkg This is the link to the notes from today's lecture: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xfza7u1t2h33sod/notes-20210804.pdf?dl=011:45:29
@maximilian_wiesner:matrix.orgmaximilian_wiesner joined the room.13:33:06
@dacopx:matrix.orgDarwin Cortes joined the room.15:09:11

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