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12 Mar 2020
@freenode_TSBridge_:matrix.org@freenode_TSBridge_:matrix.org <joohoi> Serving tip: you can freeze tide pods to make colourful and fun ice cubes. 11:51:31
@freenode_TSBridge_:matrix.org@freenode_TSBridge_:matrix.org <joohoi> ``` 11:51:32
@freenode_TSBridge_:matrix.org@freenode_TSBridge_:matrix.org <harkko> I have access to zoom.us up to 100 people 11:52:15
@freenode_TSBridge_:matrix.org@freenode_TSBridge_:matrix.org <harkko> if webinar software is needed 11:52:28
@freenode_TSBridge_:matrix.org@freenode_TSBridge_:matrix.org <cryptolek> Oh yes! Kalsarikänni and virtual Pystyy Vetää is the thing we should be all doing 11:53:02
13 Mar 2020
@freenode_akik:matrix.org@freenode_akik:matrix.org "Kovat keinot käyttöön: estetään pääsy Facebookiin" 18:12:00
@freenode_TSBridge_:matrix.org@freenode_TSBridge_:matrix.org <dta> ei mitää split tunnelingia ois 18:32:51
@freenode_akik:matrix.org@freenode_akik:matrix.orgnii tai fecettäis vaikka jollain toisella laitteella ja keskittyis omiin töihin. mahtaako jonkun fecesbookin käyttämisestä vielä mennä putket tukkoon?19:12:22
@freenode_akik:matrix.org@freenode_akik:matrix.orgmä ymmärrän sen helposti ettei haluta pitää yhteyksiä auki samaan aikaan internettiin ja firmanettiin19:13:59
@freenode_TSBridge_:matrix.org@freenode_TSBridge_:matrix.org <jikuja> ja ehkä DPI myös samalla kaikelle ;) 20:33:43
14 Mar 2020
@freenode_TSBridge:matrix.org@freenode_TSBridge:matrix.org joined the room.00:29:33
@freenode_TSBridge_:matrix.org@freenode_TSBridge_:matrix.org left the room.01:48:46
@freenode_Haprog:matrix.orgHaprog left the room.02:03:40
@freenode_TSBridge:matrix.org@freenode_TSBridge:matrix.org left the room.05:03:54
15 Mar 2020
@freenode_TSBridge_:matrix.org@freenode_TSBridge_:matrix.org joined the room.18:13:45
@freenode_TSBridge_:matrix.org@freenode_TSBridge_:matrix.org <pcdog> fuck. I just realized, with all the event cancellations, it seems apart from bornhack (which might not happen) the next event I see in my calendar is actually pikkujoulu 18:13:52
@freenode_TSBridge_:matrix.org@freenode_TSBridge_:matrix.org <pcdog> everything else is fricking canceled. 18:14:05
@freenode_TSBridge_:matrix.org@freenode_TSBridge_:matrix.org <dta> yeps. I still have a metal festival in the summer and possibly EMFCamp in august that aren't cancelled for now, well still need a ticket for the latter 18:50:27
@freenode_TSBridge_:matrix.org@freenode_TSBridge_:matrix.org <pcdog> yeah 18:53:41
@freenode_TSBridge_:matrix.org@freenode_TSBridge_:matrix.org <pcdog> been hesitant to order emfcamp 18:53:46
21 Mar 2020
29 Mar 2020
@freenode_TSBridge_:matrix.org@freenode_TSBridge_:matrix.org <cryptolek> Yo, Folks! How's it going? Hope all good! 18:32:53
@freenode_akik:matrix.org@freenode_akik:matrix.orghope the same to you19:51:43
@freenode_akik:matrix.org@freenode_akik:matrix.org i think it's going to be a rough time. although the vaccine might come after a year, they are testing existing antiviral medicines 19:56:08
30 Mar 2020
@freenode_TSBridge_:matrix.org@freenode_TSBridge_:matrix.org <leivo> have you considered doing something like this: https://isc.sans.edu/covidclassifier.html 09:52:25
@freenode_TSBridge_:matrix.org@freenode_TSBridge_:matrix.org <leivo> pass that along to kypervpk if you got twitter or other ways of calling out to those guys. 09:53:05
@freenode_TSBridge_:matrix.org@freenode_TSBridge_:matrix.org <hasanen> ping @dist 09:57:44
@freenode_TSBridge_:matrix.org@freenode_TSBridge_:matrix.org <dist> We’re fully aware of the list by domaintools and are mirroring that for our purposes. I’ve been doing website classification for my main work for some years in the past so I’ve be quite interested to apply that knowledge to this list already since 2020-03-25 :) 12:12:06
@freenode_TSBridge_:matrix.org@freenode_TSBridge_:matrix.org <leivo> Good :) Have you considered leveraging / contributing to SANS? 12:29:10

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