15 Apr 2020 |
| @_discord_696790453470625812:t2bot.io changed their display name from nikkitoshi to nikkitoshi#5438. | 12:22:23 |
| @_discord_696790453470625812:t2bot.io set a profile picture. | 12:22:34 |
| @_discord_696790453470625812:t2bot.io changed their display name from nikkitoshi#5438 to nikkitoshi. | 12:22:35 |
| @_discord_696790453470625812:t2bot.io left the room. | 12:24:46 |
16 Apr 2020 |
| @_discord_131855931490172928:t2bot.io left the room. | 19:54:14 |
18 Apr 2020 |
| @_discord_393875614186209292:t2bot.io joined the room. | 17:23:14 |
22 Apr 2020 |
| Discord Bridge invited @_discord_258548262473039874:t2bot.io. | 21:04:56 |
| @_discord_258548262473039874:t2bot.io joined the room. | 21:04:57 |
| @_discord_258548262473039874:t2bot.io changed their display name from Maik to Maik#6155. | 21:05:06 |
| @_discord_258548262473039874:t2bot.io changed their display name from Maik#6155 to Maik. | 21:05:07 |
24 Apr 2020 |
| Discord Bridge invited prospero. | 11:04:50 |
| prospero joined the room. | 11:04:51 |
26 Apr 2020 |
Marisol | Ich mochte 15stk komplett fertig Gesichtschilder abgeben. Wo ist das Box. Könnte mir bitte jemand hier schreiben die genaue Adresse? | 11:43:39 |
Qartex | Genslerstraße 20 links am Haus vorbei dann gleich rechts bei den Fahrräder | 11:44:22 |
Marisol | Danke schön | 11:45:15 |
28 Apr 2020 |
| Discord Bridge invited MrEpicApple. | 07:30:34 |
| MrEpicApple joined the room. | 07:30:34 |
| MrEpicApple changed their display name from MrEpicApple to MrEpicApple#2558. | 07:30:40 |
| MrEpicApple changed their display name from MrEpicApple#2558 to MrEpicApple. | 07:30:41 |
30 Apr 2020 |
| Discord Bridge invited @_discord_273114010239631360:t2bot.io. | 10:24:52 |
| @_discord_273114010239631360:t2bot.io joined the room. | 10:24:55 |
1 May 2020 |
| lucas02538 joined the room. | 10:25:20 |
2 May 2020 |
Dixie Graham | I can't believe this is real Mr Chernyak M Temchenko I swear with my life I will forever invest in your company, oh my God after all this many scam such person like Mr Chernyak M Temchenko exist, the God I serve will bless guide and protect you any where you are now 😘 I just received $7,000 with the minimum of $670 Contact him and try him out and see what I'm talking about. @binaryforextrade01 @binaryforextrade01 Contact this Link Whatsapp +17052307963 https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAFb8PagOJ4MDAq8TRA | 04:18:57 |
5 May 2020 |
| Discord Bridge invited @_discord_576033849591726080:t2bot.io. | 15:30:42 |
| @_discord_576033849591726080:t2bot.io joined the room. | 15:30:42 |
| @_discord_576033849591726080:t2bot.io changed their display name from shadowframe to shadowframe#7916. | 15:30:56 |
| @_discord_576033849591726080:t2bot.io changed their display name from shadowframe#7916 to shadowframe. | 15:30:56 |
6 May 2020 |
| Brent V. Davis joined the room. | 20:42:06 |
8 May 2020 |
| Discord Bridge invited @_discord_676504857947144213:t2bot.io. | 22:03:57 |
| @_discord_676504857947144213:t2bot.io joined the room. | 22:03:57 |