
💡Life Pro Tips

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13 Sep 2019
@miasuma:matrix.orgmiasmanever forget toilet paper06:08:07
24 Sep 2019
@ff777:matrix.orgFF777mif you want to be financially frugal about your water-heater, you can find the circuit-breaker switch that correlates to your water-heater and keep it off most of the time while you aren't using it, and only turn it on when you are about to use hot water for some thing like a shower or clothes-washer or washing dishes etc.. This way the water-heater isn't having to sit there and constantly use up energy for any time you could potentially want to use hot water.. Only disadvantage (besides having to flip switch on/off every time) is that you have to wait a bit for it to heat up the water, maybe like 30 minutes usually, or maybe an hour if you are planning on using a lot of hot water.. Even if this method isn't viable in your current house now full of family members, it is some thing to keep in mind for when you guys live alone and might need to be frugal about your money..23:21:36
25 Sep 2019
@ff777:matrix.orgFF777mif you are in USA and want to use a cryptocurrency exchange but like using japanese companies, a japanese company called BitFlyer has a presence in USA now so you can use them.. i signed up with the as soon as they opened in the USA a couple/few years ago..08:51:36
12 Oct 2019
@ff777:matrix.orgFF777mdon't use black-lights too much because it is harsh light and they hurt your eyeballs..21:45:39
@ff777:matrix.orgFF777mit outputs UV light, which is not good for your eyeballs..21:47:13
@anel_lena:matrix.org@anel_lena:matrix.org HHAHA. EYE """BALLS""" 22:39:33
@dell_employee:matrix.org@dell_employee:matrix.orgLIKE THE PENIS BALLS.22:40:08
@dell_employee:matrix.org@dell_employee:matrix.orgdid you know. penis balls have coom.22:40:54
@dell_employee:matrix.org@dell_employee:matrix.orgcoom. hahahahhahahahaha22:40:56
@anel_lena:matrix.org@anel_lena:matrix.orgno. they have pee.22:41:54
@anel_lena:matrix.org@anel_lena:matrix.orgFRICKING. TURK.22:41:59
@anel_lena:matrix.org@anel_lena:matrix.orgYOU ARE LIKE. THE BLOND MOM IN THST ONE VIDEO. AND I AM THE GAMER22:42:12
@dell_employee:matrix.org@dell_employee:matrix.orgNO. IT IS COOM.22:42:13
@anel_lena:matrix.org@anel_lena:matrix.orgGAMERS OPPRESS.ED22:42:17
@dell_employee:matrix.org@dell_employee:matrix.orgPEE IS NOT STORED IN THE BALLS.22:42:20
@seveno_oseven:matrix.orgSeven (phone alt)pee is stored in your brain22:42:52
@dell_employee:matrix.org@dell_employee:matrix.orgit comes down from brain22:43:13
@dell_employee:matrix.org@dell_employee:matrix.orgdrip drop drip drop22:43:16
@dell_employee:matrix.org@dell_employee:matrix.orgmr. penis tell me he wants to get rid of some pee22:43:23
@dell_employee:matrix.org@dell_employee:matrix.orgdrip drop drip drop22:43:26
Download sticker6170970925804097301.png
@dell_employee:matrix.org@dell_employee:matrix.orgWHY IS IT AN ALL BLACK BACGKGROUND22:44:23
Download 077.jpeg
@dell_employee:matrix.org@dell_employee:matrix.orgDRIP DROP DRIP DROP22:46:16

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