
Sacred Geometry

321 Members
Sacred Geometry4 Servers

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22 Aug 2022
28 Aug 2022
@_discord_652531494002229278:t2bot.ioDarkMode changed their display name from DarkMode to DarkMode#0528.22:43:26
@_discord_652531494002229278:t2bot.ioDarkMode changed their display name from DarkMode#0528 to DarkMode.22:43:34
29 Aug 2022
@_discord_674169692554002432:t2bot.io༺𝓛𝓾𝓶𝓲𝓷𝓪𝓻𝔂༻ joined the room.07:00:08
30 Aug 2022
@clever1:matrix.orglezzbehonest joined the room.23:51:24
2 Sep 2022
@_discord_260267454708580352:t2bot.iolynn joined the room.04:04:47
@nrkduks55:matrix.org@nrkduks55:matrix.org joined the room.23:47:18
3 Sep 2022
@nrkduks55:matrix.org@nrkduks55:matrix.org joined the room.00:09:16
@nrkduks55:matrix.org@nrkduks55:matrix.org left the room.00:09:25
5 Sep 2022
@_discord_697833131620827147:t2bot.iofbi joined the room.13:00:03
6 Sep 2022
@ormus:matrix.orgDiego joined the room.23:42:09
10 Sep 2022
@stakke:matrix.org@stakke:matrix.org left the room.06:30:21
11 Sep 2022
@_discord_132739658638426112:t2bot.ioKava joined the room.13:55:41
13 Sep 2022
@_discord_877864947328118854:t2bot.iognothi93#0 joined the room.12:26:09
15 Sep 2022
@_discord_240284257380073472:t2bot.io✪ ✠ ∞ Wardenᴮᴼᵀ ∞ ✠ ✪ joined the room.13:55:33
16 Sep 2022
@sammmmmmm:matrix.orgsammmmmmm joined the room.11:19:43
@_discord_428761482247798794:t2bot.ioSTEAK#4791 changed their profile picture.20:49:45
17 Sep 2022
@_discord_978817684584169512:t2bot.ioMagick joined the room.22:16:20
18 Sep 2022
@clever1:matrix.orglezzbehonest changed their display name from Amy Rivers to lezzbehonest.17:01:59
19 Sep 2022
@_discord_778985612887326761:t2bot.ioRiven - Made While Medicated joined the room.12:18:18
20 Sep 2022
@_discord_673381407405506575:t2bot.iounifying excalibur joined the room.00:32:09
@ormus:matrix.orgDiego set a profile picture.22:32:55
21 Sep 2022
@picklerock:matrix.orgpicklerock joined the room.01:59:38
@_discord_812137705759703051:t2bot.ioB7U3C50SS joined the room.02:49:57
23 Sep 2022
@_discord_440217442443067412:t2bot.io👽ForeverConscious#4753 changed their display name from 👽ForeverConscious to 👽ForeverConscious#4753.22:08:46

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