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5 Dec 2023
@_discord_478044823882825748:t2bot.ionamija I know where im going this weekend ! 17:20:11
@_discord_229723716437803008:t2bot.iocotton.exe dude just make a yt channel like that 17:20:50
@_discord_229723716437803008:t2bot.iocotton.exe just drive around like that filming hookers 17:21:08
@_discord_478044823882825748:t2bot.ionamija Im gonna be the bargain brand channel 5 17:21:41
@_discord_478044823882825748:t2bot.ionamija https://youtu.be/lLGRGZTk51w?si=Ww40i_i8sdekX2M9 17:22:07
@_discord_478044823882825748:t2bot.ionamija I love this guy 17:22:13
@_discord_186903859787071488:t2bot.ioguestavius wild https://fxtwitter.com/bnonews/status/1731855993905066074 18:19:51
Download GAljlsEXEAA72Oo.jpg
@_discord_229723716437803008:t2bot.iocotton.exe jesus, now im rly interested what they find in the remains when he blows himself up to stop them 18:36:25
@_discord_285487412606402572:t2bot.ioizaw. bro left the gas on 18:37:36
@_discord_229723716437803008:t2bot.iocotton.exe my guess is he shot his wife or something and paniced, didnt want to live with it and ended it all 18:40:53
@_discord_285487412606402572:t2bot.ioizaw. a flare gun? I would say mental health 18:54:04
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@_discord_547882440711077888:t2bot.ioofficer.oasis I will always have my clone wars/ninjago 19:16:46
@_discord_547882440711077888:t2bot.ioofficer.oasis hd 660s now 19:18:08
@_discord_547882440711077888:t2bot.ioofficer.oasis dt 770 on keyboard (music) 19:18:09
@_discord_547882440711077888:t2bot.ioofficer.oasis thanks 19:20:30
@_discord_547882440711077888:t2bot.ioofficer.oasis 19:22:10
@_discord_229723716437803008:t2bot.iocotton.exe https://vid.pr0gramm.com/2022/06/17/16d78e368bb021b3.mp4 20:05:49
@_discord_547882440711077888:t2bot.ioofficer.oasis 20:45:39
@_discord_231403584003112963:t2bot.iohako.otoko i think i have told you several times to stop posting stonetoss 21:06:39
@_discord_231403584003112963:t2bot.iohako.otoko i was not joking 21:06:41
@_discord_231403584003112963:t2bot.iohako.otoko dont do that 21:06:43
@_discord_229723716437803008:t2bot.iocotton.exe iirc you said you dont like it and he is a nazi, i dont remember an actual ban on it 21:09:34
@_discord_231403584003112963:t2bot.iohako.otoko i have legit warned you for it before 21:13:02
@_discord_231403584003112963:t2bot.iohako.otoko https://tenor.com/view/goofy-trial-crazy-evil-ill-fucking-do-it-again-gif-17111514 21:13:15
@_discord_229723716437803008:t2bot.iocotton.exe as in sudo warn? not to my knowledge 21:13:23
@_discord_231403584003112963:t2bot.iohako.otoko no i definitely have 21:13:30
@_discord_229723716437803008:t2bot.iocotton.exe idk check logs 21:13:38
@_discord_231403584003112963:t2bot.iohako.otoko yes i have that is why i said that 21:13:50

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