
AWCY?- Gatlatl Open Public Beta

311 Members
its a gun that shoots arrows, like a reverse chewbacca4 Servers

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23 Nov 2023
@fleece_johnson:matrix.orgzer0fuxdid you reinforce the trigger with a pin?01:49:48
@imrcly:matrix.orgimrclyYeah but the safety doesn't prevent the trigger from moving down02:50:23
@imrcly:matrix.orgimrclyEven with the pin02:50:31
@imrcly:matrix.orgimrclyThe pin is not big enough or the trigger bar does not go far enough down02:51:08
@imrcly:matrix.orgimrclyMaybe if the trigger bar had a lump there maybe it would be fine haven't had time to mess with it 02:55:22
24 Nov 2023
@metalfinisher:matrix.orgmetalfinisher joined the room.15:06:22
25 Nov 2023
@nameisnight:matrix.orgnameisnightRedacted or Malformed Event01:10:06
@jak321:matrix.orgJakThis is public01:34:19
@xplore:matrix.orgxplore joined the room.15:00:02
29 Nov 2023
@aust3636:matrix.org@aust3636:matrix.org joined the room.19:37:10
6 Dec 2023
@elfuegogato:matrix.orgAaron Humphrey joined the room.13:39:12
9 Dec 2023
@victoriacecilia:matrix.org@victoriacecilia:matrix.org joined the room.21:28:28
@victoriacecilia:matrix.org@victoriacecilia:matrix.org left the room.21:29:07
10 Dec 2023
@jak321:matrix.orgJak changed their profile picture.14:22:19
@1dre:matrix.org40ozOE changed their profile picture.14:34:07
@durbanpoisonpew:matrix.orgdurbanpoisonpew changed their profile picture.14:40:19
15 Dec 2023
@nameisnight:matrix.orgnameisnight changed their display name from nameisnight - Can't waste those kiloJoules to nameisnight - Quantum Sexual.03:33:04
17 Dec 2023
@durbanpoisonpew:matrix.orgdurbanpoisonpew changed their profile picture.17:22:27
20 Dec 2023
@nameisnight:matrix.orgnameisnight changed their display name from nameisnight - Quantum Sexual to nameisnight.00:57:20
5 Jan 2024
@2afreedomfightr420:matrix.org2afreedomfightr420 joined the room.03:50:15
14 Jan 2024
@jonny852:matrix.orgj0nny852 changed their display name from j0nny852 to jawwny852.08:25:31
25 Jan 2024
@codebreaker10033:matrix.org@codebreaker10033:matrix.org left the room.03:02:32
3 Feb 2024
@dreknowsguns:matrix.orgDRE LOVES GUNS set a profile picture.02:20:55
9 Feb 2024
@watson1776:matrix.orgWatson - Certified MILF Magnet changed their display name from Watson | Ракета человек to Watson | сертифицированный дебил.11:30:36
14 Feb 2024
@zoltan741:matrix.org@zoltan741:matrix.org left the room.01:02:28
19 Feb 2024
@nekrophile:matrix.orgnekrophile joined the room.10:48:55
@nekrophile:matrix.orgnekrophile changed their profile picture.12:49:17
@jak321:matrix.orgJak changed their profile picture.22:26:29
20 Feb 2024
@aust3636:matrix.org@aust3636:matrix.org changed their profile picture.23:45:29
@aust3636:matrix.org@aust3636:matrix.org changed their display name from Juan Cadenafit to George Ruffled.23:45:46

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