
AWCY?- Gatlatl Open Public Beta

321 Members
its a gun that shoots arrows, like a reverse chewbacca4 Servers

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20 Aug 2024
@watson1776:matrix.orgWatson - Certified MILF Magnet changed their display name from Watson | Professional SKID to Watson - Certified MILF Magnet.13:52:27
22 Aug 2024
@dimmadonger:matrix.orgdimmadong changed their display name from dimmadong https://awcy-arms.github.io/nfo-gen/ to dimmadong.03:32:10
27 Aug 2024
@themazz:matrix.orgthemazz set a profile picture.00:18:58
29 Aug 2024
@distantmeow:matrix.orgdistantmeow joined the room.11:44:07
31 Aug 2024
@9finger:matrix.org9finger joined the room.02:55:17
Download ima_a5fa9c1.jpeg
@turbo2017:matrix.orgBrentWhat would it take to fire arrows out of my scarpion? Is it just ready to go, get/make the arrows, and use .22 blanks in the magazine?20:47:03
@turbo2017:matrix.orgBrent The guide jumps around several places, I was considering building a gatlatl like the one pictured in the thumbnail. But I also assumed that because I have a protobarrel on my scarpion it should work too. 20:49:33
@turbo2017:matrix.orgBrent* I was considering building a gatlatl like the one pictured in the thumbnail. But I also assumed that because I have a protobarrel on my scarpion it should work too.20:50:05
1 Sep 2024
@fleece_johnson:matrix.orgzer0fux which protobarrel do you have Brent ? 01:37:55
@fleece_johnson:matrix.orgzer0fuxis it a 10/22 barrel? if not I can still CAD one up if I can find my old step files.01:38:18
@fleece_johnson:matrix.orgzer0fuxit might not work so well feeding from a magazine. you should prolly just load the nailgun loads manually one at a time01:39:10
@turbo2017:matrix.orgBrent All I know It’s a .22 protobarrel with the one end to fit .22 conversion bolt. The tip of the barrel is just a fake barrel end, no threads or anything. 16:51:05
@turbo2017:matrix.orgBrent Just looked at the proto guide. I guess I did the ar .22 conversion barrel. 23:04:22
2 Sep 2024
@fleece_johnson:matrix.orgzer0fuxI feel like I made a breech adapter for that...00:00:02
@fleece_johnson:matrix.orgzer0fuxYou would have to look at the release files00:00:25
18 Sep 2024
@jedi_revan:matrix.orgrevan's ghost changed their display name from the_ghost_of_jedi_revan to revan's ghost.14:11:44
9 Jan 2022
@v8vtwin:matrix.orgV8vtwin set the history visibility to "world_readable".00:11:43
@v8vtwin:matrix.orgV8vtwin set the room name to "AWCY?- Gatlatl Open Public Beta".00:11:44
@v8vtwin:matrix.orgV8vtwin set the room topic to "its a gun that shoots arrows, like a reverse chewbacca".00:11:44
@v8vtwin:matrix.orgV8vtwin invited @fleece_johnson:matrix.orgzer0fux.00:11:53
@v8vtwin:matrix.orgV8vtwinchanged room power levels.00:12:00
@v8vtwin:matrix.orgV8vtwinchanged room power levels.00:12:22
@fleece_johnson:matrix.orgzer0fux joined the room.00:23:20
@fleece_johnson:matrix.orgzer0fux@v8 I see 2 buttons here .... Invite to Are We Cool Yet? and Invite to just this room... I assume I click the latter00:24:34
@fleece_johnson:matrix.orgzer0fuxok NM I see what it is00:24:52
@v8vtwin:matrix.orgV8vtwinyeah should just be invite to room00:26:28
@v8vtwin:matrix.orgV8vtwini added the room to the waiting room space and the lobby space00:26:36
@fleece_johnson:matrix.orgzer0fuxThank you very much sir00:28:34
@fleece_johnson:matrix.orgzer0fuxI greatly appreciate it.00:28:43

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