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Channel where we discuss about how to nuke discord31 Servers

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9 Jun 2019
@1zkrhczgyqx7ycxvrxvha8sn6omphokrd:openintents.modular.im@1zkrhczgyqx7ycxvrxvha8sn6omphokrd:openintents.modular.im changed their display name from Robert to Somta.13:51:28
@1zkrhczgyqx7ycxvrxvha8sn6omphokrd:openintents.modular.im@1zkrhczgyqx7ycxvrxvha8sn6omphokrd:openintents.modular.im changed their display name from Somta to Nigerian prince 137.14:31:20
@1zkrhczgyqx7ycxvrxvha8sn6omphokrd:openintents.modular.im@1zkrhczgyqx7ycxvrxvha8sn6omphokrd:openintents.modular.im changed their display name from Nigerian prince 137 to Somta.15:36:39
@1zkrhczgyqx7ycxvrxvha8sn6omphokrd:openintents.modular.im@1zkrhczgyqx7ycxvrxvha8sn6omphokrd:openintents.modular.im changed their display name from Somta to Atmos.23:29:43
11 Jun 2019
@1zkrhczgyqx7ycxvrxvha8sn6omphokrd:openintents.modular.im@1zkrhczgyqx7ycxvrxvha8sn6omphokrd:openintents.modular.im changed their display name from Atmos to Guggy.02:26:22
@1zkrhczgyqx7ycxvrxvha8sn6omphokrd:openintents.modular.im@1zkrhczgyqx7ycxvrxvha8sn6omphokrd:openintents.modular.im changed their display name from Guggy to 𓂸 Porn & Warez 💾 Bot.02:30:10
@1zkrhczgyqx7ycxvrxvha8sn6omphokrd:openintents.modular.im@1zkrhczgyqx7ycxvrxvha8sn6omphokrd:openintents.modular.im changed their display name from 𓂸 Porn & Warez 💾 Bot to OnlyIfYouHave68USD.02:50:11
@1zkrhczgyqx7ycxvrxvha8sn6omphokrd:openintents.modular.im@1zkrhczgyqx7ycxvrxvha8sn6omphokrd:openintents.modular.im changed their display name from OnlyIfYouHave68USD to Atmos.17:55:23
12 Jun 2019
@1zkrhczgyqx7ycxvrxvha8sn6omphokrd:openintents.modular.im@1zkrhczgyqx7ycxvrxvha8sn6omphokrd:openintents.modular.im set a profile picture.22:23:36
13 Jun 2019
@1zkrhczgyqx7ycxvrxvha8sn6omphokrd:openintents.modular.im@1zkrhczgyqx7ycxvrxvha8sn6omphokrd:openintents.modular.im left the room.06:55:58
17 Jun 2019
@odanobunaga:matrix.org@odanobunaga:matrix.orgDiscord has a fucking HypeSquad which you can enter if you want to spread Discord propaganda. They're using every dirty trick in the book.20:14:56
@v7e:matrix.orgv7epr team?20:17:21
@v7e:matrix.orgv7eusually they just contact famous people in private20:20:37
@v7e:matrix.orgv7ewhat's also strikes my attention are the diamonds, rewards and stuff20:21:47
@v7e:matrix.orgv7ethey are implementing microtransactions20:22:21
@v7e:matrix.orgv7ethis is in order with their businesses plan, just like the rest of companies i'm sure they run on loss and slowly have to rise their gains20:23:24
@odanobunaga:matrix.org@odanobunaga:matrix.orgThe venture capital companies have put several millions of dollars into Discord and definitely not for fun. They want to make profit.20:24:57
@v7e:matrix.orgv7ethey will have their profits but first discord must hook up more people20:27:24
18 Jun 2019
@xf732ab3:nerdsin.spacexf732ab3i'm scared01:47:41
@jenn6827:matrix.orgJennDiscord hype squad, coming to tech events and conventions near you... Wow. I bet they are in it with the phone companys too, discord using up all the ram so you think you should get a new phone. Windows definitely does that, why not discord09:45:29
@jenn6827:matrix.orgJennSarcasm to that last thing09:45:44
@odanobunaga:matrix.org@odanobunaga:matrix.orgI've heard Discord is very inefficient both in CPU/RAM usage as well as in network usage. Well, they can't even pull off a native client.18:56:37
@jenn6827:matrix.orgJennOh man, I had it for a while like a week. It defaults to so many moving things and notifications is ridiculous18:59:58
24 Jun 2019
Download 2019-06-24-153424_828x399_scrot.png
25 Jun 2019
@xf732ab3:nerdsin.spacexf732ab3that is what caused it19:43:40

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