
Blacknet Staking & Leasing

497 Members
Blacknet is zero-knowledge cryptocurrency platform with proof of stake consensus. https://blacknet.ninja23 Servers

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21 Jul 2024
@rat4:matrix.orgrat4You still can't use telegram if you don't have a phone? 🤣06:41:37

“I don’t have a cell phone. I won’t carry a cell phone,” says Stallman, founder of the free software movement and creator of the GNU operating system. “It’s Stalin’s dream. Cell phones are tools of Big Brother. I’m not going to carry a tracking device that records where I go all the time, and I’m not going to carry a surveillance device that can be turned on to eavesdrop.”

@vanityfair:matrix.org@vanityfair:matrix.orgYeah, cell phones are very 1984-esque ...09:02:47
@vanityfair:matrix.org@vanityfair:matrix.orgAlright, so we can set up a new Telegram room as well at some point. I can also get a full stack engineer I know who's good to do a nice front-end website mock up you can look at. Presentationally we should aim a bit higher for this coin probably, And also apply for some good listings and see what they say - ok these tasks seem worthwhile 09:05:07
In reply to @rat4:matrix.org
You still can't use telegram if you don't have a phone? 🤣
I think you can use it on web yeah
@rat4:matrix.orgrat4Anyway, if you use telegram, twitter, or whatever, it can be.09:10:15
@rat4:matrix.orgrat4Not sure what you mean under "front-end", perhaps design, graphics, UX could be better.09:16:57
In reply to @rat4:matrix.org
Not sure what you mean under "front-end", perhaps design, graphics, UX could be better.
Yeah I just mean design and graphics, that's right
@vanityfair:matrix.org@vanityfair:matrix.orgIf we get a higher-profile listing it will be nice to have a very pretty website, that is all I mean 09:26:04
@vanityfair:matrix.org@vanityfair:matrix.org * If we get a higher-profile listing it will be nice to have a very pretty website, that is all I mean ... it is a very nice blockchain and consistently maintained for a long time so it will be nice if it looks very nice too :)09:27:19
@vanityfair:matrix.org@vanityfair:matrix.org * If we get a higher-profile listing it will be nice to have a very pretty website, that is all I mean ... it is a very nice blockchain and consistently maintained for a long time so it will be nice if the website looks very nice too :)09:29:41
Download b870e78d37fe6b594cce4c950f6e6ecc438784454e64e175d2895ff0c7481d55.webp
@rat4:matrix.orgrat4Is this table of contents just banoodles?14:59:21
22 Jul 2024
In reply to @rat4:matrix.org
Is this table of contents just banoodles?
What do you mean?
@blackgo:matrix.orgblackgoTWITTER: Blacknetn & Blacknetpos04:25:25
In reply to @vanityfair:matrix.org
What do you mean?
The page grew enough tall to highlight what's there, yet the table of contents height itself...
@rat4:matrix.orgrat4What they did to twitter, now all pages redirect to registration 💀07:24:30
@vanityfair:matrix.org@vanityfair:matrix.orgUnless you have an X account I think - probably better to start anew with one Twitter, one TG etc. all branded @ with the same address 08:15:37
23 Jul 2024
@blaze4dayz1231:matrix.orgMoving$timulant$ joined the room.00:08:44
@moogee832:matrix.org@moogee832:matrix.org joined the room.06:17:00
@moogee832:matrix.org@moogee832:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event10:06:41
@moogee832:matrix.org@moogee832:matrix.org left the room.17:24:34
@rat4:matrix.orgrat4https://www.coincarp.com/currencies/blacknet/ They list both BLN & XeggeX, but the pairs ain't shown. Anyone wants to let them know to make their website more useful? 🛸17:30:12
24 Jul 2024
@blackgo:matrix.orgblackgoRedacted or Malformed Event15:17:20
@rat4:matrix.orgrat4Redacted or Malformed Event15:19:46
@blackgo:matrix.orgblackgoRedacted or Malformed Event15:21:10
25 Jul 2024
@blaze4dayz1231:matrix.orgMoving$timulant$ changed their display name from blaze4dayz1231 to Moving$timulant$.17:51:51
@blaze4dayz1231:matrix.orgMoving$timulant$ set a profile picture.18:05:42
@blaze4dayz1231:matrix.orgMoving$timulant$ changed their profile picture.18:07:32

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