

235 Members
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7 Feb 2024
@sigaloid:matrix.orgsigaloid My original drafted PR in the libreddit repo would be a good place to start, as that was the bare minimum, if anyone’s interested 18:39:10
@vladimyr:matrix.orgvladimyrOh, you are the one we should thank for redlib's existence? 18:53:18
@vladimyr:matrix.orgvladimyrSending my love and appreciation to every single contributor who enables me to still avoid reddit's web interface!18:54:22
@vladimyr:matrix.orgvladimyrIf you happen to do PR on teddit's codebase feel free to tag me (same handle on github/codeberg) and I'll gladly help navigating that js mess :)18:58:06
12 Feb 2024
@zaggynl:matrix.zaggy.nlzaggynlanother maintenance, ~4h from now07:12:42
@zaggynl:matrix.zaggy.nlzaggynl * another maintenance, until ~4h from now07:12:48
In reply to @zaggynl:matrix.zaggy.nl
another maintenance, until ~4h from now
was a bit shorter than thought, already back
13 Feb 2024
@arya:frei.chat@arya:frei.chat changed their profile picture.14:30:12
16 Feb 2024
@norvegan:hackliberty.org@norvegan:hackliberty.org removed their profile picture.10:58:08
@norvegan:hackliberty.org@norvegan:hackliberty.org removed their display name NorVegan.10:58:47
@norvegan:hackliberty.org@norvegan:hackliberty.org left the room.10:59:22
@mhx:matrix.org@mhx:matrix.org joined the room.11:11:47
@mhx:matrix.org@mhx:matrix.org left the room.11:12:27
25 Feb 2024
@drjaska:hacklab.fiDr. Jaska joined the room.01:50:36
26 Feb 2024
@norvegan:dkwc.org@norvegan:dkwc.org removed their profile picture.23:40:47
@norvegan:dkwc.org@norvegan:dkwc.org removed their display name NorVegan.23:41:17
@norvegan:dkwc.org@norvegan:dkwc.org left the room.23:43:02
12 Mar 2024
@radditch:matrix.orgRadditch joined the room.10:43:49
13 Mar 2024
@forevernoob:matrix.orgForeverNoobMan the zaggy instance is under heavy load it seems :(08:29:34
@yay01:matrix.org@yay01:matrix.org left the room.22:22:05
14 Mar 2024
@arya:frei.chat@arya:frei.chat changed their display name from Arya [aryak.me] to Arya [aryak.me] (AWAY TILL APRIL 12TH).10:20:31
15 Mar 2024
@outhstyl:javant.xyz@outhstyl:javant.xyz left the room.20:34:43
19 Mar 2024
In reply to @forevernoob:matrix.org
Man the zaggy instance is under heavy load it seems :(
I think it's over for the instance? Good riddance if so. Cc. zaggynl
In reply to @rottenwheel:kernal.eu
I think it's over for the instance? Good riddance if so. Cc. zaggynl
Why good riddance tho? It was a really nice instance.
@zaggynl:matrix.zaggy.nlzaggynlmost people were getting rate limited, also no updates since half a year07:11:43
@zaggynl:matrix.zaggy.nlzaggynlvideos were broken for a long time07:11:52
@forevernoob:matrix.orgForeverNoobI was still ok with that (minus the rate limiting)07:13:41
In reply to @forevernoob:matrix.org
Why good riddance tho? It was a really nice instance.
I think it’s a mistranslation. You can see him praising the instance just a few messages above
@zaggynl:matrix.zaggy.nlzaggynlhn, I do miss the old layout but I'm as good as Peter with CSS https://media1.tenor.com/m/YIJSp3mQgxkAAAAd/css-peter.gif08:29:34
@forevernoob:matrix.orgForeverNoobI think even the people who invented CSS struggle with it.08:48:04

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