

235 Members
https://codeberg.org/teddit/teddit46 Servers

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10 Oct 2023
@zaggynl:matrix.zaggy.nlzaggynlhmpf, I've created an account an created a ticket with them08:43:45
@zaggynl:matrix.zaggy.nlzaggynl * hmpf, I've created an account and created a ticket with them08:43:51
@v3d:halogen.city@v3d:halogen.city left the room.23:55:42
11 Oct 2023
@austin:tchncs.de@austin:tchncs.de left the room.03:25:31
14 Oct 2023
@winsdominoes:matrix.winscloud.net@winsdominoes:matrix.winscloud.net joined the room.08:43:13
@sirgaston:matrix.org@sirgaston:matrix.org left the room.13:24:58
15 Oct 2023
@christophhoward:matrix.org@christophhoward:matrix.org left the room.20:25:52
22 Oct 2023
@rottenwheel:kernal.eurottenwheel joined the room.11:26:19
26 Oct 2023
@sterkte:matrix.org@sterkte:matrix.org joined the room.19:35:37
@sterkte:matrix.org@sterkte:matrix.org left the room.19:35:54
27 Oct 2023
@suspendedwork:tchncs.de@suspendedwork:tchncs.de joined the room.03:47:53
@suspendedwork:tchncs.de@suspendedwork:tchncs.de left the room.03:49:48
4 Nov 2023
@arya:frei.chat@arya:frei.chat changed their profile picture.07:22:07
6 Nov 2023
@mudblood:matrix.orgmudblood joined the room.09:20:35
@mudblood:matrix.orgmudbloodHey, I'm new to self hosting. I'm tired of reddit trying to rate limiting everything. so i thought about self hosting teddit by deploying on services like render, replit, vercel etc. However, they require github or gitlab repos to import the source code. i can't do this with teddit because teddit is hosted on codeberg. Is there any alternative way to deploy Teddit? or any way import the repo to github or gitlab? could anyone help me!09:25:05
@arya:frei.chat@arya:frei.chatmost of these providers dont allow proxy services09:27:58
@mudblood:matrix.orgmudbloodI have deployed whoogle and been using it for a while09:29:24
@bvul5:matrix.orgbvul5clone and upload to your github account09:40:46
@lomanic:matrix.orgLomanic (Old)

mudblood: I never used vercel, but

If your provider is not listed here, you can also use the Vercel CLI to deploy with any git provider.

@mudblood:matrix.orgmudbloodOkay thanks I'll look into it10:29:57
7 Nov 2023
@peddie:matrix.org@peddie:matrix.org left the room.00:53:19
10 Nov 2023
@aedmunds:beeper.comAndrew changed their profile picture.17:00:28
17 Nov 2023
@mrf71:matrix.org@mrf71:matrix.org joined the room.04:34:20
18 Nov 2023
@mrf71:matrix.org@mrf71:matrix.org joined the room.04:22:41
@mrf71:matrix.org@mrf71:matrix.org joined the room.04:31:39
@mrf71:matrix.org@mrf71:matrix.org left the room.22:24:10
24 Nov 2023
@forevernoob:matrix.orgForeverNoobWhere can I find a more up-to-date list of active teddit instances than the one on the official Codeberg page? (If one exists, that is)02:12:35
@norvegan:dkwc.org@norvegan:dkwc.org joined the room.13:46:25
25 Nov 2023
@intrnl_:matrix.org@intrnl_:matrix.org joined the room.11:25:53
@intrnl_:matrix.org@intrnl_:matrix.org left the room.11:25:58

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