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Development of the Cross cross-compilation tool https://github.com/cross-rs/cross31 Servers

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20 Jun 2024
@emilgardis:matrix.orgemilgardisIt's already supported, just that the images need to be setup, infact however, most if not all already work for aarch64, we just need gha to support arm64 docker, and it seems like they've begun supporting it in enterprise teams23:59:50
21 Jun 2024
@valkyrie_pilot:niko.lgbtvalkyrie_pilot 🏳️‍🌈well, once they get this out i guess i wouldn't need cross anymore00:00:32
@valkyrie_pilot:niko.lgbtvalkyrie_pilot 🏳️‍🌈 but like... they have taken four years to get it out since arm64 macs, i'm not expecting it to be GA anytime soon 00:01:14
@emilgardis:matrix.orgemilgardisCan I ask what you're trying to achieve? Maybe you don't really need to use cross in build context?00:01:55
@valkyrie_pilot:niko.lgbtvalkyrie_pilot 🏳️‍🌈
In reply to @emilgardis:matrix.org
Can I ask what you're trying to achieve? Maybe you don't really need to use cross in build context?
I'm trying to build a multi-arch image using github actions, but I'd like to do the actual building in the dockerfile, and not copy a prebuilt executable in. Unfortunately, github doesn't support arm64 runners.
@valkyrie_pilot:niko.lgbtvalkyrie_pilot 🏳️‍🌈https://github.com/randomairborne/tinylevel/blob/58376b63b46e0ad6a9a2c37bbfaadfcf39eb74be/.github/workflows/build.yml This is unsustainable.00:03:53
@emilgardis:matrix.orgemilgardisyeah gotcha, don't have a good solution for you then00:03:58
@emilgardis:matrix.orgemilgardiswhat you could do is borrow our images which already have all the cross-compilation tools, except rust itself00:04:33

so something like

FROM ghcr.io/cross-rs/$TARGET:edge as builder
RUN <install rustup>
RUN cargo build --target $TARGET --release ...
@emilgardis:matrix.orgemilgardis *

so something like

FROM ghcr.io/cross-rs/$TARGET:edge as builder
RUN <install rustup>
RUN cargo build --target $TARGET --release ...
@valkyrie_pilot:niko.lgbtvalkyrie_pilot 🏳️‍🌈I could probably build my own image based on that, as well, actually.00:06:56
@emilgardis:matrix.orgemilgardiscross is nothing more than a fancy docker invoker00:07:03
@valkyrie_pilot:niko.lgbtvalkyrie_pilot 🏳️‍🌈yeah, i know that00:07:12
@valkyrie_pilot:niko.lgbtvalkyrie_pilot 🏳️‍🌈well, cross CLI is a fancy docker invoker, but the docker images are very useful00:07:33
@valkyrie_pilot:niko.lgbtvalkyrie_pilot 🏳️‍🌈
In reply to @emilgardis:matrix.org

so something like

FROM ghcr.io/cross-rs/$TARGET:edge as builder
RUN <install rustup>
RUN cargo build --target $TARGET --release ...
might be a silly request, but is there some reason that image couldn't be provided as a different tag? Along the lines of cross-rs/edge-cargo?
@emilgardis:matrix.orgemilgardisnot sure I follow, what should have a different tag?00:08:19
@emilgardis:matrix.orgemilgardisedge = usually main = what's currently the newest ci image from a branch which ci builds00:08:59
@valkyrie_pilot:niko.lgbtvalkyrie_pilot 🏳️‍🌈Just the cross images with a rustup minimal profile lol00:09:07
@valkyrie_pilot:niko.lgbtvalkyrie_pilot 🏳️‍🌈not edge specifically00:09:10
@emilgardis:matrix.orgemilgardishmm, maybe, would eat up some more space but I'd be open to include that as an extra tagged image for our targets00:10:00
@valkyrie_pilot:niko.lgbtvalkyrie_pilot 🏳️‍🌈how much space are y'all alloted / how much are you using?00:10:26
@emilgardis:matrix.orgemilgardisno clue, maybe it's unlimited? just on the normal open-source plan00:10:49
@valkyrie_pilot:niko.lgbtvalkyrie_pilot 🏳️‍🌈it says 500mb storage and 1gb egress00:11:59
@valkyrie_pilot:niko.lgbtvalkyrie_pilot 🏳️‍🌈but that might just be for private repos, because that seems like it could be used to rack up enormous bills for open source developers00:12:17
@emilgardis:matrix.orgemilgardisthat can't be it, we're definitely over that00:12:19

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@emilgardis:matrix.orgemilgardis *

GitHub Packages usage is free for public packages


@valkyrie_pilot:niko.lgbtvalkyrie_pilot 🏳️‍🌈 Is that a feature y'all would want? Perhaps the tag could be ci or something like that. 00:14:16

if it's just a docker image like

FROM ghcr.io/cross-rs/$TARGET:edge as builder
RUN <install rustup>

i'm absolutely fine with it

@valkyrie_pilot:niko.lgbtvalkyrie_pilot 🏳️‍🌈well, we have to decide what color to paint the bikeshed /j00:16:22

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