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7 Feb 2022
@_discord_295004343852335104:t2bot.ioLucoshi#3064 * RPG [TV Mario] longjump guy come at me bros i bet i can ignore your trolling! 17:17:40
@_discord_295004343852335104:t2bot.ioLucoshi#3064 I bet i can ignore your trolling. 17:18:31
@_discord_708451171358212156:t2bot.ioᎶ乇ㄖ#7090 https://tenor.com/view/pbping-pbping-pointless-pbping-detector-pb-gif-24420804 17:18:35
@_discord_708451171358212156:t2bot.ioᎶ乇ㄖ#7090 dont care clown 🤡 17:19:02
@_discord_295004343852335104:t2bot.ioLucoshi#3064 of course you don't care you want to be a mod to ban me! 17:19:44
@_discord_708451171358212156:t2bot.ioᎶ乇ㄖ#7090 who said i want to be a mod here 💀 17:20:18
@_discord_708451171358212156:t2bot.ioᎶ乇ㄖ#7090 * who said i wanted to be a mod here 💀 17:21:41
@_discord_295004343852335104:t2bot.ioLucoshi#3064 you always keep antagonising me so you want to be a mod to ban me! 17:21:43
@_discord_932691121702850661:t2bot.ioOofingoofer2#5342 Mod from mod 17:22:38
@_discord_295004343852335104:t2bot.ioLucoshi#3064 * you always keep antagonising me so you want to be a Mod to ban me! 17:23:13
@_discord_295004343852335104:t2bot.ioLucoshi#3064 * of course you don't care you want to be a Mod to ban me! 17:23:21
@_discord_708451171358212156:t2bot.ioᎶ乇ㄖ#7090 guys i keep trolin g this k id so that must mean i wanna be come a mode !!!1 17:23:24
@_discord_708451171358212156:t2bot.ioᎶ乇ㄖ#7090 * guys i keep trolin g this k id so that must mean i wanna be come a mode !!!1 17:23:41
@_discord_490613035237507091:t2bot.ioAgent X#9362 Cut the shit or you're getting striked again and muted. 17:25:39
@_discord_619156699143602180:t2bot.ioBozerToes#3373Redacted or Malformed Event17:27:03
@_discord_619156699143602180:t2bot.ioBozerToes#3373 17:27:49
@_discord_202263195820228608:t2bot.ioRPG#5569 Can you stop with your carry-on? It's tiring as shit to see you floundering about like a fucking eejit every day, and continuing like this will eventually result in us getting sick of your horseshit. Thanks. 17:27:50
@_discord_295004343852335104:t2bot.ioLucoshi#3064Redacted or Malformed Event17:28:18
@_discord_295004343852335104:t2bot.ioLucoshi#3064Redacted or Malformed Event17:28:26
@_discord_295004343852335104:t2bot.ioLucoshi#3064 Sure, so please answer rawr question https://discord.com/channels/755122837077098630/755122837077098633/940272063338389504 17:29:25
@_discord_295004343852335104:t2bot.ioLucoshi#3064 * Sure, so please answer rawr questions https://discord.com/channels/755122837077098630/755122837077098633/940272063338389504 17:29:38
@_discord_295004343852335104:t2bot.ioLucoshi#3064Redacted or Malformed Event17:30:28
@_discord_295004343852335104:t2bot.ioLucoshi#3064 * Sure, so please answer rawr questions https://discord.com/channels/755122837077098630/755122837077098633/940272063338389504 https://discord.com/channels/755122837077098630/755122837077098633/940272678013665302 17:33:33
@_discord_295004343852335104:t2bot.ioLucoshi#3064 * Sure, so please answer rawr questions https://discord.com/channels/755122837077098630/755122837077098633/940272526842531910 https://discord.com/channels/755122837077098630/755122837077098633/940272678013665302 17:34:16
@_discord_662354972171567105:t2bot.ioBloxxel64theCatBoy changed their profile picture.17:34:54
@_discord_662354972171567105:t2bot.ioBloxxel64theCatBoy Agent X hope I'm not being a bother, but I have a question regarding to the game's repositories. What is the difference between sm64JS and sm64js-mmo? 17:34:56
@_discord_662354972171567105:t2bot.ioBloxxel64theCatBoy changed their display name from Bloxxel64theCatBoy#3288 to Bloxxel64theCatBoy.17:34:56
@_discord_554748102184271883:t2bot.iogp808#0949 The room I am in smells strongly of IRON 17:41:38
@_discord_202263195820228608:t2bot.ioRPG#5569 People do not like you and "antagonize" you because of your fucking carry-on. You act like a child, labelling people as this and that just because they're not with what you're pushing and it's beyond tiring to deal with.
The trolling shit is meant to be for goofs (although I'll acknowledge that sometimes, that line is crossed, usually by accident) and we have the emotes because it harkens back to times that were simpler (plus, trollface made a resurgence, so... yeah.)
@_discord_211967064724733963:t2bot.ionotcitraemu#0 changed their display name from Citra [They/Them] to Citra#8309.18:13:21

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