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7 Feb 2022
@_discord_211967064724733963:t2bot.ionotcitraemu#0 changed their display name from Citra#8309 to Citra [They/Them].18:13:22
@_discord_211967064724733963:t2bot.ionotcitraemu#0 anyways, I'm gonna go rickroll some kids and see if they get the joke :3 18:13:22
@_discord_211967064724733963:t2bot.ionotcitraemu#0 nvm 18:14:02
@_discord_211967064724733963:t2bot.ionotcitraemu#0 too lazy 18:14:04
@_discord_211967064724733963:t2bot.ionotcitraemu#0 brb, gonna go scare the shit out of ZXKoopaGaming by mentioning the "forbidden word" 18:38:09
@_discord_211967064724733963:t2bot.ionotcitraemu#0 ok nah, I'm bored 18:40:07
Download Screenshot_20220207-214812_Discord.png
@_discord_295004343852335104:t2bot.ioLucoshi#3064 Maybe you aren't trolling at all and i'm the bad guy because you're all sick and tired for my immaturity. 18:44:32
@_discord_295004343852335104:t2bot.ioLucoshi#3064 * Maybe you aren't trolling at all and i'm the bad guy here because you're all sick and tired for my immaturity. 18:45:58
@_discord_295004343852335104:t2bot.ioLucoshi#3064 * Maybe you aren't trolling at all and i'm the bad guy here because you're all sick and tired for my immaturity. 18:48:46
@_discord_490613035237507091:t2bot.ioAgent X#9362 Pico’s screenshot 19:07:05
@_discord_603651987690618906:t2bot.ioClickerty joined the room.19:21:26
@_discord_295004343852335104:t2bot.ioLucoshi#3064Redacted or Malformed Event19:25:10
@_discord_490613035237507091:t2bot.ioAgent X#9362 * Not your screenshot, all you have done is start fights with other members and cause problems, we are all sick and tired of your antics equally, this is your last warning. 19:30:27
@_discord_295004343852335104:t2bot.ioLucoshi#3064 i'm sorry! 19:30:43
@_discord_295004343852335104:t2bot.ioLucoshi#3064 * i'm sorry about that and i swear i'm not doing that. 19:30:53
@_discord_295004343852335104:t2bot.ioLucoshi#3064 * all i have done is start fights with other members and cause problems, you are all sick and tired of your antics equally...So and i fell so bad about it i never wanted to do it i ever wanted to do is C coding specifically for decomp. 19:36:03
@_discord_295004343852335104:t2bot.ioLucoshi#3064Redacted or Malformed Event19:36:59
@_discord_295004343852335104:t2bot.ioLucoshi#3064 * all i have done is start fights with other members and cause problems, you are all sick and tired of your antics equally...So and i fell so bad about it i never wanted to do it i ever wanted to do is C coding specifically for decomp but you guys don't cope! 19:37:36
@_discord_295004343852335104:t2bot.ioLucoshi#3064 https://tenor.com/view/tired-af-insomnia-tom-and-jerry-heartbreak-feeling-down-gif-15786187 19:37:38
@_discord_932691121702850661:t2bot.ioOofingoofer2#5342 what 19:39:29
@_discord_932691121702850661:t2bot.ioOofingoofer2#5342 ok 19:40:03
@_discord_815368168935260230:t2bot.iocatkit08 changed their display name from catkit08 to catkit08#3625.19:40:06
@_discord_815368168935260230:t2bot.iocatkit08 changed their display name from catkit08#3625 to catkit08.19:41:17
@luphoria:matrix.org@luphoria:matrix.orgi'm leaving this community lol it's gone to shit for the past few months20:06:42
@luphoria:matrix.org@luphoria:matrix.orgit was fun while it lasted. see you all on the next cosmic corner20:06:50
@luphoria:matrix.org@luphoria:matrix.orgunbridge the matrix btw, or get someone else to mod it. otherwise there will be issues20:07:34
Download IMG_9972.png
@luphoria:matrix.org@luphoria:matrix.org left the room.20:07:53

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