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27 May 2024
@_discord_651018886661275659:t2bot.iobobbens Yes, the issue is the materials don't translate well into newer Blenders. They would have to be reproduced, but even then, the model is fairly suboptimal and would need a lot of work to look the same in Naev. I've hacked quite a few models so far, and I just think that for the Sirius ships, remaking is probably the better option... 01:55:40
Download demon03.png
@_discord_534815946301374514:t2bot.iodr_viktor It's somewhat hard to find reasonable camera angles. 19:46:42
Download demon04.png
28 May 2024
@_discord_651018886661275659:t2bot.iobobbens Looking at the 3D model, I think the prongs are actually flat 07:13:00
@_discord_651018886661275659:t2bot.iobobbens so it has two forward facing flat prongs, one backwards facing flat prong 07:13:20
@_discord_651018886661275659:t2bot.iobobbens and then two upwards facing forward prongs 07:13:28
@_discord_651018886661275659:t2bot.iobobbens plus some more assymetrical weird things 07:13:38
@_discord_651018886661275659:t2bot.iobobbens I can try to do a qucik sketch 07:13:43
@_discord_651018886661275659:t2bot.iobobbensRedacted or Malformed Event07:14:36
Download IMG_20240528_1616072.jpg
@_discord_651018886661275659:t2bot.iobobbens * I can try to do a quick sketch 07:17:22
@_discord_450719725538770944:t2bot.iozoura3025 Petition to cut out the grid paper drawings and put them in as models 07:18:41
@_discord_450719725538770944:t2bot.iozoura3025 Er, sprites, ig 07:18:49
@_discord_501385118297096202:t2bot.iotheelerd A model consisting of three textured planes 07:36:26
@_discord_450719725538770944:t2bot.iozoura3025 You 07:36:50
@_discord_450719725538770944:t2bot.iozoura3025 Absolute 07:36:52
@_discord_450719725538770944:t2bot.iozoura3025 # GENIUS! 07:36:56
@_discord_501385118297096202:t2bot.iotheelerd The future of AAA games right here 07:37:31
@_discord_651018886661275659:t2bot.iobobbens I've always thought it would be fun to have either a TC or just something weird in the game where ships would be horribly hand-drawn spritesheets, and the background was grid paper 08:28:09
29 May 2024
@_discord_651018886661275659:t2bot.iobobbens I think I figured out how to define trails / mount points in blender to export to gltfs. That's going to be useful 🙂 03:56:04
@_discord_651018886661275659:t2bot.iobobbens Still wish I had a good solution for ship variants and overriding textures, but I guess I can probably figure something out. 03:56:35
@_discord_651018886661275659:t2bot.iobobbens blender's gltf variant support is a bit too finicky to actually use properly 03:56:46
@_discord_651018886661275659:t2bot.iobobbens At least my current solution isn't too bad, especially if I can get it to reuse textures. 03:57:20
Download female_01n.webp
Download female_01n_v2.webp
Download female_01n_v3.webp
Download female_01n_v4.webp
Download female_01n_v5.webp
@_discord_501385118297096202:t2bot.iotheelerd Worked on some variations to female_01n.
I want to go over the rest of the characters I've done, clean them app and add more variations.
If anyone has specific fashion design ideas for future characters and variations, please DM me or put it in brainstorming and tag me.

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