
Drone OS

159 Members
An Embedded Operating System for writing real-time applications in Rust.20 Servers

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13 Feb 2021
@cookskim:matrix.orgcookskim * Thank you very much. I was able to take a step forward. But I got stuck because of another issue. I think it is the final boss to me. Could you help me once more? I got another error message. I can't see "hello, world" message. 01:06:48
@valff:matrix.orgvalff cookskim: Looks like there is an unrecognized value for probe.bmp.device key in Drone.toml. Can you show your Drone.toml? 10:01:06
@cookskim:matrix.orgcookskimRedacted or Malformed Event10:10:42
In reply to @valff:matrix.org
cookskim: Looks like there is an unrecognized value for probe.bmp.device key in Drone.toml. Can you show your Drone.toml?

csk@csk-CR70-2M-CX70-2OC-CX70-2OD:~/hello_world$ more Drone.toml
size = "128K"
origin = 0x08000000

size = "20K"
origin = 0x20000000

size = "10K"
pools = [
{ block = "4", capacity = 118 },
{ block = "8", capacity = 148 },
{ block = "20", capacity = 82 },
{ block = "56", capacity = 34 },
{ block = "116", capacity = 16 },
{ block = "208", capacity = 8 },
{ block = "336", capacity = 3 },
{ block = "512", capacity = 1 },

platform = "arm"

gdb-client-command = "gdb-multiarch"

device = "stm32f103"
gdb-endpoint = "/dev/ttyBmpGdb"

reset-freq = 8000000
baud-rate = 115200
serial-endpoint = "/dev/ttyBmpTarg"

@valff:matrix.orgvalff Hm, it looks correct. What is your drone --version? 10:16:43
In reply to @valff:matrix.org
Hm, it looks correct. What is your drone --version?
csk@csk-CR70-2M-CX70-2OC-CX70-2OD:~/hello_world$ drone --version
drone 0.13.1
@valff:matrix.orgvalffI will try to reproduce.10:30:05
@valff:matrix.orgvalff cookskim: There was indeed a problem in Drone. I released a new version 0.13.2. Please update it with cargo +nightly install drone --force 15:20:18
14 Feb 2021
In reply to @valff:matrix.org
cookskim: There was indeed a problem in Drone. I released a new version 0.13.2. Please update it with cargo +nightly install drone --force
The error message has gone after updating, but I can't see "Hello world" message. I pushed the reset button of the black magic probe, and I entered "just log" in the terminal again. Only then "Hello world" message came out. I can't guess why. Could you give me some hint about that?
@valff:matrix.orgvalff cookskim: Is it a recurring issue? Is there a pattern so I could reproduce it? If it was a one-time issue, maybe it was a bad connection? 10:42:31
In reply to @valff:matrix.org
cookskim: Is it a recurring issue? Is there a pattern so I could reproduce it? If it was a one-time issue, maybe it was a bad connection?
In my case it is recurring. I am not sure why it is so. Probably it might be a hardware issue. I know there exist many bluepills that have problem.
15 Feb 2021
@alacer:matrix.org@alacer:matrix.org joined the room.04:44:43
16 Feb 2021
@pedro:nltrix.net@pedro:nltrix.net removed their display name pedro.07:40:09
@pedro:nltrix.net@pedro:nltrix.net left the room.07:59:36
20 Feb 2021
@alacer:matrix.org@alacer:matrix.org left the room.14:15:44
@alvinhochun:kde.orgalvinhochun joined the room.16:22:23
23 Feb 2021
@kaitorben:matrix.orgkavol joined the room.17:50:58
8 Mar 2021
@workplanmail:matrix.orgworkplanmail joined the room.07:18:22
20 Mar 2021
@xoviat:matrix.org@xoviat:matrix.org joined the room.16:16:17
@voyager:t2bot.ioMatrix Traveler (bot) joined the room.16:16:54
@mjboa:mozilla.orgmjboa joined the room.16:23:39
22 Mar 2021
@f_punk:matrix.orgf_punk joined the room.10:48:21
5 Apr 2021
@dsommer:matrix.orgdsommer joined the room.20:23:14
9 Apr 2021
@valff:matrix.orgvalffHi there! We have completed a new release, check out our blog post: https://www.drone-os.com/2021/04/09/announcing-drone-0-14.html21:43:56
11 Apr 2021
@moerk:matrix.org@moerk:matrix.orgGreat job valff. But I find it really stupid, sifive decide to leave out two instruction from the extension. If that is the norm risc-v is going to be a mess 🤔07:26:26
@valff:matrix.orgvalffThanks. Actually they support those two instructions, but only on the peripheral memory region.07:29:12
@moerk:matrix.org@moerk:matrix.orgArhh okay. 08:58:02
@grawp:matrix.orggrawpIf I may ask, what JTAG dongle do you use with GD32V MCUs?10:58:46
In reply to @grawp:matrix.org
If I may ask, what JTAG dongle do you use with GD32V MCUs?
According to Drone.toml, he uses the Jlink (EDU) from Segger.

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