
Swansea Hackspace

6 Members
http://swansea.hackspace.org.uk/1 Servers

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2 Aug 2017
@DiscordUK:matrix.orgJustinwhat kind of upgrade? os version needs updating ? want to look at hardware improvements ?11:35:56
@eclispe:matrix.orgeclipseI think Tom has been keeping them fairly up to date, but I dont use them often enough to be sure11:36:33
@freenode_AndyP:matrix.org@freenode_AndyP:matrix.orgi was thinking of the OSes, consider me clueless where hardware is concerned11:56:58
@freenode_AndyP:matrix.org@freenode_AndyP:matrix.orgas fedora 26 is out now11:57:46
@DiscordUK:matrix.orgJustini tried to login remotely to check but none have an open ssh port12:52:41
11 Aug 2017
@freenode_AndyP:matrix.org@freenode_AndyP:matrix.org left the room.11:39:13
@freenode_AndyP:matrix.org@freenode_AndyP:matrix.org joined the room.11:41:06
@Aled:matrix.org@Aled:matrix.org joined the room.14:40:01
13 Aug 2017
@sasja:matrix.org@sasja:matrix.org joined the room.07:56:48
17 Aug 2017
@freenode_ChanServ:matrix.org@freenode_ChanServ:matrix.org joined the room.04:55:26
@freenode_ChanServ:matrix.org@freenode_ChanServ:matrix.org left the room.05:01:53
@freenode_AndyP:matrix.org@freenode_AndyP:matrix.org left the room.10:51:43
18 Aug 2017
@freenode_tswsl1989:matrix.org@freenode_tswsl1989:matrix.org joined the room.16:59:05
@freenode_tswsl1989:matrix.org@freenode_tswsl1989:matrix.orgOK, how did I not know this was a thing?16:59:19
@freenode_AndyP:matrix.org@freenode_AndyP:matrix.org joined the room.17:03:04
@freenode_AndyP:matrix.org@freenode_AndyP:matrix.org you haven't missed much, it's been pretty dead since the initial flurry of cheese puns 17:03:04
@daubers:matrix.org@daubers:matrix.org Because it's very very quiet 17:05:17
* @freenode_tswsl1989:matrix.org@freenode_tswsl1989:matrix.org preps the airhorn17:05:31
@daubers:matrix.org@daubers:matrix.orgReading station is boring17:11:28
@freenode_tswsl1989:matrix.org@freenode_tswsl1989:matrix.orgI thought all the tunnelling work was further east :-)17:39:42
19 Aug 2017
@vxn:matrix.org@vxn:matrix.org joined the room.07:16:26
30 Aug 2017
@DiscordUK:matrix.orgJustinoffer here of a canon i865 inkjet printer (deceased) that we can break for parts. anyone likely to want to do that? or should i decline07:41:32
@gendor:matrix.orggendorI would decline, but maybe someone is interested? Talking of printers, what's the plan for replacing the toner in our colour laser printer? And are we paying per page? I did some printing on my own card paper stock the other day, but added a pound to the donation box as these were 10 colour prints.13:03:54
@DiscordUK:matrix.orgJustinI dont think anyone has looked at the costs of running it yet13:04:59
@gendor:matrix.orggendorI looked at toner cartridge prices the other day and almost got a heart attack. I hope I was looking at the wrong cartridges. £1000+ for a set?13:06:14
@DiscordUK:matrix.orgJustinthat does sound rather excessive, i thought my colour laser at home at £400 a set (offical ones anyway) was steep13:07:05
@gendor:matrix.orggendoroh, before I forget: Did you see my e-mail regarding featuring the hackspace in the next TechHub newsletter? Is there something I can send to them, or should I just write a couple of paragraphs myself?13:08:19
@DiscordUK:matrix.orgJustinI havent attempted to update any of that stuff in years13:08:53
@DiscordUK:matrix.orgJustinso please do feel free to write something13:10:00

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