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Building Scaling Solutions for Ethereum ASAP27 Servers

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6 May 2018
@StephanTual:matrix.org@StephanTual:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event16:13:17
@StephanTual:matrix.org@StephanTual:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event16:13:28
@StephanTual:matrix.org@StephanTual:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event16:14:35
@StephanTual:matrix.org@StephanTual:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event16:14:41
@griffgreen:matrix.orggriffgreenthe leading project here is the Parity Bridge: https://github.com/paritytech/parity-bridge19:01:07
@griffgreen:matrix.orggriffgreen StephanTual: 19:01:13
@griffgreen:matrix.orggriffgreenGiveth and Swarm City are pushing forward with their own versions of Ghetto Bridges19:02:07
@rafale:matrix.orgsponnetGhetto Bridges.... !19:02:46
@griffgreen:matrix.orggriffgreenbut giveth's plan is to play with the ghetto bridge until parity finishes up their much more secure bridge solution19:02:49
@griffgreen:matrix.orggriffgreenYeah Sponnet!!19:03:23
@griffgreen:matrix.orggriffgreen:-D I'm sitting here surrounded by your Swarm :-D19:03:52
@rafale:matrix.orgsponnetI should really document ours and get that client published on github19:04:20
@rafale:matrix.orgsponnetsay hello to them19:04:26
7 May 2018
@jpitts:matrix.orgjpittsIs there an explanation or video for ghetto bridge? Is there anything special about ghetto other than operating the early release of Parity Bridge in order to bridge kovan to mainnet, and having users post txns to a contract on kovan?03:18:37
@quazia:matrix.orgquazia Lol I don't think "ghetto bridge" is a technical term... I think a "ghetto bridge" is any bridge with a trust model less sufficient than a federated bridge? 03:21:06
@jpitts:matrix.orgjpittsAh ok, thought it might have been coined at the ScalingNOW event LOL03:27:09
@jpitts:matrix.orgjpittsMaybe we call it wire bridge03:28:56
@StephanTual:matrix.org@StephanTual:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event08:37:34
@rafale:matrix.orgsponnet Out ghetto/wire bridge is here https://github.com/swarmcity/SCLabs-erc20-bridge/blob/master/README.md 09:50:15
@rafale:matrix.orgsponnetThe unit tests all work fine, so the concept works - but the validation is still in library form09:51:53
@rafale:matrix.orgsponnet If you're looking for a conceptual description, please check the hackmd document refered in the readme 09:52:44
@StephanTual:matrix.org@StephanTual:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event17:33:43
8 May 2018

what do you have in mind exactly when mentioning 'sidechains/poa' - do you, by any chance, mean an environment in which the client would have their dapp data on the private chain, with the nodes controlled by partners or a federated network of loosely-connected businesses, and a token, likely erc20 living on the ethereum public chain.

Yep. I believe the sidechain does not need to be publicly viewable. The authorities on the sidechain need to be able to send transactions on the main Ethereum chain though (assuming you are bridging a sidechain to Ethereum). Of course, an organisation could roll their own private instance of Ethereum or a POA network without bridging to a public network. Depends what on the use cases.

From GH: "parity-bridge is currently an ERC20 token contract on one ethereum-based blockchain that is backed by ether on another ethereum-based blockchain."

Then i imagine, some sort of 2 way proof of burn or at least an element of centralization in the form of script 'syncing' the two data repositoriels?

The sender will deposit ether into the bridge contract on Ethereum (mainnet) which then gives an ERC20 balance on the sidechain. You can withdraw ether at anytime.


i'd also like to understand if you guys at w3f have been thinking about clear , milestones migration paths towards a polkadot future, in order to limit the risk of accruing technical debt ?

There is a migration path. Adopting a poa network with a parity bridge is a good first step to getting ready for Polkadot. This will help to minimise "accruing technical debt", but as with anything software based there will always be some learning curve and testing required as new versions are released. Eventually the intention would be to migrate to Subtrate based chains.

A lot of tooling and development on Polkadot will be for Wasm chains (or rather Substrate chains, which allow for native and wasm), we hope they are faster than EVM chains. Devs can try enabling wasm on their chain and I believe they can do that already with Parity PoA chains. For example, devs can start practising with writing wasm smart contracts.

@StephanTual:matrix.org@StephanTual:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event17:11:22
9 May 2018
@snarks:matrix.orgnlcnlc joined the room.21:41:11
@cable:matrix.org@cable:matrix.org joined the room.21:51:58
@pmauric:matrix.parity.ioPeter - ooo joined the room.22:23:58
@pimpnDOTs:matrix.orgJack (DONT USE, use @jack:web3.foundation) joined the room.23:02:13

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