
🎤Rap Battle

25 Members
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25 Dec 2019
@dell_employee:matrix.orggrannie420 (monkeypilled/islambotpilled)sure bro.06:06:09
@anel_lena:matrix.orgLenasure bro.06:09:16
26 Dec 2019
@anel_lena:matrix.orgLena changed their profile picture.00:14:17
27 Dec 2019
@miasuma:matrix.orgmiasma#5344 (sleep) changed their display name from miasma#5344 (sleep) to semen.07:21:18
@miasuma:matrix.orgmiasma#5344 (sleep) changed their display name from semen to semem.07:21:35
@miasuma:matrix.orgmiasma#5344 (sleep) changed their display name from semem to semen.07:21:48
28 Dec 2019
@miasuma:matrix.orgmiasma#5344 (sleep) changed their display name from semen to miasma.08:12:10
30 Dec 2019
@trenchcoats:matrix.orgBREEZE joined the room.08:17:08
@trenchcoats:matrix.orgBREEZEThank you for invite08:17:35
@ff777:matrix.orgFF777mk, if we have an odd number of people (3 in this case) i think we can just do 1 line each (instead of 2 like we did yesterday)08:18:31
@seveno_oseven:matrix.orgSeven (online)ok08:18:38
@seveno_oseven:matrix.orgSeven (online)that is easier 08:18:41
@ff777:matrix.orgFF777mit will naturally give each person a chance to do the creation-line and also the rhyming-line08:19:11
@ff777:matrix.orgFF777mokay who goes first08:19:21
@seveno_oseven:matrix.orgSeven (online)i can go this time08:19:35
@ff777:matrix.orgFF777mjust so he knows, here is the turn order: seven me (ff777) trench man08:20:05
@seveno_oseven:matrix.orgSeven (online)ok08:20:14
@seveno_oseven:matrix.orgSeven (online)today is a bright day08:20:31
@ff777:matrix.orgFF777mbut i just want to stay in bed and lay08:21:18
@trenchcoats:matrix.orgBREEZEMy turn? Ray said "I love you"08:26:26
@seveno_oseven:matrix.orgSeven (online)i looked to my bro Ray who is now in my shack and said "i love you too"08:27:14
@ff777:matrix.orgFF777mwow great rhyme08:27:29
@ff777:matrix.orgFF777mwait......that does rhyme08:27:37
@seveno_oseven:matrix.orgSeven (online)it sounds like it does 08:27:49
@ff777:matrix.orgFF777mokay shut up08:27:54
@seveno_oseven:matrix.orgSeven (online)i know it wasnt a super great line 08:28:11
@ff777:matrix.orgFF777mmy stupid brain didn't think it rhymed for some dumb reason at first08:28:33
@seveno_oseven:matrix.orgSeven (online)oh ok08:28:39
@ff777:matrix.orgFF777m * (wow great rhyme)08:29:01

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