
🎤Rap Battle

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30 Dec 2019
@ff777:matrix.orgFF777m * (wait......that does rhyme)08:29:05
@trenchcoats:matrix.orgBREEZEAir line I would to use is Continental08:29:09
@ff777:matrix.orgFF777m * (okay shut up)08:29:10
@seveno_oseven:matrix.orgSeven (phone alt) * (it sounds like it does)08:29:15
@ff777:matrix.orgFF777m * (my stupid brain didn't think it rhymed for some dumb reason at first)08:29:15
@ff777:matrix.orgFF777mwait it's my turn08:29:22
@seveno_oseven:matrix.orgSeven (phone alt) * (i know it wasnt a super great line)08:29:24
@seveno_oseven:matrix.orgSeven (phone alt) * (oh ok)08:29:30
@ff777:matrix.orgFF777m * (wait it's my turn)08:29:33
@seveno_oseven:matrix.orgSeven (phone alt)np we kind of messed up first08:29:46
@seveno_oseven:matrix.orgSeven (phone alt) * np we kind of messed up first)08:29:50
@ff777:matrix.orgFF777m(im also using the out-of-character parenthesis i guess so we know what lines are rap)08:30:08
@ff777:matrix.orgFF777mray and me are sort of kind of GAY08:31:00
@trenchcoats:matrix.orgBREEZEI have ever seen a GRAY type08:32:16
@seveno_oseven:matrix.orgSeven (phone alt)a new gray type of pokemon, maybe it will be me and ray's friend 08:35:08
@seveno_oseven:matrix.orgSeven (phone alt) * a new gray type of pokemon, maybe it will be me and Ray's friend 08:35:26
@ff777:matrix.orgFF777mi hope it forgives me and ray when we homoly sinned08:36:13
@trenchcoats:matrix.orgBREEZEI'm a homo sapiens08:37:51
@ff777:matrix.orgFF777m(good luck with that word)08:38:35
@seveno_oseven:matrix.orgSeven (phone alt)being rated by others only with tens 08:39:25
@ff777:matrix.orgFF777mme and ray go to kitchen and cook breakfast in frying pan08:40:52
@trenchcoats:matrix.orgBREEZEPan was fucked by me..Pan is a character in dragon ball08:41:40
@ff777:matrix.orgFF777m(pretty hot, but which word rhymes with pan in there?)08:42:17
@trenchcoats:matrix.orgBREEZEFrying pan?08:42:53
@ff777:matrix.orgFF777m(okay any way it's your turn seven)08:43:25
@seveno_oseven:matrix.orgSeven (phone alt)actually the both of us have no clue how to cook, maybe its time to call08:44:38
@ff777:matrix.orgFF777mi try to dial a number, but then ray throws phone against wall08:46:37
@trenchcoats:matrix.orgBREEZELaser guy, I just create to get my spouse08:48:11

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