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11 Dec 2022
@_discord_740038902047440928:t2bot.iorestandvest#9326 vishnu are you planning to add web support too as you were mentioning earlier? Or just desktop support? Would web support have any other blockers once you've ported it for desktop in the other branch? 10:21:20
@_discord_855367792080584725:t2bot.iovishnu#8699 joined the room.10:29:35
@_discord_855367792080584725:t2bot.iovishnu#8699 For starters, it'll just be desktop 10:29:35
@_discord_740038902047440928:t2bot.iorestandvest#9326 Gotcha, would web have any technical blockers persay for you to spin it up there too? Just curious, if you don't mind me asking 10:30:45
@_discord_855367792080584725:t2bot.iovishnu#8699 For starters, there's no "secure storage" on web. Will have to workaround that. Also I'm pretty sure some of the packages we are currently using will be unsupported on web. Yet to know which ones 10:34:34
@_discord_855367792080584725:t2bot.iovishnu#8699 We can workaround secure storage by storing encrypted credentials to local storage and prompting for a passphrase each time 10:35:06
@_discord_855367792080584725:t2bot.iovishnu#8699 You could try cloning the repo and building for mac/web btw. The former should compile and start up. Just use an account different from your main one, you'll be able to see the progress 🙂 10:36:14
@_discord_969178773389979668:t2bot.ioManav#8403 For the sake of other people reading this, I'll summarize the current state of the desktop version of ente auth:

- We do already have a working version of the ente auth app for desktop, and it seems to be fine from a quick look.

- However, since the change to get it to build on desktop involved changing the underlying crypto (libsodium) library that we use, there is a big risk that there might be a bug somewhere that could potentially result in data corruption. So we felt it was not prudent to release it until we have time to test it more.

- The code is here - https://github.com/ente-io/auth/tree/desktop#readme. Again, a warning is of order. Use it with your main account only at your own risk.
@_discord_993257754481410048:t2bot.iotheoulis joined the room.11:48:11
@_discord_263087080823980032:t2bot.ios˞#0001 I’ll also give it a try 12:44:02
@_discord_356456393491873795:t2bot.iogreen.#0182 joined the room.13:12:03
Download Screenshot_2022-12-11_at_14.11.40.png
@_discord_356456393491873795:t2bot.iogreen.#0182 13:12:03
@_discord_356456393491873795:t2bot.iogreen.#0182 wait nvm im stupid 13:13:24
@_discord_855367792080584725:t2bot.iovishnu#8699 Guys, please use a dummy account for builds from this branch. Once this is well tested and merged, you can easily export your keys and import it into your main account. 13:16:47
@_discord_356456393491873795:t2bot.iogreen.#0182 will do dw 13:17:05
@_discord_356456393491873795:t2bot.iogreen.#0182 (once i get the time to download flutter) 13:17:20
In reply to @_discord_969178773389979668:t2bot.io
For the sake of other people reading this, I'll summarize the current state of the desktop version of ente auth:

- We do already have a working version of the ente auth app for desktop, and it seems to be fine from a quick look.

- However, since the change to get it to build on desktop involved changing the underlying crypto (libsodium) library that we use, there is a big risk that there might be a bug somewhere that could potentially result in data corruption. So we felt it was not prudent to release it until we have time to test it more.

- The code is here - https://github.com/ente-io/auth/tree/desktop#readme. Again, a warning is of order. Use it with your main account only at your own risk.
Just out of curiosity, what cryptography library does it use if it doesn't use libsodium? And does ente photos also use different cryptography libraries depending on the platform?
@_discord_855367792080584725:t2bot.iovishnu#8699 Hey, it's still libsodium, just a different wrapper that has API contracts that are different from the one we've been using so far 15:54:39
@_discord_855367792080584725:t2bot.iovishnu#8699 The existing Flutter library we are using does not support desktop, hence the attempted swap 15:55:51
@laurens8:matrix.orgLaurensAh okay got it, thanks16:40:53
Download Screenshot_2022-12-11_at_19.10.33.png
@_discord_356456393491873795:t2bot.iogreen.#0182 matrix-bridge r u ok 18:10:43
@_discord_266603416812388353:t2bot.iohttp.james#6969 joined the room.18:19:14
@_discord_266603416812388353:t2bot.iohttp.james#6969 pov encoding 18:19:14
@_discord_263087080823980032:t2bot.iosËž#0001 did anyone managed to build the flutter windows app? i'm getting this error:
Building without sound null safety
For more information see https://dart.dev/null-safety/unsound-null-safety

CMake Error at flutter/ephemeral/.plugin_symlinks/sodium_libs/windows/CMakeLists.txt:49 (message):
  Did not find minisign in PATH.  Please install it.  See sodium_libs README

Building Windows application...
Unable to generate build files
@_discord_263087080823980032:t2bot.iosËž#0001 * did anyone manage to build the flutter windows app? i'm getting this error:
Building without sound null safety
For more information see https://dart.dev/null-safety/unsound-null-safety

CMake Error at flutter/ephemeral/.plugin_symlinks/sodium_libs/windows/CMakeLists.txt:49 (message):
  Did not find minisign in PATH.  Please install it.  See sodium_libs README

Building Windows application...
Unable to generate build files
@_discord_855367792080584725:t2bot.iovishnu#8699 Hey could you please try: https://pub.dev/packages/sodium_libs#windows 18:50:39
Download image.png
@_discord_263087080823980032:t2bot.ios˞#0001 We're in 😎 19:06:47

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