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17 Apr 2024
@oinkingpork:matrix.orgoinkingporkIt's still not enough freedom for a child to simply be able to choose not to go to school. He should be able to choose to go to school at any time and to leave at any time, to do anything while at school as long as it does not affect others, and to be punished no more than the victim wishes, even if he has harmed others. Only when all these conditions are fulfilled is freedom as I define, roughly achieved.18:08:09
22 Apr 2024
@oinkingpork:matrix.orgoinkingporkTaking away privileges may seem equivalent to giving rewards for behavior you want, but they won't be felt in the same way. Of course, either way, you can feel that another person is doing some sort of constraint on you, and they want to make you do what is perceived to be good for your future by designing some aspect of your life. Why did they take the video game away? Definitely not to save electricity, but to control me. It's punishment and part of what I'm complaining about.15:45:48
@hf:pixelplanet.funhfi decided to not update to 1.21 bros17:02:50
@hf:pixelplanet.funhfbut i will go for 1.20.5 when its released17:02:58
@oinkingpork:matrix.orgoinkingporkSeeing the name of a school will cause more pain in your heart than seeing the name of a company.18:37:28
@oinkingpork:matrix.orgoinkingporkNot to mention the pain felt when seeing a school on the street.18:37:35
28 Apr 2024
@oinkingpork:matrix.orgoinkingporkIf only the ears could close like eyes, one might be able to be more shameless and more defensible against other people's assaults in your head.15:57:03
30 Apr 2024
@oinkingpork:matrix.orgoinkingpork前几年有一个不热门的新闻。有一个学校,有个心理咨询室。有一个学生去那儿,我估计那个学生是表达了对学校或者老师的不满,但是那个学生没有不服从的行为。那个学校以那个学生忽视了自己的心理健康,并且缺乏努力学习的自信为理由惩罚那个学生。挺多别的学校注意到这个新闻,说要弘扬新闻里的那个学校的校长对学生的关怀。网上有人争论,争论的一方认为学校设立心理咨询师这件事本身会影响学生的学习,争论的另一方认为这个新闻说明了学校可以利用心理咨询师促进学生的学习。这件事儿发生后不久的一天,我的老师没有事由地骂全班同学,说我们太脆弱了,并且说学校的领导也同意这一点,学校太放纵我们了,因此我们应当接受学校对我们的管理。我不知道他的训斥和这个新闻是否有关。还有,每当有交通事故或者火灾的新闻的时候,或者有谈论中国的经济发展的新闻的时候,还有季节变化的时候,老师总会说,“因此”或者“进一步”,堕落和被惯坏了的我们应当努力学习。没有人去谈论这句话到底是什么意思,因为谈论这句话到底是什么意思似乎证明理解如何正确使用连词的语文老师对我们的管教的正当性。 There was a not very popular piece of news a couple years ago. There was a school that had a counseling office. There was a student who went there, and I'm assuming that student was expressing dissatisfaction with the school or the teachers, but there was no disobedient behavior by that student. That school punished that student for neglecting his mental health and lacking the confidence to work hard at school. Quite a few other schools noticed the news and said they wanted to 'promote' the care that the principal of the school in the news had for the student. There was a debate on the internet between those who believed that the very fact that schools have counselors in place affects students learning, and those who believed that the news shows that schools can use counselors to improve students' learning. One day, shortly after this incident, my teacher scolded the class for no apparent reason, saying that we were too fragile and that the school's leadership agreed with this, that the school was too permissive and that we should therefore accept the school's management of us. I don't know if his reprimand had anything to do with the news. Also, whenever there was news about traffic accidents or fires, or news about China's economic development, or the change of seasons, the teachers would always say, "Therefore," or "Further," we, who had been corrupted and spoiled, should be obedient and study hard. No one talked about what that meant, because talking about what it meant seemed to justify the discipline of our language teacher, who understood how to use conjunction words correctly.10:19:22
6 May 2024
@epicdude2121:matrix.org@epicdude2121:matrix.org joined the room.20:02:12
@epicdude2121:matrix.org@epicdude2121:matrix.org joined the room.20:02:17
@epicdude2121:matrix.org@epicdude2121:matrix.org left the room.20:02:21
7 May 2024
@oinkingpork:matrix.orgoinkingporkI just heard someone shouting outside. I went out to look for them and didn't find the person who shouted. Perhaps the situation was that the man's intuition told him that he feels quite a bit of pain and that things aren't worth it anymore, but he questioned why he couldn't take in more and "elevate his character." I just went to call out, trying to find him. I didn't know what words to use. I could have yelled, "Anyone there?", but it sounded like I was trying to reprimand him to get him to accept something. I could yell, "Are you okay?", but I don't mean for him to stick around or "improve his character" in order to be more "okay" ten years later. I just want him to have choices now, to feel better now, and not by "accepting" something he doesn't like now. He'll be home before long, probably feeling good about dinner and playing on his phone in the middle of the night. Maybe the person who yelled wasn't a rebellious child, and then this thing wouldn't matter much to me.12:50:16
@oinkingpork:matrix.orgoinkingporkOne way the Chinese use words to make some children miserable is that they will not say that these people's objections are an opinion, or even just say that they will treat these people according to their ideas anyway. They will say that opposition is a "problem" and the solution is to discipline these people more, improve their character, change their perspective, get them to accept things so they won't object and everyone is happy in the end . The painful thing about this is that even though you are unwilling to change your perspective, they are still constantly reminding you that there is another path, and that is for you to "accept" or "improve your character." You are constantly reminded of such "other paths," and you do suffer because of your opposition to them, but this reminder does not allow you to accept it painlessly, but only increases your self-contradiction, anger, opposition, and pain. It can be said that the failure of this situation is that the rape is not strong enough or lacks skill, so there are still people who are opposed to it and are unhappy. This statement cannot be called untrue. You have indeed failed to improve my character and made me suffer because I did not accept you. But I am afraid that the inspiration given to me at this time is not that I hope you can succeed in improving my character, but the opposite.14:35:03
8 May 2024
@oinkingpork:matrix.orgoinkingporkI almost doubt if they are intentionally vague so that children are forced to think twice about the shame and character-improvement requirements they are placing on them.04:14:06
14 May 2024
Download Screenshot_2024-05-14-19-40-33-84_572064f74bd5f9fa804b05334aa4f912.jpg
@oinkingpork:matrix.orgoinkingpork屏幕截图 2024-05-14 201854.png
Download 屏幕截图 2024-05-14 201854.png
15 May 2024
@steelmainthing1:matrix.org@steelmainthing1:matrix.org oinkingpork: this is not the right place to talk about this 13:20:22
18 May 2024
@oinkingpork:matrix.orgoinkingporkWhat does the first day of school look like? It's like the only chance you have to feel like you can skip school without feeling too ashamed because you haven't been reprimanded by your teacher yet. This lost opportunity makes me feel remorseful.05:57:43
@oinkingpork:matrix.orgoinkingporkFreedom is more important than life, and very few people can do it. People are still afraid of death, so children can only be slaves. So what if people are born to work instead of being fed by their parents? Isn't dying of hunger better than being forced to go to school?06:04:44
19 May 2024
@oinkingpork:matrix.orgoinkingporkDo you think it's okay for the government to restrict speech for security reasons? I'm using the term "speech" in a broad sense to include personal apparel, demonstrations, and so on. The other point is that, for example, there are two strategies for issues like personal dress. One is to emphasize that personal apparel is not necessarily related to insecurity, and even if they are, banning certain personal apparel is not necessarily good for security. This is not a complete expression; for example, banning personal apparel may not be beneficial to safety in the short run, but in the long run it may help to foster a mindset that values restraint, which may then be beneficial to safety. The second is to emphasize that personal apparel is something that should not be banned anyway, and that we should decide the matter without regard to how it affects safety, over and above dealing with the safety issue itself attempting to restrict personal apparel is unethical anyway. This is a more direct expression of my sentiments, but it may then lack conviction for some. I'm not a child now, and I don't care to temporarily and minutely suppress my emotions and selectively use strategic expression. But if I were that child, using strategic expression instead of more direct expression sometimes more or less defeats the whole point - I don't want to have to choose strategic expression with reason in order to express my anger and defiance, in turn. Translated with DeepL.com (free version)13:53:01
22 May 2024
@oinkingpork:matrix.orgoinkingporkThe Chinese don't belong to themselves, they belong to the traditional culture and the people the government hires to write in the newspapers all day long. The Chinese are spanked by these two things all day long to improve their character, prolong their lives and cultivate immortality. Similar to the Bible, except the government sends out new versions all day long. Then there's the teacher, who makes up new words to scold his students all day long, as if he were making up new chapters for the Bible all day long.18:12:35
6 Jun 2024
@steelmainthing1:matrix.org@steelmainthing1:matrix.org left the room.04:37:20
@oinkingpork:matrix.orgoinkingporkRedacted or Malformed Event17:20:18
@oinkingpork:matrix.orgoinkingporkWhy don't parents starve their children instead of beating them? It's just as hard to eat one meal for two days, no dying needed. Maybe his concentration will be an issue while he's studying on those two days. But you could let them sleep outside and that might solve the attention problem, although it's not necessarily so bad as to require a longer punishment. While lack of food and shelter is often a consequence of not working or working badly, the aforementioned discipline is still punishment, of course. If it were winter, this would have to be shortened, and it's hard to say whether you'd want to take his clothes away or not.17:21:35
@oinkingpork:matrix.orgoinkingporkShame on you for sleeping outside, man! The next best thing is hunger, and again, snow.17:32:36
7 Jun 2024
@partypro10:matrix.orgMikaOh oh temu16:17:28
11 Jun 2024
@oinkingpork:matrix.orgoinkingporkhttps://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdXOl_tWBHZpBX8aH4SQm0UdMhZFlvlOQJUI7A-UbMXcPOz9Q/viewform?usp=sf_link (Complaints/Objections against Being Disciplined, Schooling (or Hope It to Be More Lenient) or Parents that Feel Harsh)08:37:56
12 Jun 2024
@oinkingpork:matrix.orgoinkingporkChildren should play dumb to avoid being disciplined. In fact, the feasibility of this approach is enhanced by the fact that playing dumb on a continuous basis may lead to real dumbness. Some people do this to some extent. They still go to college and show relative intelligence in college.01:06:07
28 Jun 2024
@oinkingpork:matrix.orgoinkingporkWhy is it that liberal discourse can make those who have been disciplined with reprimands feel a little more relaxed? What does the "why" in this sentence refer to? It's probably to examine the mechanics of these words and try to come up with some way to feel good about yourself without the words of others. Of course, it's also about examining whether there's anything you haven't considered, so that you don't get attacked by your own head later on. Feeling good about yourself is considered frivolous thing to feel shameful about. I should have expressed it in the previous paragraph as "not feel bad about yourself".07:35:01

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